Neue Visu Aktualisierung der Variablen

Beim automatischen Versuch schlägt es halt leider fehl. Ich vermute, dass direkt beim wieder „aufwachen“ manche Sachen noch nicht funktionieren. Wenn du dann den Button betätigst, sind die aber schon längst wieder hochgefahren und alles funktioniert wie geplant. Da kann man bestimmt nochmal schauen, dass man irgendwelche Automatismen einbaut. Vielleicht kann ich den problematischen Zustand beim aufwachen irgendwie beobachten oder einfach zyklisch erneut probieren, aber das schaue ich mir ein anderes mal an. Wichtig ist mir erst einmal vor allem, dass die technische Seite wie geplant funktioniert.

Heute gab es dann doch mal wieder einen Hänger („Verbinden …“) um 21:30:46:

7.1.2 0780915bf695c5c4b6a18b5fe7d7646e4ab2ab5d 1717063684 iOS 179  iPhone

4.6.2024 - 20:19:03: Trying to establish a connection to
4.6.2024 - 20:19:03: Found server at Establishing connection...
4.6.2024 - 20:19:03: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 54017463, true)
4.6.2024 - 20:19:03: After hand over: ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 54017463, true)
4.6.2024 - 20:19:03: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 53323
4.6.2024 - 20:19:03: Connected to Socket of ws://
4.6.2024 - 20:19:03: Failed to update snapshot diff of ws:// Request range is bigger than message buffer
4.6.2024 - 20:19:03: Closing Websocket
4.6.2024 - 20:19:03: Before closing webSocket: Instance of 'IOWebSocketChannel'
4.6.2024 - 20:19:03: After closing webSocket
4.6.2024 - 20:19:03: Closing WebSocket done
4.6.2024 - 20:19:03: Closing Websocket
4.6.2024 - 20:19:03: Before closing webSocket: null
4.6.2024 - 20:19:03: After closing webSocket
4.6.2024 - 20:19:03: Closing WebSocket done
4.6.2024 - 20:19:03: Starting to get snapshot
4.6.2024 - 20:19:03: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed
4.6.2024 - 20:19:03: active = false
4.6.2024 - 20:19:04: Snapshot received
4.6.2024 - 20:19:04: Starting to load snapshot
4.6.2024 - 20:19:04: Snapshot loaded
4.6.2024 - 20:19:04: Snapshot from loaded
4.6.2024 - 20:19:04: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 53323
4.6.2024 - 20:19:13: Disconnected from Socket of Catch error: TimeoutException after 0:00:03.000000: Future not completed
4.6.2024 - 20:19:13: active = true
4.6.2024 - 20:19:13: Closing Websocket
4.6.2024 - 20:19:13: Before closing webSocket: Instance of 'IOWebSocketChannel'
4.6.2024 - 20:19:13: Error when loading snapshot after failed snapshot changes
4.6.2024 - 21:30:46: There was an error when trying to close the socket
4.6.2024 - 21:30:46: Error caught when trying to close web socket: TimeoutException after 0:00:03.000000: Future not completed
4.6.2024 - 21:30:46: After closing webSocket
4.6.2024 - 21:30:46: Closing WebSocket done
4.6.2024 - 21:30:46: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
4.6.2024 - 21:30:46: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
4.6.2024 - 21:32:15: Create new network

Das Log sieht tatsächlich auch davor schon problematisch aus. Wurde um 21:30 schon der „Neu verbinden“ Button angeboten und du hast ihn geklickt? Oder lief vorher alles scheinbar? Denn auch um 20:19 ist scheinbar eine Verbindung fehlgeschlagen.

Um 21:30 kam es zum Hänger, den ich erst um 21:32 mit „Anderen Server auswählen“ beendet habe.

Eine Besonderheit gab es noch: die Batterieladung war knapp. Vielleicht beeinflusst sie auch die Reaktion.

Ich kann mir halt gut vorstellen, dass es irgendwelche Wechselwirkungen zu 20:19 gibt. Daher wäre es spannend zu wissen, ob die Verbindung da noch funktioniert hat. Oder kann es sein, dass da schon der eigentliche Verbindungsabbruch kam?

