Neue Visu Aktualisierung der Variablen

Rückmeldung meinerseits:
bisher ist kein Fehler mehr am iPhone aufgetreten (egal ob Zugriff per VPN oder über ipmagic
iPad konnte ich aufgrund Dienstreise nicht dauerhaft prüfen, muss ich auf nächste Woche vertrösten. Meine Frau hat jedoch keine Fehlerbilder geschickt :slight_smile:

1 „Gefällt mir“

So, neues Debugging ist eingereicht. Ich bin mal gespannt, was da passiert… Es freut mich aber zu hören, dass wir scheinbar schon das ein oder andere Problem gelöst haben!

Bekomme jetzt am Androidgerät folgende Fehlermeldung mit der aktuellen Beta „von gerade“

Weiß aber nicht, ob das mit dem Connect zusammen hängt oder ein Androidproblem ist?

Am iPhone und iPad läuft es nach dem Update erstmal ohne Fehler.

Ich habe gerade wieder einen eingefangen:

7.1.1 4bb1ec1c13ddf61b4b49c84e862b3efe1846791e 1712926165 iOS 164  iPhone

13.4.2024 - 16:24:04: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
13.4.2024 - 16:24:04: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
13.4.2024 - 16:24:04: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
13.4.2024 - 16:24:04: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
13.4.2024 - 16:24:04: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
13.4.2024 - 16:24:04: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
13.4.2024 - 16:24:04: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
13.4.2024 - 16:24:04: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
13.4.2024 - 16:24:04: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
13.4.2024 - 16:24:04: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
13.4.2024 - 16:24:04: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
13.4.2024 - 16:24:04: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
13.4.2024 - 16:24:04: Get Available Connection
13.4.2024 - 16:24:04: Try URLs = [,]
13.4.2024 - 16:24:04: Trying to establish a connection to
13.4.2024 - 16:24:05: Found server at Establishing connection...
13.4.2024 - 16:24:05: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 2278477, true)
13.4.2024 - 16:24:05: After hand over: ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 2278477, true)
13.4.2024 - 16:24:05: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 53323
13.4.2024 - 16:24:09: Connected to Socket of ws://
13.4.2024 - 16:24:09: Failed to update snapshot diff of ws:// Request range is bigger than message buffer
13.4.2024 - 16:24:09: Starting to get snapshot
13.4.2024 - 16:24:09: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed
13.4.2024 - 16:24:09: active = false
13.4.2024 - 17:57:13: Error when loading snapshot after failed snapshot changes
13.4.2024 - 17:57:13: Disconnected from Socket of Catch error: ClientException: Connection reset by peer, uri=
13.4.2024 - 17:57:13: active = false
13.4.2024 - 17:58:10: Create new network
13.4.2024 - 17:58:10: Get Available Connection

Um 17:57 hing der Verbindungsaufbau, ab 17:58 habe ich die Verbindung manuell wieder hergestellt

Einen ähnlichen Fall gab es am 14.4.

7.1.1 4bb1ec1c13ddf61b4b49c84e862b3efe1846791e 1712926165 iOS 164  iPhone

14.4.2024 - 05:55:08: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
14.4.2024 - 05:55:08: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
14.4.2024 - 05:55:08: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
14.4.2024 - 05:55:08: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
14.4.2024 - 05:55:08: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
14.4.2024 - 05:55:08: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
14.4.2024 - 05:55:08: Get Available Connection
14.4.2024 - 05:55:08: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
14.4.2024 - 05:55:08: Try URLs = [,]
14.4.2024 - 05:55:08: Trying to establish a connection to
14.4.2024 - 05:55:08: Found server at Establishing connection...
14.4.2024 - 05:55:08: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 5907733, true)
14.4.2024 - 05:55:08: After hand over: ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 5907733, true)
14.4.2024 - 05:55:08: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 53323
14.4.2024 - 05:55:08: Connected to Socket of ws://
14.4.2024 - 05:55:08: Failed to update snapshot diff of ws:// Request range is bigger than message buffer
14.4.2024 - 05:55:08: Starting to get snapshot
14.4.2024 - 05:55:08: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed
14.4.2024 - 05:55:08: active = false
14.4.2024 - 07:54:41: Error when loading snapshot after failed snapshot changes
14.4.2024 - 07:54:41: Disconnected from Socket of Catch error: ClientException: Bad file descriptor, uri=
14.4.2024 - 07:54:41: active = false
14.4.2024 - 07:55:12: Create new network
14.4.2024 - 07:55:12: Get Available Connection