Das kann ich leider nicht mehr sagen. Der müsste im Verborgenen, also ohne Nutzung der App passiert sein.

Ich habe leider noch immer Probleme, dass der Verbindungsaufbau nicht sauber funktioniert.

Hier zwei neue Logs.

Gestern blieb er in einer Endlosschleife („Verbinde …“) hängen, bis ich um 19:45:36 die Serverauswahl aufgerufen habe:

8.0.0 f5bc26f2ab1a174c5d1e9ced80e12bddb22402b5 1724418987 iOS 212  iPhone

25.8.2024 - 19:45:00: Reconnect timer triggers
25.8.2024 - 19:45:00: Updating connection
25.8.2024 - 19:45:00: Cancel updating connection: Already in progress
25.8.2024 - 19:45:05: Reconnect timer triggers
25.8.2024 - 19:45:05: Updating connection
25.8.2024 - 19:45:05: Cancel updating connection: Already in progress
25.8.2024 - 19:45:10: Reconnect timer triggers
25.8.2024 - 19:45:10: Updating connection
25.8.2024 - 19:45:10: Cancel updating connection: Already in progress
25.8.2024 - 19:45:15: Reconnect timer triggers
25.8.2024 - 19:45:15: Updating connection
25.8.2024 - 19:45:15: Cancel updating connection: Already in progress
25.8.2024 - 19:45:20: Reconnect timer triggers
25.8.2024 - 19:45:20: Updating connection
25.8.2024 - 19:45:20: Cancel updating connection: Already in progress
25.8.2024 - 19:45:25: Reconnect timer triggers
25.8.2024 - 19:45:25: Updating connection
25.8.2024 - 19:45:25: Cancel updating connection: Already in progress
25.8.2024 - 19:45:30: Reconnect timer triggers
25.8.2024 - 19:45:30: Updating connection
25.8.2024 - 19:45:30: Cancel updating connection: Already in progress
25.8.2024 - 19:45:35: Reconnect timer triggers
25.8.2024 - 19:45:35: Updating connection
25.8.2024 - 19:45:35: Cancel updating connection: Already in progress
25.8.2024 - 19:45:36: Create new network
25.8.2024 - 19:45:36: Updating connection
25.8.2024 - 19:45:36: Get Available Connection
25.8.2024 - 19:45:36: Try URLs = [,]

Heute kam um 08:50:27 der Hinweis „Konnte Verbindung nicht automatisch wiederherstellen“. Um 08:51:20 habe ich „Neu Verbinden“ angewählt, was dann funktionierte:

8.0.0 f5bc26f2ab1a174c5d1e9ced80e12bddb22402b5 1724418987 iOS 212  iPhone

26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Closing WebSocket done
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Updating connection
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Get Available Connection
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Create reconnect timer
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Try URLs = [,]
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Trying to establish a connection to
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Found server at Establishing connection...
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 116070451, true)
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: After hand over: ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 116070451, true)
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 53323
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Connected to Socket of ws://
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Failed to update snapshot diff of ws:// Request range is bigger than message buffer
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Closing Websocket
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Before closing webSocket: Instance of 'IOWebSocketChannel'
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: After closing webSocket
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Closing WebSocket done
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Closing Websocket
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Before closing webSocket: null
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: After closing webSocket
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Closing WebSocket done
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Starting to get snapshot
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed
26.8.2024 - 05:52:43: active = false
26.8.2024 - 08:05:20: Reconnect timer triggers
26.8.2024 - 08:05:20: Updating connection
26.8.2024 - 08:05:20: Cancel updating connection: Already in progress
26.8.2024 - 08:50:27: Could not load snapshot from ClientException: Bad file descriptor, uri=
26.8.2024 - 08:50:27: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connectionSingularFail
26.8.2024 - 08:50:27: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connectionSingularFail
26.8.2024 - 08:50:27: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connectionSingularFail
26.8.2024 - 08:50:27: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connectionSingularFail
26.8.2024 - 08:50:27: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connectionSingularFail
26.8.2024 - 08:50:27: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connectionSingularFail
26.8.2024 - 08:50:27: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connectionSingularFail
26.8.2024 - 08:50:27: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connectionSingularFail
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: Updating connection
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: Get Available Connection
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: Try URLs = [,]
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: Trying to establish a connection to
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: Found server at Establishing connection...
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 116070451, true)
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: After hand over: ServerConnection(, null, 53323, true, 116070451, true)
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 53323
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: Connected to Socket of ws://
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: Failed to update snapshot diff of ws:// Request range is bigger than message buffer
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: Closing Websocket
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: Before closing webSocket: Instance of 'IOWebSocketChannel'
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: After closing webSocket
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: Closing WebSocket done
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: Closing Websocket
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: Before closing webSocket: null
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: After closing webSocket
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: Closing WebSocket done
26.8.2024 - 08:51:20: Starting to get snaps

Hallo zusammen,
gibt es zu dem Thema Neuigkeiten?
Ich möchte ein iPad mit der TileVisu nutzen, doch leider macht das ewige erfolglose Verbinden das Ganze nicht praktikabel :frowning:
Entweder dauert es mehrere Sekunden bis die Visu angezeigt wird, oder es hängt die ganze Zeit und ich muss eine neue Verbindung wählen.

1 „Gefällt mir“

Ich habe das aktuell eigentlich nur noch recht vereinzelt beobachtet, aber das mag in anderen Systemen anders laufen. Magst du auch mal ein Debug Log von dir posten? Dann schaue ich da auch gerne mal rein.

Hi, hier mal ein Logs, die ich kurz nach solch einem Ereignis gezogen habe:

7.2.0 11b35baa1a3b5edcfe1594b2b30e3d285a655331 1723120048 iOS 205 iPad

24.9.2024 - 12:24:14: active = false

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: active = true

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: Closing Websocket

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: Before closing webSocket: Instance of ‚IOWebSocketChannel‘

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: After closing webSocket

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: Closing WebSocket done

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: Get Available Connection

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: Try URLs = [,,]

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: Trying to establish a connection to

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: Found server at Establishing connection…

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = ServerConnection(, null, 34028, false, 1016301, true)

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: After hand over: ServerConnection(, null, 34028, false, 1016301, true)

24.9.2024 - 20:25:46: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 34028

24.9.2024 - 20:25:49: Disconnected from Socket of Catch error: TimeoutException after 0:00:03.000000: Future not completed

24.9.2024 - 20:25:49: active = true

24.9.2024 - 20:25:49: Closing Websocket

24.9.2024 - 20:25:49: Before closing webSocket: Instance of ‚IOWebSocketChannel‘

24.9.2024 - 20:25:50: After closing webSocket

24.9.2024 - 20:25:50: Closing WebSocket done

24.9.2024 - 20:25:50: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected

24.9.2024 - 20:25:50: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected

24.9.2024 - 20:25:50: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected

24.9.2024 - 20:25:50: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected

24.9.2024 - 20:25:50: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting

24.9.2024 - 20:25:50: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting

24.9.2024 - 20:25:50: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting

24.9.2024 - 20:25:50: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting

24.9.2024 - 20:25:50: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting

24.9.2024 - 20:25:50: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting

24.9.2024 - 20:25:50: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting

24.9.2024 - 20:25:50: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting

24.9.2024 - 20:25:50: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting

24.9.2024 - 20:25:50: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting

24.9.2024 - 22:57:41: Create new network

24.9.2024 - 22:57:41: Get Available Connection

24.9.2024 - 22:57:41: Try URLs = [,,]

24.9.2024 - 22:57:41: Trying to establish a connection to

24.9.2024 - 22:57:41: Found server at Establishing connection…

24.9.2024 - 22:57:41: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = null

24.9.2024 - 22:57:44: Create new network

24.9.2024 - 22:57:44: Get Available Connection

24.9.2024 - 22:57:44: Try URLs = [,,]