Es bleibt kurios… Wenn der Snapshot neu geladen wird, wird prophylaktisch der aktuelle Websocket-Kanal noch einmal geschlossen. In diesem speziellen Fall passiert das aber eigentlich schon vorher, woraufhin das prophylaktische Schließen keinen Effekt mehr haben sollte. Scheinbar fliegt da aber ein Fehler. Der wiederum sollte aber auch abgefangen werden, was scheinbar nicht funktioniert… Ich bin definitiv verwirrt, was hier passiert und habe die Trennung der Verbindung nochmal mit jeder Menge Debug vollgepackt. Hoffentlich hilft das für die Lokalisierung… Ich baue heute also wieder eine Version

1 „Gefällt mir“

Das habe ich ständig wenn ich bei meinen 5 Android Tablets über den Webbrowser (weil mit Fully Kiosk einfach besser) die Visu aufrufe. Also leider immer noch unbenutzbar.

Bei der App hatte ich es Gottseidank noch nie, oder es ist mir noch nicht aufgefallen.

Ich hoffe das wird noch gefixt :slight_smile:

Hier die neuen Daten:

7.1.1 7361f71a4055cd58d310910c55c7c820456aa0c5 1713427517 iOS 165  iPhone

19.4.2024 - 00:16:48: After closing webSocket
19.4.2024 - 00:16:48: Closing WebSocket done
19.4.2024 - 05:43:49: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed
19.4.2024 - 05:43:49: active = true
19.4.2024 - 05:43:49: Closing Websocket
19.4.2024 - 05:43:49: Before closing webSocket: Instance of 'IOWebSocketChannel'
19.4.2024 - 05:43:49: After closing webSocket
19.4.2024 - 05:43:49: Closing WebSocket done
19.4.2024 - 05:43:49: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
19.4.2024 - 05:43:49: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
19.4.2024 - 05:43:49: Get Available Connection
19.4.2024 - 05:43:50: Try URLs = [,]
19.4.2024 - 05:43:50: Trying to establish a connection to
19.4.2024 - 05:43:50: Found server at Establishing connection...
19.4.2024 - 05:43:50: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 55376813, true)
19.4.2024 - 05:43:50: After hand over: ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 55376813, true)
19.4.2024 - 05:43:50: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 53323
19.4.2024 - 05:43:50: Connected to Socket of ws://
19.4.2024 - 05:43:50: Failed to update snapshot diff of ws:// Request range is bigger than message buffer
19.4.2024 - 05:43:50: Closing Websocket
19.4.2024 - 05:43:50: Before closing webSocket: Instance of 'IOWebSocketChannel'
19.4.2024 - 05:43:50: After closing webSocket
19.4.2024 - 05:43:50: Closing WebSocket done
19.4.2024 - 05:43:50: Closing Websocket
19.4.2024 - 05:43:50: Before closing webSocket: null
19.4.2024 - 05:43:50: After closing webSocket
19.4.2024 - 05:43:50: Closing WebSocket done
19.4.2024 - 05:43:50: Starting to get snapshot
19.4.2024 - 05:43:50: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed
19.4.2024 - 05:43:50: active = false
19.4.2024 - 07:44:38: Error when loading snapshot after failed snapshot changes
19.4.2024 - 07:44:38: Disconnected from Socket of Catch error: ClientException: Bad file descriptor, uri=
19.4.2024 - 07:44:38: active = false
19.4.2024 - 07:47:14: Create new network
19.4.2024 - 07:47:14: Get Available Connection

Ich sag zu den Logs einfach nichts mehr und baue einfach eine neue Debug-Version… Das „kann eigentlich alles gar nicht sein“… Der Fehler passt überhaupt nicht zu der Stelle an der er fliegen sollte. Also, bohren wir ein bisschen weiter. Ich bin gespannt was wir da noch finden… Es tut mir leid, dass es hier so intensiv hin und her geht, aber leider habe ich aktuell keinen anderen Lösungsansatz :frowning:

Ja so ist es manchmal, macht es aber auch spannend :slight_smile:

Zum Glück tritt der Fehler ja jede Nacht auf. Wenn du eine Idee hast, wie ich ihn provozieren kann, dann probiere ich es gerne aus.
In seltenen Fällen sehe ich ihn auch tagsüber schon einmal.