24.9.2024 - 22:57:44: Trying to establish a connection to

24.9.2024 - 22:57:44: Found server at Establishing connection…

24.9.2024 - 22:57:44: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = null

24.9.2024 - 22:57:53: Create new network

24.9.2024 - 22:57:53: Get Available Connection

24.9.2024 - 22:57:53: Try URLs = [,,]

24.9.2024 - 22:57:53: Trying to establish a connection to

24.9.2024 - 22:57:53: Found server at Establishing connection…

24.9.2024 - 22:57:53: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = null

24.9.2024 - 22:57:53: Dispose network

24.9.2024 - 22:57:53: Closing Websocket

24.9.2024 - 22:57:53: Before closing webSocket: null

24.9.2024 - 22:57:53: After closing webSocket

24.9.2024 - 22:57:53: Closing WebSocket done

24.9.2024 - 22:57:53: Create new network

24.9.2024 - 22:57:53: Get Available Connection

24.9.2024 - 22:57:53: Try URLs = [,,]

24.9.2024 - 22:57:53: Trying to establish a connection to

24.9.2024 - 22:57:53: Found server at Establishing connection…

24.9.2024 - 22:57:53: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = null

24.9.2024 - 22:57:53: Dispose network

24.9.2024 - 22:57:53: Closing Websocket

24.9.2024 - 22:57:53: Before closing webSocket: null

24.9.2024 - 22:57:53: After closing webSocket

24.9.2024 - 22:57:53: Closing WebSocket done

24.9.2024 - 22:57:53: Starting to get snapshot

24.9.2024 - 22:57:54: Snapshot received

24.9.2024 - 22:57:54: Starting to load snapshot

24.9.2024 - 22:57:54: Snapshot loaded

24.9.2024 - 22:57:54: Snapshot from loaded

24.9.2024 - 22:57:54: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 34028

24.9.2024 - 22:57:54: Connected to Socket of ws://

24.9.2024 - 22:57:54: Successfully updated snapshot diff of ws://

24.9.2024 - 22:57:54: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected

24.9.2024 - 22:57:54: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected

24.9.2024 - 22:57:54: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected

24.9.2024 - 22:57:54: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected

24.9.2024 - 22:57:54: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected

24.9.2024 - 22:57:54: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected

24.9.2024 - 22:57:54: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected

24.9.2024 - 22:57:54: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected

24.9.2024 - 22:57:54: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected

24.9.2024 - 22:57:59: Create new network

Und noch eins:

7.2.0 11b35baa1a3b5edcfe1594b2b30e3d285a655331 1723120048 iOS 205 iPad

24.9.2024 - 11:25:26: Try URLs = [,,]

24.9.2024 - 11:25:26: Trying to establish a connection to

24.9.2024 - 11:25:26: Found server at Establishing connection…

24.9.2024 - 11:25:26: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = null

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Create new network

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Get Available Connection

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Try URLs = [,,]

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Trying to establish a connection to

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Found server at Establishing connection…

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = null

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Dispose network

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Closing Websocket

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Before closing webSocket: null

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: After closing webSocket

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Closing WebSocket done

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Create new network

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Get Available Connection

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Try URLs = [,,]

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Trying to establish a connection to

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Found server at Establishing connection…

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = null

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Dispose network

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Closing Websocket

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Before closing webSocket: null

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: After closing webSocket

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Closing WebSocket done

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Starting to get snapshot

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Snapshot received

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Starting to load snapshot

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Snapshot loaded

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Snapshot from loaded

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 34028

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Connected to Socket of ws://

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Successfully updated snapshot diff of ws://

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected

24.9.2024 - 11:25:28: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected

24.9.2024 - 11:49:20: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed

24.9.2024 - 11:49:20: active = true

24.9.2024 - 11:49:20: Closing Websocket

24.9.2024 - 11:49:20: Before closing webSocket: Instance of ‚IOWebSocketChannel‘

24.9.2024 - 11:49:20: After closing webSocket

24.9.2024 - 11:49:20: Closing WebSocket done

24.9.2024 - 11:49:20: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected

24.9.2024 - 11:49:20: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected

24.9.2024 - 11:49:20: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected

24.9.2024 - 11:49:20: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.disconnected

24.9.2024 - 11:49:20: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting

24.9.2024 - 11:49:20: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting

24.9.2024 - 11:49:20: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting

24.9.2024 - 11:49:20: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.reconnecting

24.9.2024 - 11:49:20: Get Available Connection

24.9.2024 - 11:49:20: Try URLs = [,,]

24.9.2024 - 11:49:20: Trying to establish a connection to

24.9.2024 - 11:49:21: Found server at Establishing connection…

24.9.2024 - 11:49:21: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = ServerConnection(, null, 34028, false, 886716, true)

24.9.2024 - 11:49:21: After hand over: ServerConnection(, null, 34028, false, 886716, true)

24.9.2024 - 11:49:21: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 34028

24.9.2024 - 11:49:21: Connected to Socket of ws://

24.9.2024 - 11:49:21: Failed to update snapshot diff of ws:// Request range is bigger than message buffer

24.9.2024 - 11:49:21: Closing Websocket

24.9.2024 - 11:49:21: Before closing webSocket: Instance of ‚IOWebSocketChannel‘

24.9.2024 - 11:49:21: After closing webSocket

24.9.2024 - 11:49:21: Closing WebSocket done

24.9.2024 - 11:49:21: Closing Websocket

24.9.2024 - 11:49:21: Before closing webSocket: null

24.9.2024 - 11:49:21: After closing webSocket

24.9.2024 - 11:49:21: Closing WebSocket done

24.9.2024 - 11:49:21: Starting to get snapshot

24.9.2024 - 11:49:21: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed

24.9.2024 - 11:49:21: active = false

24.9.2024 - 11:49:21: Snapshot received

24.9.2024 - 11:49:21: Starting to load snapshot

24.9.2024 - 11:49:21: Snapshot loaded

24.9.2024 - 11:49:21: Snapshot from loaded

24.9.2024 - 11:49:21: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 34028

24.9.2024 - 11:49:24: Connected to Socket of ws://

24.9.2024 - 11:49:26: Successfully updated snapshot diff of ws://

24.9.2024 - 11:49:26: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected

24.9.2024 - 11:49:26: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected

24.9.2024 - 11:49:26: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected

24.9.2024 - 11:49:26: Connection State changed = IPSConnectionState.connected

24.9.2024 - 11:49:26: Closing Websocket

24.9.2024 - 11:49:26: Before closing webSocket: null

24.9.2024 - 11:49:26: After closing webSocket

24.9.2024 - 11:49:26: Closing WebSocket done

24.9.2024 - 11:49:34: Create new network

24.9.2024 - 11:49:34: Get Available Connection

24.9.2024 - 11:49:34: Try URLs = [,,]

24.9.2024 - 11:49:34: Trying to establish a connection to

24.9.2024 - 11:49:34: Found server at Establishing connection…

24.9.2024 - 11:49:34: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = null

24.9.2024 - 12:06:54: Create new network

24.9.2024 - 12:06:54: Get Available Connection

24.9.2024 - 12:06:54: Try URLs = [,,

24.9.2024 - 12:06:54: Trying to establish a connection to

24.9.2024 - 12:06:54: Found server at Establishing connection…

24.9.2024 - 12:06:54: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = null

24.9.2024 - 12:06:57: Create new network

Du solltest umgehend dein ipmagic URL aus den Logs entfernen, bevor sie in die Fänge der Suchmaschinen gelangt.

So kommt da jeder ran.

Danke, hatte ich auch gerade gesehen und geändert.

Die Logs sehen jetzt tatsächlich nicht nach Fehlern aus. Kannst du sonst beim nächsten Log mal genau schreiben, wann der Disconnect stattfand und wann du dich manuell neu verbinden musstest? Dann werde ich vielleicht schlauer… Oder waren das Logs, bei denen es einfach „nur“ ein bisschen länger dauerte?