Hier nun ein neuer Debug:

7.1.1 7a9ba8df3e591bed81962af857a9c6fa24a8eacf 1713532982 iOS 166  iPhone

20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: active = true
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: Closing Websocket
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: Before closing webSocket: Instance of 'IOWebSocketChannel'
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: After closing webSocket
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: Closing WebSocket done
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: Get Available Connection
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: Try URLs = [,]
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: Trying to establish a connection to
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: Found server at Establishing connection...
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 66473432, true)
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: After hand over: ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 66473432, true)
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 53323
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: Connected to Socket of ws://
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: Failed to update snapshot diff of ws:// Request range is bigger than message buffer
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: Closing Websocket
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: Before closing webSocket: Instance of 'IOWebSocketChannel'
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: After closing webSocket
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: Closing WebSocket done
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: Closing Websocket
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: Before closing webSocket: null
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: After closing webSocket
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: Closing WebSocket done
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: Starting to get snapshot
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed
20.4.2024 - 05:41:36: active = false
20.4.2024 - 07:54:03: Error when loading snapshot after failed snapshot changes
20.4.2024 - 07:54:03: Disconnected from Socket of Catch error: ClientException: Bad file descriptor, uri=
20.4.2024 - 07:54:03: active = false
20.4.2024 - 07:55:04: Create new network
20.4.2024 - 07:55:04: Get Available Connection

und noch ein weiterer

7.1.1 7a9ba8df3e591bed81962af857a9c6fa24a8eacf 1713532982 iOS 166  iPhone

21.4.2024 - 09:22:22: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
21.4.2024 - 09:22:22: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
21.4.2024 - 09:22:22: Get Available Connection
21.4.2024 - 09:22:22: Try URLs = [,]
21.4.2024 - 09:22:22: Trying to establish a connection to
21.4.2024 - 09:22:22: Found server at Establishing connection...
21.4.2024 - 09:22:22: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 9320216, true)
21.4.2024 - 09:22:22: After hand over: ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 9320216, true)
21.4.2024 - 09:22:22: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 53323
21.4.2024 - 09:22:22: Connected to Socket of ws://
21.4.2024 - 09:22:22: Failed to update snapshot diff of ws:// Request range is bigger than message buffer
21.4.2024 - 09:22:22: Closing Websocket
21.4.2024 - 09:22:22: Before closing webSocket: Instance of 'IOWebSocketChannel'
21.4.2024 - 09:22:22: After closing webSocket
21.4.2024 - 09:22:22: Closing WebSocket done
21.4.2024 - 09:22:22: Closing Websocket
21.4.2024 - 09:22:22: Before closing webSocket: null
21.4.2024 - 09:22:22: After closing webSocket
21.4.2024 - 09:22:22: Closing WebSocket done
21.4.2024 - 09:22:22: Starting to get snapshot
21.4.2024 - 09:22:22: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed
21.4.2024 - 09:22:22: active = false
21.4.2024 - 09:22:23: Snapshot received
21.4.2024 - 09:22:23: Starting to load snapshot
21.4.2024 - 09:22:23: Snapshot loaded
21.4.2024 - 09:22:23: Snapshot from loaded
21.4.2024 - 09:22:23: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 53323
21.4.2024 - 09:24:28: Disconnected from Socket of Catch error: OS Error: Bad file descriptor, errno = 9
21.4.2024 - 09:24:28: active = true
21.4.2024 - 09:24:28: Closing Websocket
21.4.2024 - 09:24:28: Before closing webSocket: Instance of 'IOWebSocketChannel'
21.4.2024 - 09:24:28: Error when loading snapshot after failed snapshot changes
21.4.2024 - 12:41:05: Create new network
21.4.2024 - 12:41:05: Get Available Connection

bei mir gerade wieder kein Reconnect mehr. Es half nur Server neu Anwahl.

7.1 Debug.txt (8,0 KB)

War durch Home Office nicht so oft aus dem W-Lan.

Der Reconnect dauert allerdings meist 2-4 Sekunden, dafür war aber bis eben jede Verbindung erfolgreich.

Gruß Achim

Ok, ich habe potentiell mal wieder eine Stelle lokalisiert. Automatisches Handling wird da komplizierter, daher kommt bei dem Wiederverbindungs-Overlay dann ein „Ich kann das nicht automatisch“ und ein Button für den manuellen Reconnect. Schaut mal, ob das bei euch klappt, dann kann ich das ggfs. weiter verfeinern.

Und mal spaßeshalber meine Testumgebung. Beachtet vor allem die Leiste unten um diverse Disconnect-Varianten auszulösen :slight_smile:

2 „Gefällt mir“

Gestern morgen bekam ich mit dem build 172 folgenden Verbindungsdialog:

Nach Auswahl von „Neu Verbinden“ blieb er auf folgender Seite hängen:

Erst mit „Anderen Server auswählen“ ging es dann weiter.

Das Logile:

7.1.2 9301ebc1fbbf42e80995a10209c4b4f31efb074c 1714657421 iOS 172  iPhone

6.5.2024 - 06:44:08: Could not load snapshot from ClientException: Bad file descriptor, uri=
6.5.2024 - 06:44:08: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connectionSingularFail
6.5.2024 - 06:44:08: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connectionSingularFail
6.5.2024 - 06:44:08: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connectionSingularFail
6.5.2024 - 06:44:08: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connectionSingularFail
6.5.2024 - 06:44:08: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connectionSingularFail
6.5.2024 - 06:44:08: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connectionSingularFail
6.5.2024 - 06:44:08: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connectionSingularFail
6.5.2024 - 06:44:08: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connectionSingularFail
6.5.2024 - 06:44:08: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connectionSingularFail
6.5.2024 - 06:44:08: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connectionSingularFail
6.5.2024 - 06:44:42: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
6.5.2024 - 06:44:42: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
6.5.2024 - 06:44:42: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
6.5.2024 - 06:44:42: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
6.5.2024 - 06:44:42: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
6.5.2024 - 06:44:42: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
6.5.2024 - 06:44:42: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
6.5.2024 - 06:44:42: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
6.5.2024 - 06:44:42: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
6.5.2024 - 06:44:42: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
6.5.2024 - 06:45:42: Create new network

Da war für einen Test einfach noch was auskommentiert… Das passt also zu deinem beobachteten Verhalten :smiley: Ich packe das wieder rein… Aber zumindest wird der fehlerhafte Disconnect korrekt erkannt, das ist schonmal gut.

In der jetzigen Version funktioniert nun der Button zur Wiederanmeldung:

Hier das Log:

7.1.2 f1f3dc7963b1e95a424db30705346d68ec4744c3 1715088254 iOS 175  iPhone

7.5.2024 - 23:55:31: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed
7.5.2024 - 23:55:31: active = false
7.5.2024 - 23:55:34: Snapshot received
7.5.2024 - 23:55:34: Starting to load snapshot
7.5.2024 - 23:55:34: Snapshot loaded
7.5.2024 - 23:55:34: Snapshot from loaded
7.5.2024 - 23:55:34: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 53323
7.5.2024 - 23:55:34: Connected to Socket of ws://
7.5.2024 - 23:55:34: Successfully updated snapshot diff of ws://
7.5.2024 - 23:55:34: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected
7.5.2024 - 23:55:34: Closing Websocket
7.5.2024 - 23:55:34: Before closing webSocket: null
7.5.2024 - 23:55:34: After closing webSocket
7.5.2024 - 23:55:34: Closing WebSocket done
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: active = true
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: Closing Websocket
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: Before closing webSocket: Instance of 'IOWebSocketChannel'
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: After closing webSocket
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: Closing WebSocket done
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: Get Available Connection
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: Try URLs = [,]
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: Trying to establish a connection to
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: Found server at Establishing connection...
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 2248553, true)
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: After hand over: ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 2248553, true)
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 53323
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: Connected to Socket of ws://
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: Failed to update snapshot diff of ws:// Request range is bigger than message buffer
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: Closing Websocket
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: Before closing webSocket: Instance of 'IOWebSocketChannel'
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: After closing webSocket
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: Closing WebSocket done
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: Closing Websocket
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: Before closing webSocket: null
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: After closing webSocket
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: Closing WebSocket done
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: Starting to get snapshot
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed
8.5.2024 - 05:04:34: active = false
8.5.2024 - 07:06:54: Could not load snapshot from ClientException: Bad file descriptor, uri=
8.5.2024 - 07:06:54: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connectionSingularFail
8.5.2024 - 07:08:41: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
8.5.2024 - 07:08:41: Get Available Connection
8.5.2024 - 07:08:41: Try URLs = [,]
8.5.2024 - 07:08:41: Trying to establish a connection to
8.5.2024 - 07:08:41: Found server at Establishing connection...
8.5.2024 - 07:08:41: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 2248553, true)
8.5.2024 - 07:08:41: After hand over: ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 2248553, true)
8.5.2024 - 07:08:41: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 53323
8.5.2024 - 07:08:41: Connected to Socket of ws://
8.5.2024 - 07:08:41: Failed to update snapshot diff of ws:// Request range is bigger than message buffer
8.5.2024 - 07:08:41: Closing Websocket
8.5.2024 - 07:08:41: Before closing webSocket: Instance of 'IOWebSocketChannel'
8.5.2024 - 07:08:41: After closing webSocket
8.5.2024 - 07:08:41: Closing WebSocket done
8.5.2024 - 07:08:41: Closing Websocket
8.5.2024 - 07:08:41: Before closing webSocket: null
8.5.2024 - 07:08:41: After closing webSocket
8.5.2024 - 07:08:41: Closing WebSocket done
8.5.2024 - 07:08:41: Starting to get snapshot
8.5.2024 - 07:08:41: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed
8.5.2024 - 07:08:41: active = false
8.5.2024 - 07:08:42: Snapshot received
8.5.2024 - 07:08:42: Starting to load snapshot
8.5.2024 - 07:08:42: Snapshot loaded
8.5.2024 - 07:08:42: Snapshot from loaded
8.5.2024 - 07:08:42: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 53323
8.5.2024 - 07:08:42: Connected to Socket of ws://
8.5.2024 - 07:08:42: Successfully updated snapshot diff of ws://
8.5.2024 - 07:08:42: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected
8.5.2024 - 07:08:42: Closing Websocket
8.5.2024 - 07:08:42: Before closing webSocket: null
8.5.2024 - 07:08:42: After closing webSocket
8.5.2024 - 07:08:42: Closing WebSocket done
8.5.2024 - 07:09:28: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed
8.5.2024 - 07:09:28: active = true
8.5.2024 - 07:09:28: Closing Websocket
8.5.2024 - 07:09:28: Before closing webSocket: Instance of 'IOWebSocketChannel'
8.5.2024 - 07:09:28: After closing webSocket
8.5.2024 - 07:09:28: Closing WebSocket done
8.5.2024 - 07:09:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
8.5.2024 - 07:09:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
8.5.2024 - 07:09:28: Get Available Connection
8.5.2024 - 07:09:28: Try URLs = [,]
8.5.2024 - 07:09:28: Trying to establish a connection to
8.5.2024 - 07:09:28: Found server at Establishing connection...
8.5.2024 - 07:09:28: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 5278110, true)
8.5.2024 - 07:09:28: After hand over: ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 5278110, true)
8.5.2024 - 07:09:28: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 53323
8.5.2024 - 07:09:28: Connected to Socket of ws://
8.5.2024 - 07:09:28: Successfully updated snapshot diff of ws://
8.5.2024 - 07:09:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected
8.5.2024 - 07:09:28: Closing Websocket
8.5.2024 - 07:09:28: Before closing webSocket: null
8.5.2024 - 07:09:28: After closing webSocket
8.5.2024 - 07:09:28: Closing WebSocket done
8.5.2024 - 07:09:40: Create new network

Ich hoffe es hilft dir, es weiter zu verfeinern.

Kurzes Fazit nach ein paar Tagen:

Die bislang regelmäßigen morgendlichen Verbindungsprobleme sind zuletzt nicht mehr aufgetreten, allerdings waren die letzten Tage nicht unbedingt vergleichbar.

Allerdings kam es heute zu zwei Situationen, bei denen die Verbindung nicht automatisch aufgebaut wurde. Eine habe ich dokumentieren können:

Nach einem Wiedereintritt ins heimische WLAN blieb der Verbindungsdialog hängen:

Das Log dazu

7.1.2 055341bc077efc97cc609c5a7fd01dbce108ff0e 1715854466 iOS 177  iPhone

17.5.2024 - 10:59:09: Connected to Socket of wss://
17.5.2024 - 10:59:09: Failed to update snapshot diff of wss:// Request range is bigger than message buffer
17.5.2024 - 10:59:09: Closing Websocket
17.5.2024 - 10:59:09: Before closing webSocket: Instance of 'IOWebSocketChannel'
17.5.2024 - 10:59:09: After closing webSocket
17.5.2024 - 10:59:09: Closing WebSocket done
17.5.2024 - 10:59:09: Closing Websocket
17.5.2024 - 10:59:09: Before closing webSocket: null
17.5.2024 - 10:59:09: After closing webSocket
17.5.2024 - 10:59:09: Closing WebSocket done
17.5.2024 - 10:59:09: Starting to get snapshot
17.5.2024 - 10:59:09: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed
17.5.2024 - 10:59:09: active = false
17.5.2024 - 10:59:11: Snapshot received
17.5.2024 - 10:59:11: Starting to load snapshot
17.5.2024 - 10:59:11: Snapshot loaded
17.5.2024 - 10:59:11: Snapshot from loaded
17.5.2024 - 10:59:11: Connect to WebSocket, uri = wss://, configuratorID = 53323
17.5.2024 - 11:18:39: Disconnected from Socket of Catch error: SocketException: Bad file descriptor (OS Error: Bad file descriptor, errno = 9), address =, port = 51514
17.5.2024 - 11:18:39: active = true
17.5.2024 - 11:18:39: Closing Websocket
17.5.2024 - 11:18:39: Before closing webSocket: Instance of 'IOWebSocketChannel'
17.5.2024 - 11:18:39: Error when loading snapshot after failed snapshot changes
17.5.2024 - 11:21:01: Create new network

Heute ist das bekannte Problem wieder aufgetreten:

Das zugehörige Log:

7.1.2 055341bc077efc97cc609c5a7fd01dbce108ff0e 1715854466 iOS 177  iPhone

23.5.2024 - 00:08:39: Closing WebSocket done
23.5.2024 - 04:40:24: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed
23.5.2024 - 04:40:24: active = true
23.5.2024 - 04:40:24: Closing Websocket
23.5.2024 - 04:40:24: Before closing webSocket: Instance of 'IOWebSocketChannel'
23.5.2024 - 04:40:24: After closing webSocket
23.5.2024 - 04:40:24: Closing WebSocket done
23.5.2024 - 04:40:24: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
23.5.2024 - 04:40:24: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
23.5.2024 - 04:40:24: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
23.5.2024 - 04:40:24: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
23.5.2024 - 04:40:24: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 04:40:24: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 04:40:24: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 04:40:24: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 04:40:24: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 04:40:24: Get Available Connection
23.5.2024 - 04:40:24: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 04:40:24: Try URLs = [,]
23.5.2024 - 04:40:24: Trying to establish a connection to
23.5.2024 - 04:40:24: Found server at Establishing connection...
23.5.2024 - 04:40:24: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 58545979, true)
23.5.2024 - 04:40:24: After hand over: ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 58545979, true)
23.5.2024 - 04:40:24: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 53323
23.5.2024 - 07:57:03: Disconnected from Socket of Catch error: HttpException: Bad file descriptor, uri =
23.5.2024 - 07:57:03: active = true
23.5.2024 - 07:57:03: Closing Websocket
23.5.2024 - 07:57:03: Before closing webSocket: Instance of 'IOWebSocketChannel'
23.5.2024 - 07:58:13: Create new network

Die Logs wirken so, als wenn sich da der Vorgang beim Trennen der Verbindung einfach aufhängt… Ich habe mal ein paar Timeouts hinzugefügt, mal schauen, ob die das verbessern.

Und dann hatte ich vorhin die Situation, dass sich meine Variablen (hier: Uhrzeit) nicht mehr aktualisieren. Schalten funktioniert, aber keine Änderung in der Anzeige:

Es ist 13:25, aber die Zeitvariable zeigt noch 11:19:30 an:

Das dazugehörige Log:

7.1.2 055341bc077efc97cc609c5a7fd01dbce108ff0e 1715854466 iOS 177  iPhone

23.5.2024 - 11:17:37: Closing WebSocket done
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: active = true
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Closing Websocket
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Before closing webSocket: Instance of 'IOWebSocketChannel'
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: After closing webSocket
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Closing WebSocket done
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Get Available Connection
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Try URLs = [,]
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Trying to establish a connection to
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Found server at Establishing connection...
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 63268837, true)
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: After hand over: ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 63268837, true)
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 53323
23.5.2024 - 11:18:10: Connected to Socket of ws://
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: active = true
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Closing Websocket
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Before closing webSocket: Instance of 'IOWebSocketChannel'
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: After closing webSocket
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Closing WebSocket done
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Failed to update snapshot diff of ws:// ClientException: Bad file descriptor, uri=
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Closing Websocket
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Before closing webSocket: null
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: After closing webSocket
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Closing WebSocket done
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Closing Websocket
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Before closing webSocket: null
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: After closing webSocket
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Closing WebSocket done
23.5.2024 - 11:19:28: Starting to get snapshot
23.5.2024 - 11:19:29: Snapshot received
23.5.2024 - 11:19:29: Starting to load snapshot
23.5.2024 - 11:19:29: Snapshot loaded
23.5.2024 - 11:19:29: Snapshot from loaded
23.5.2024 - 11:19:29: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 53323
23.5.2024 - 11:19:29: Connected to Socket of ws://
23.5.2024 - 11:19:29: Successfully updated snapshot diff of ws://
23.5.2024 - 11:19:29: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected
23.5.2024 - 11:19:29: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected
23.5.2024 - 11:19:29: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected
23.5.2024 - 11:19:29: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected
23.5.2024 - 11:19:29: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected
23.5.2024 - 11:19:29: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected
23.5.2024 - 11:19:29: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected
23.5.2024 - 11:19:29: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected
23.5.2024 - 11:19:29: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected
23.5.2024 - 11:19:29: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected
23.5.2024 - 11:19:29: Closing Websocket
23.5.2024 - 11:19:29: Before closing webSocket: Instance of 'IOWebSocketChannel'
23.5.2024 - 11:19:29: After closing webSocket
23.5.2024 - 11:19:29: Closing WebSocket done
23.5.2024 - 11:19:29: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed
23.5.2024 - 11:19:29: active = false
23.5.2024 - 13:15:33: Get Available Connection
23.5.2024 - 13:15:33: Try URLs = [,]
23.5.2024 - 13:15:33: Trying to establish a connection to
23.5.2024 - 13:15:33: Found server at Establishing connection...
23.5.2024 - 13:15:33: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = null
23.5.2024 - 13:25:09: Create new network

Mit der aktuellen Version sieht es jetzt „kontrollierter“ aus. Es kommt der Hinweis zum Neuverbinden:

Hier das Log:

7.1.2 0d630ffe3bbdadf89b30951dacbf21f3b0b5d6dd 1716556057 iOS 178  iPhone

25.5.2024 - 23:17:02: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
25.5.2024 - 23:17:02: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
25.5.2024 - 23:17:02: Get Available Connection
25.5.2024 - 23:17:02: Try URLs = [,]
25.5.2024 - 23:17:02: Trying to establish a connection to
25.5.2024 - 23:50:17: Connection to failed
25.5.2024 - 23:50:17: Trying to establish a connection to
25.5.2024 - 23:50:18: Found server at Establishing connection...
25.5.2024 - 23:50:18: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 474080, true)
25.5.2024 - 23:50:18: After hand over: ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 474080, true)
25.5.2024 - 23:50:19: Connect to WebSocket, uri = wss://, configuratorID = 53323
25.5.2024 - 23:50:19: Connected to Socket of wss://
25.5.2024 - 23:50:19: Failed to update snapshot diff of wss:// Request range is bigger than message buffer
25.5.2024 - 23:50:19: Closing Websocket
25.5.2024 - 23:50:19: Before closing webSocket: Instance of 'IOWebSocketChannel'
25.5.2024 - 23:50:19: After closing webSocket
25.5.2024 - 23:50:19: Closing WebSocket done
25.5.2024 - 23:50:19: Closing Websocket
25.5.2024 - 23:50:19: Before closing webSocket: null
25.5.2024 - 23:50:19: After closing webSocket
25.5.2024 - 23:50:19: Closing WebSocket done
25.5.2024 - 23:50:19: Starting to get snapshot
25.5.2024 - 23:50:19: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed
25.5.2024 - 23:50:19: active = false
25.5.2024 - 23:50:20: Snapshot received
25.5.2024 - 23:50:20: Starting to load snapshot
25.5.2024 - 23:50:20: Snapshot loaded
25.5.2024 - 23:50:20: Snapshot from loaded
25.5.2024 - 23:50:20: Connect to WebSocket, uri = wss://, configuratorID = 53323
25.5.2024 - 23:50:21: Connected to Socket of wss://
25.5.2024 - 23:50:21: Successfully updated snapshot diff of wss://
25.5.2024 - 23:50:21: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected
25.5.2024 - 23:50:21: Closing Websocket
25.5.2024 - 23:50:21: Before closing webSocket: null
25.5.2024 - 23:50:21: After closing webSocket
25.5.2024 - 23:50:21: Closing WebSocket done
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: active = true
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: Closing Websocket
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: Before closing webSocket: Instance of 'IOWebSocketChannel'
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: After closing webSocket
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: Closing WebSocket done
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: Get Available Connection
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: Try URLs = [,]
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: Trying to establish a connection to
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: Found server at Establishing connection...
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 771410, true)
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: After hand over: ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 771410, true)
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 53323
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: Connected to Socket of ws://
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: Failed to update snapshot diff of ws:// Request range is bigger than message buffer
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: Closing Websocket
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: Before closing webSocket: Instance of 'IOWebSocketChannel'
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: After closing webSocket
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: Closing WebSocket done
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: Closing Websocket
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: Before closing webSocket: null
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: After closing webSocket
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: Closing WebSocket done
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: Starting to get snapshot
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed
26.5.2024 - 04:36:36: active = false
26.5.2024 - 07:42:07: Could not load snapshot from ClientException: Bad file descriptor, uri=
26.5.2024 - 07:42:07: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connectionSingularFail
26.5.2024 - 07:43:16: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
26.5.2024 - 07:43:16: Get Available Connection
26.5.2024 - 07:43:16: Try URLs = [,]
26.5.2024 - 07:43:16: Trying to establish a connection to
26.5.2024 - 07:43:16: Found server at Establishing connection...
26.5.2024 - 07:43:16: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 771410, true)
26.5.2024 - 07:43:16: After hand over: ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 771410, true)
26.5.2024 - 07:43:16: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 53323
26.5.2024 - 07:43:16: Connected to Socket of ws://
26.5.2024 - 07:43:16: Failed to update snapshot diff of ws:// Request range is bigger than message buffer
26.5.2024 - 07:43:16: Closing Websocket
26.5.2024 - 07:43:16: Before closing webSocket: Instance of 'IOWebSocketChannel'
26.5.2024 - 07:43:16: After closing webSocket
26.5.2024 - 07:43:16: Closing WebSocket done
26.5.2024 - 07:43:16: Closing Websocket
26.5.2024 - 07:43:16: Before closing webSocket: null
26.5.2024 - 07:43:16: After closing webSocket
26.5.2024 - 07:43:16: Closing WebSocket done
26.5.2024 - 07:43:16: Starting to get snapshot
26.5.2024 - 07:43:16: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed
26.5.2024 - 07:43:16: active = false
26.5.2024 - 07:43:17: Snapshot received
26.5.2024 - 07:43:17: Starting to load snapshot
26.5.2024 - 07:43:17: Snapshot loaded
26.5.2024 - 07:43:17: Snapshot from loaded
26.5.2024 - 07:43:17: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 53323
26.5.2024 - 07:43:17: Connected to Socket of ws://
26.5.2024 - 07:43:17: Successfully updated snapshot diff of ws://
26.5.2024 - 07:43:17: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected
26.5.2024 - 07:43:17: Closing Websocket
26.5.2024 - 07:43:17: Before closing webSocket: null
26.5.2024 - 07:43:17: After closing webSocket
26.5.2024 - 07:43:17: Closing WebSocket done
26.5.2024 - 07:43:24: Create new network

Um 07:43:16 habe ich dann „neu verbinden“ angewählt, was auch klappte. Die Frage ist, warum die App das nicht selber probiert hat.

Beim automatischen Versuch schlägt es halt leider fehl. Ich vermute, dass direkt beim wieder „aufwachen“ manche Sachen noch nicht funktionieren. Wenn du dann den Button betätigst, sind die aber schon längst wieder hochgefahren und alles funktioniert wie geplant. Da kann man bestimmt nochmal schauen, dass man irgendwelche Automatismen einbaut. Vielleicht kann ich den problematischen Zustand beim aufwachen irgendwie beobachten oder einfach zyklisch erneut probieren, aber das schaue ich mir ein anderes mal an. Wichtig ist mir erst einmal vor allem, dass die technische Seite wie geplant funktioniert.