@Dr.Niels Kannst du zu dem Fall auch etwas sagen?

die Neuverbindung hakt wieder, verbindet sich aber noch, Geduld ist gefragt.
Viel Schlimmer, dass in der Handy App einige Kacheln grau sind.

App zwangs beendet, Cache gelöscht, Dienst neu gestartet, Symcon aktualisiert, alles ohne Erfolg.

IP-Symcon 7.2, Windows (amd64), 03.09.2024, cc3cf21ea602

8.0 f6928fccfca8af0e29267d64923445686f542614 1727096564 android 208 Pixel 8 Pro AP2A.240905.003

25.9.2024 - 17:19:35: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = null
25.9.2024 - 17:19:35: Create new network
25.9.2024 - 17:19:35: Updating connection
25.9.2024 - 17:19:35: Get Available Connection
25.9.2024 - 17:19:35: Try URLs = [,,, https://xyz?]
25.9.2024 - 17:19:35: Trying to establish a connection to
25.9.2024 - 17:19:35: Found server at Establishing connection…
25.9.2024 - 17:19:35: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = null
25.9.2024 - 17:19:35: Dispose network
25.9.2024 - 17:19:35: Closing Websocket
25.9.2024 - 17:19:35: Before closing webSocket: null
25.9.2024 - 17:19:35: After closing webSocket
25.9.2024 - 17:19:35: Closing WebSocket done
25.9.2024 - 17:19:36: Create new network
25.9.2024 - 17:19:36: Updating connection
25.9.2024 - 17:19:36: Get Available Connection
25.9.2024 - 17:19:36: Try URLs = [,,, https://xyz?]
25.9.2024 - 17:19:36: Trying to establish a connection to
25.9.2024 - 17:19:36: Found server at Establishing connection…
25.9.2024 - 17:19:36: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = null
25.9.2024 - 17:19:36: Dispose network
25.9.2024 - 17:19:36: Closing Websocket
25.9.2024 - 17:19:36: Before closing webSocket: Instance of ‚IOWebSocketChannel‘
25.9.2024 - 17:19:36: Closing Websocket
25.9.2024 - 17:19:36: Before closing webSocket: null
25.9.2024 - 17:19:36: After closing webSocket
25.9.2024 - 17:19:36: Closing WebSocket done
25.9.2024 - 17:19:36: Starting to get snapshot
25.9.2024 - 17:19:36: After closing webSocket
25.9.2024 - 17:19:36: Closing WebSocket done
25.9.2024 - 17:19:36: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed
25.9.2024 - 17:19:36: active = false
25.9.2024 - 17:19:37: Snapshot received
25.9.2024 - 17:19:37: Starting to load snapshot
25.9.2024 - 17:19:37: Snapshot loaded
25.9.2024 - 17:19:37: Snapshot from loaded
25.9.2024 - 17:19:37: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 44076
25.9.2024 - 17:19:37: Connected to Socket of ws://
25.9.2024 - 17:19:37: Successfully updated snapshot diff of ws://
25.9.2024 - 17:19:50: Create new network
25.9.2024 - 17:19:50: Updating connection
25.9.2024 - 17:19:50: Get Available Connection
25.9.2024 - 17:19:50: Try URLs = [,,, https://xyz?]
25.9.2024 - 17:19:50: Trying to establish a connection to
25.9.2024 - 17:19:51: Found server at Establishing connection…
25.9.2024 - 17:19:51: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = null
25.9.2024 - 17:19:53: Create new network
25.9.2024 - 17:19:53: Updating connection
25.9.2024 - 17:19:53: Get Available Connection
25.9.2024 - 17:19:53: Try URLs = [,,, https://xyz?]
25.9.2024 - 17:19:53: Trying to establish a connection to
25.9.2024 - 17:19:53: Found server at Establishing connection…
25.9.2024 - 17:19:53: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = null
25.9.2024 - 17:19:53: Create new network
25.9.2024 - 17:19:53: Updating connection
25.9.2024 - 17:19:53: Get Available Connection
25.9.2024 - 17:19:53: Try URLs = [,,, https://xyz?]
25.9.2024 - 17:19:53: Trying to establish a connection to
25.9.2024 - 17:19:53: Found server at Establishing connection…
25.9.2024 - 17:19:53: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = null
25.9.2024 - 17:19:53: Dispose network
25.9.2024 - 17:19:53: Closing Websocket
25.9.2024 - 17:19:53: Before closing webSocket: null
25.9.2024 - 17:19:53: After closing webSocket
25.9.2024 - 17:19:53: Closing WebSocket done
25.9.2024 - 17:19:54: Create new network
25.9.2024 - 17:19:54: Updating connection
25.9.2024 - 17:19:54: Get Available Connection
25.9.2024 - 17:19:54: Try URLs = [,,, https://xyz?]
25.9.2024 - 17:19:54: Trying to establish a connection to
25.9.2024 - 17:19:54: Found server at Establishing connection…
25.9.2024 - 17:19:54: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = null
25.9.2024 - 17:19:54: Dispose network
25.9.2024 - 17:19:54: Closing Websocket
25.9.2024 - 17:19:54: Before closing webSocket: Instance of ‚IOWebSocketChannel‘
25.9.2024 - 17:19:54: Closing Websocket
25.9.2024 - 17:19:54: Before closing webSocket: null
25.9.2024 - 17:19:54: After closing webSocket
25.9.2024 - 17:19:54: Closing WebSocket done
25.9.2024 - 17:19:54: Starting to get snapshot
25.9.2024 - 17:19:54: After closing webSocket
25.9.2024 - 17:19:54: Closing WebSocket done
25.9.2024 - 17:19:54: Disconnected from Socket of WebSocket closed
25.9.2024 - 17:19:54: active = false
25.9.2024 - 17:19:55: Snapshot received
25.9.2024 - 17:19:55: Starting to load snapshot
25.9.2024 - 17:19:55: Snapshot loaded
25.9.2024 - 17:19:55: Snapshot from loaded
25.9.2024 - 17:19:55: Connect to WebSocket, uri = ws://, configuratorID = 43847
25.9.2024 - 17:19:55: Connected to Socket of ws://
25.9.2024 - 17:19:55: Successfully updated snapshot diff of ws://
25.9.2024 - 17:20:06: Create new network
25.9.2024 - 17:20:44: Create new network
25.9.2024 - 17:20:44: Updating connection
25.9.2024 - 17:20:44: Get Available Connection
25.9.2024 - 17:20:44: Try URLs = [,,, https://xyz?]
25.9.2024 - 17:20:44: Trying to establish a connection to
25.9.2024 - 17:20:44: Found server at Establishing connection…
25.9.2024 - 17:20:44: Updating connection, active = ServerConnection(, null, null, false, null, false), previous = null
25.9.2024 - 17:20:47: Create new network

Gruß Achim

Passen bei dir App und Server versionsmäßig zusammen?

Ich würde sagen, nein.
Mit der App bin ich am Beta-Kanal und mit dem Server auf 7.2 stable.

Ich vermute, die Beta App hat noch leichte Probleme mit der 7.2.

Ich habe einen ähnlichen Fall:

Edit: es scheint mir hier mit dem Thema nichts zu tun zu haben.
Die App hat momentan Probleme, Assoziationen bei Eingabewerten darzustellen. Wohl auch unabhängig von der Serverversion.

Eben ist eine neue APP-Version gekommen, hat sich aber nichts geändert.

habe Speicher und Cache gelöscht und bin aus dem Beta-Kanal raus, Stable installiert.

Und? Gleicher Fehler!

Nochmals alles gelöscht und komplett neu installiert, jetzt geht es wieder.
Nicht nachzuvollziehen.

Da werde ich mir gleich einmal das Handy meiner Frau schnappen, bevor der WAF noch weiter sinkt.

Bei mir ist es besser (nicht mehr grau), aber die Assoziation wird nicht korrekt angezeigt. Die alte App macht es korrekt:


In der neuen App wird es falsch dargestellt:


Das Profil sieht so aus: