UniFi Modul Reloaded

Also in Zeile 1740 steht folgendes:

$Var = IPS_GetVariable($VarID);
                if ($Type == $Var['VariableValue']['ValueType']) {

Laut Doku ist das nur bis Version 3.4

VariableValue (bis 3.4) array Siehe Tabelle Variablenwert (durch VariableType und GetValue ersetzt)

Funktionieren muesste

Ab Version 4.0 wird die bis 3.4 vorhandene Funktion als
„array IPS_GetVariableCompatibility( integer $VariablenID )“ zur Verfügung gestellt.

Wahrscheinlich bei 5.5 ganz rausgeflogen die erste Version.
Wird das Modul noch geflegt?
Aendere doch mal

$Var = IPS_GetVariable($VarID);


$Var = IPS_GetVariableCompatibility($VarID);

Ich rate mal ins Blaue hinein: Man konnte bis Version 7.4 offenbar einen boolschen Wert „ungestraft“ als Array abfragen und bekam dann irgendwas verwertbares zurück. Jetzt geht das offenbar immer noch, nur das PHP eine entsprechende Notice auswirft. Diese wird dann rausgeschrieben, woraufhin der JSON-Decoder, der den Output auswertet, aussteigt. Vermutlich kann man im Modul einfach das Loglevel mit

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

herunterschrauben und sollte dann fürs erste wieder klarkommen. Dauerhaft müsste dann der Code mal von impliziten Typisierungen befreit werden.


Hallo 1007,
ich habe die Änderung mal gemacht - jetzt kommt der Fehler

15.11.2020, 09:37:59 | TimerPool | UniFi (Intervall_Client): <br />
<b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function IPS_GetVariableCompatibility() in /mnt/data/symcon/modules/MK_UniFi/UniFi/module.php:1740
Stack trace:
#0 /mnt/data/symcon/modules/MK_UniFi/UniFi/module.php(1919): UniFi->CreateVariable(‚Andrea Smartpho…‘, 0, true, ‚d6d077e97b01_pr…‘, 38297, ‚~Presence‘)
#1 /mnt/data/symcon/modules/MK_UniFi/UniFi/module.php(2116): UniFi->CheckPresence(38297)
#2 /mnt/data/symcon/scripts/__generated.inc.php(1279): UniFi->UpdateUniFiClientData()
#3 /-(1): UniFi_UpdateUniFiClientData(32948)
#4 {main}
thrown in <b>/mnt/data/symcon/modules/MK_UniFi/UniFi/module.php</b> on line <b>1740</b><br />

Du hast in den Spezialschaltern den CompatiblityRequired auf aus.

Das war es - es kommen keine Fehler mehr.

Das Modul bräuchte wohl mal Liebe.

Hallo Freunde
Über Umwege hat sich nun doch ein UNIFi USG in mein Netzwerk verirrt. Soweit tut es auch brav seinen Dienst.
Das einzige was ich gerne hätte wäre ein hübsches Monitoring der WAN Auslastung, bzw. noch besser Bandbreiten usage der jweiligen Clients.
In der grafischen Oberfläche isses irgendwie unübersichtlich.
Ich hab nun den Thread zum Modul überflogen, konnte aber nichts entdecken das das Modul diese Daten bereitstellt.
Hab ich mich verlesen oder stimmt das ?
Alle anderen vom Modul abgedeckten Funktionen brauch ich eigentlich nicht, darum mag ich auch nicht probehalber installieren.

Gibt es evtl. eine andere Möglichkeit die WAN Auslastung aus IPS abzufragen ? Gerne auch per Script.



ich habe schon wieder folgende Fehlermeldung:
27.11.2020, 11:29:04 | TimerPool | UniFi (Intervall_Client): <br />
<b>Notice</b>: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in <b>/var/lib/symcon/modules/MK_UniFi/UniFi/module.php</b> on line <b>1740</b><br />

Zwischenzeitlich war der Fehler weg, als ich den Spezialschalter CompatiblityRequired auf aus gestellt habe.


Ich habe ebenfalls diesen Fehler:

27.11.2020, 12:15:20 | TimerPool            | UniFi (Intervall_Client): <br />
<b>Notice</b>:  Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in <b>C:\ProgramData\Symcon\modules\MK_UniFi\UniFi\module.php</b> on line <b>1740</b><br />

Könnte da jemand helfen?

Edit: Hier noch die Stelle die den Fehler bringt.

        $VarID = @IPS_GetObjectIDByName($Name, $ParentID);
        if (false !== $VarID) { // exists?
            $Obj = IPS_GetObject($VarID);
            if (2 == $Obj['ObjectType']) { // is variable?
                $Var = IPS_GetVariable($VarID);
                if ($Type == $Var['VariableValue']['ValueType']) {
                    IPS_SetVariableCustomProfile($VarID, $profile);
                    $this->SetVariable($VarID, $Type, $Value);


Hat hier jemand eine Idee und kann helfen? Am Modul wird scheinbar nicht mehr gearbeitet.


Erstelle bitte einmal ausgehend vom Basispfad Deiner IPS-Installation ein Backup von der Datei


und ersetzte Sie durch folgendes Script:


class UniFi extends IPSModule {

     * public properties
    public $ch = '';
    public $user = '';
    public $password = '';
    public $site = 'default';
    public $baseurl = '';
    public $version = '5.4.16';

     * private properties
    private $debug = false;
    private $is_loggedin = false;
    private $cookies = '';
    private $request_type = 'POST';
    private $last_results_raw;
    private $last_error_message;

    public function Create() {
        //Never delete this line!

        //These lines are parsed on Symcon Startup or Instance creation
        //You cannot use variables here. Just static values.
        $this->RegisterPropertyString("IPAddress", "");
        $this->RegisterPropertyString("UserName", "admin");
        $this->RegisterPropertyString("UserPassword", "");
        $this->RegisterPropertyString("Clients", "");
        $this->RegisterPropertyString("Site", "default");
        $this->RegisterPropertyInteger("Intervall_Network", 3600);
        $this->RegisterPropertyInteger("Intervall_Client", 60);
        $this->RegisterPropertyBoolean("Debug", FALSE);
        $this->RegisterTimer("Intervall_Network", 3600, 'UniFi_UpdateUniFiNetworkData($_IPS[\'TARGET\']);');
        $this->RegisterTimer("Intervall_Client", 60, 'UniFi_UpdateUniFiClientData($_IPS[\'TARGET\']);');

     * Login to UniFi Controller
    private function login()
        $this->baseURL = $this->ReadPropertyString("IPAddress");
        $this->userName = $this->ReadPropertyString("UserName");
        $this->userPassword = $this->ReadPropertyString("UserPassword");

        # init curl object and set session-wide options
        $this->ch = curl_init();

        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $this->baseurl.'/login');
        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->baseURL.'/api/login');
        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode(['username' => $this->userName, 'password' => $this->userPassword]));
        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE);
        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "/tmp/unifi_cookie");
        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, "/tmp/unifi_cookie");
        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 1); //set TLSv1 (SSLv3 is no longer supported)        

        if (($content = curl_exec($this->ch)) === false) {
            error_log('cURL error: '.curl_error($this->ch));
            $this->SetStatus(202);// login error

        if ($this->debug) {
            curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true);

            print '<pre>';
            print PHP_EOL.'-----------LOGIN-------------'.PHP_EOL;
            print_r (curl_getinfo($this->ch));
            print PHP_EOL.'----------RESPONSE-----------'.PHP_EOL;
            print $content;
            print PHP_EOL.'-----------------------------'.PHP_EOL;
            print '</pre>';

        $header_size = curl_getinfo($this->ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE);
        $body        = trim(substr($content, $header_size));
        $code        = curl_getinfo($this->ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

        //curl_close ($this->ch);

        preg_match_all('|Set-Cookie: (.*);|U', substr($content, 0, $header_size), $results);
        if (isset($results[1])) {
            $this->cookies = implode(';', $results[1]);
            if (!empty($body)) {
                if (($code >= 200) && ($code < 400)) {
                    if (strpos($this->cookies, 'unifises') !== false) {
                        $this->is_loggedin = true;
                        $this->SetStatus(102); // login OK

                if ($code === 400) {
                     error_log('We have received an HTTP response status: 400. Probably a controller login failure');
                     $this->SetStatus(201);// login failed
                     return $code;

        return $this->is_loggedin;

     * Logout from UniFi Controller
    private function logout() {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin) {
            return false;
        $this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/logout');
        $this->is_loggedin = false;
        $this->cookies = '';
        return true;

    /*     * **************************************************************
     * setter/getter functions from here:
     * ************************************************************** */

     * Set debug mode
     * --------------
     * sets debug mode to true or false, returns false if a non-boolean parameter was passed
     * required parameter <enable> = boolean; true will enable debug mode, false will disable it
    private function set_debug($enable) {
        if ($enable) {
            $this->debug = true;
        } elseif ($enable === false) {
            $this->debug = false;

        return false;

     * Get last raw results
     * --------------------
     * returns the raw results of the last method called in PHP stdClass Object format by default, returns false if not set
     * optional parameter <return_json> = boolean; true will return the results in "pretty printed" json format
     * NOTE:
     * this method can be used to get the full error as returned by the controller
    private function get_last_results_raw($return_json = false) {
        if ($this->last_results_raw != null) {
            if ($return_json) {
                return json_encode($this->last_results_raw, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

            return $this->last_results_raw;

        return false;

     * Get last error message
     * ----------------------
     * returns the error message of the last method called in PHP stdClass Object format, returns false if not set
    private function get_last_error_message() {
        if (isset($this->last_error_message)) {
            return $this->last_error_message;

        return false;

    /*     * **************************************************************
     * Functions to access UniFi controller API routes from here:
     * ************************************************************** */

     * Authorize a client device
     * -------------------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <mac>     = client MAC address
     * required parameter <minutes> = minutes (from now) until authorization expires
     * optional parameter <up>      = upload speed limit in kbps
     * optional parameter <down>    = download speed limit in kbps
     * optional parameter <MBytes>  = data transfer limit in MB
     * optional parameter <ap_mac>  = AP MAC address to which client is connected, should result in faster authorization
    private function authorize_guest($mac, $minutes, $up = null, $down = null, $MBytes = null, $ap_mac = null) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin) {
            return false;
        $mac = strtolower($mac);
        $json = ['cmd' => 'authorize-guest', 'mac' => $mac, 'minutes' => $minutes];

         * if we have received values for up/down/MBytes we append them to the payload array to be submitted
        if (isset($up)) {
            $json['up'] = $up;
        if (isset($down)) {
            $json['down'] = $down;
        if (isset($MBytes)) {
            $json['bytes'] = $MBytes;
        if (isset($ap_mac)) {
            $json['ap_mac'] = $ap_mac;
        $json = json_encode($json);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/stamgr', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * Unauthorize a client device
     * ---------------------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <mac> = client MAC address
    private function unauthorize_guest($mac) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin) {
            return false;
        $mac = strtolower($mac);
        $json = json_encode(['cmd' => 'unauthorize-guest', 'mac' => $mac]);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/stamgr', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * Reconnect a client device
     * -------------------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <mac> = client MAC address
    private function reconnect_sta($mac) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $mac = strtolower($mac);
        $json = json_encode(['cmd' => 'kick-sta', 'mac' => $mac]);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/stamgr', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * Block a client device
     * ---------------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <mac> = client MAC address
    private function block_sta($mac) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin) {
            return false;
        $mac = strtolower($mac);
        $json = json_encode(['cmd' => 'block-sta', 'mac' => $mac]);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/stamgr', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * Unblock a client device
     * -----------------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <mac> = client MAC address
    private function unblock_sta($mac) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin) {
            return false;
        $mac = strtolower($mac);
        $json = json_encode(['cmd' => 'unblock-sta', 'mac' => $mac]);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/stamgr', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * Add/modify a client device note
     * -------------------------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <user_id> = id of the user device to be modified
     * optional parameter <note>    = note to be applied to the user device
     * NOTES:
     * - when note is empty or not set, the existing note for the user will be removed and "noted" attribute set to false
    private function set_sta_note($user_id, $note = null) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $noted = (is_null($note)) || (empty($note)) ? false : true;
        $json = json_encode(['note' => $note, 'noted' => $noted]);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/upd/user/' . trim($user_id), 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * Add/modify a client device name
     * -------------------------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <user_id> = id of the user device to be modified
     * optional parameter <name>    = name to be applied to the user device
     * NOTES:
     * - when name is empty or not set, the existing name for the user will be removed
    private function set_sta_name($user_id, $name = null) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin) {
            return false;
        $json = json_encode(['name' => $name]);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/upd/user/' . trim($user_id), 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * Daily site stats method
     * ------------------------
     * returns an array of daily stats objects for the current site
     * optional parameter <start> = Unix timestamp in seconds
     * optional parameter <end>   = Unix timestamp in seconds
     * NOTES:
     * - defaults to the past 52*7*24 hours
     * - bytes" are no longer returned with controller version 4.9.1 and later
    private function stat_daily_site($start = null, $end = null) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $end = is_null($end) ? ((time() - (time() % 3600)) * 1000) : $end;
        $start = is_null($start) ? $end - (52 * 7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) : $start;
        $attributes = ['bytes', 'wan-tx_bytes', 'wan-rx_bytes', 'wlan_bytes', 'num_sta', 'lan-num_sta', 'wlan-num_sta', 'time'];
        $json = json_encode(['attrs' => $attributes, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end]);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/report/daily.site', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * Hourly site stats method
     * ------------------------
     * returns an array of hourly stats objects for the current site
     * optional parameter <start> = Unix timestamp in seconds
     * optional parameter <end>   = Unix timestamp in seconds
     * NOTES:
     * - defaults to the past 7*24 hours
     * - "bytes" are no longer returned with controller version 4.9.1 and later
    private function stat_hourly_site($start = null, $end = null) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $end = is_null($end) ? ((time()) * 1000) : $end;
        $start = is_null($start) ? $end - (7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) : $start;
        $attributes = ['bytes', 'wan-tx_bytes', 'wan-rx_bytes', 'wlan_bytes', 'num_sta', 'lan-num_sta', 'wlan-num_sta', 'time'];
        $json = json_encode(['attrs' => $attributes, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end]);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/report/hourly.site', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * Hourly stats method for all access points
     * -----------------------------------------
     * returns an array of hourly stats objects
     * optional parameter <start> = Unix timestamp in seconds
     * optional parameter <end>   = Unix timestamp in seconds
     * NOTES:
     * - defaults to the past 7*24 hours
     * - UniFi controller does not keep these stats longer than 5 hours with versions < 4.6.6
    private function stat_hourly_aps($start = null, $end = null) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $end = is_null($end) ? ((time()) * 1000) : $end;
        $start = is_null($start) ? $end - (7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) : $start;
        $json = json_encode(['attrs' => ['bytes', 'num_sta', 'time'], 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end]);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/report/hourly.ap', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * Daily stats method for all access points
     * ----------------------------------------
     * returns an array of daily stats objects
     * optional parameter <start> = Unix timestamp in seconds
     * optional parameter <end>   = Unix timestamp in seconds
     * NOTES:
     * - defaults to the past 7*24 hours
     * - UniFi controller does not keep these stats longer than 5 hours with versions < 4.6.6
    private function stat_daily_aps($start = null, $end = null) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $end = is_null($end) ? ((time()) * 1000) : $end;
        $start = is_null($start) ? $end - (7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) : $start;
        $json = json_encode(['attrs' => ['bytes', 'num_sta', 'time'], 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end]);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/report/daily.ap', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * Show all login sessions
     * -----------------------
     * returns an array of login session objects for all devices
     * optional parameter <start> = Unix timestamp in seconds
     * optional parameter <end>   = Unix timestamp in seconds
     * optional parameter <mac>   = client MAC address to return sessions for (can only be used when start and end are also provided)
     * NOTES:
     * - defaults to the past 7*24 hours
    private function stat_sessions($start = null, $end = null, $mac = null) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $end = is_null($end) ? time() : $end;
        $start = is_null($start) ? $end - (7 * 24 * 3600) : $start;
        $json = ['type' => 'all', 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end];
        if (!is_null($mac))
            $json['mac'] = $mac;
        $json = json_encode($json);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/session', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * Show latest 'n' login sessions for a single client device
     * ---------------------------------------------------------
     * returns an array of latest login session objects for given client device
     * required parameter <mac>   = client MAC address
     * optional parameter <limit> = maximum number of sessions to get (defaults to 5)
    private function stat_sta_sessions_latest($mac, $limit = null) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $limit = is_null($limit) ? 5 : $limit;
        $json = json_encode(['mac' => $mac, '_limit' => $limit, '_sort' => '-assoc_time']);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/session', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * Show all authorizations
     * -----------------------
     * returns an array of authorization objects
     * optional parameter <start> = Unix timestamp in seconds
     * optional parameter <end>   = Unix timestamp in seconds
     * NOTES:
     * - defaults to the past 7*24 hours
    private function stat_auths($start = null, $end = null) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $end = is_null($end) ? time() : $end;
        $start = is_null($start) ? $end - (7 * 24 * 3600) : $start;
        $json = json_encode(['start' => $start, 'end' => $end]);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/authorization', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * List all client devices ever connected to the site
     * --------------------------------------------------
     * returns an array of client device objects
     * optional parameter <historyhours> = hours to go back (default is 8760 hours or 1 year)
     * NOTES:
     * - <historyhours> is only used to select clients that were online within that period,
     *   the returned stats per client are all-time totals, irrespective of the value of <historyhours>
    private function stat_allusers($historyhours = 8760) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $json = json_encode(['type' => 'all', 'conn' => 'all', 'within' => $historyhours]);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/alluser', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * List guest devices
     * ------------------
     * returns an array of guest device objects with valid access
     * optional parameter <within> = time frame in hours to go back to list guests with valid access (default = 24*365 hours)
    private function list_guests($within = 8760) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $json = json_encode(['within' => $within]);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/guest', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * List online client device(s)
     * ----------------------------
     * returns an array of online client device objects, or in case of a single device request, returns a single client device object
     * optional parameter <client_mac> = the MAC address of a single online client device for which the call must be made
    private function list_clients($client_mac = null) {
        /*if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false; */
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/sta/' . trim($client_mac)));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * Get data for a single client device
     * -----------------------------------
     * returns an object with the client device information
     * required parameter <client_mac> = client device MAC address
    private function stat_client($client_mac) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/user/' . trim($client_mac)));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * List user groups
     * ----------------
     * returns an array of user group objects
    private function list_usergroups() {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/usergroup'));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * Assign user device to another group
     * -----------------------------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <user_id>  = id of the user device to be modified
     * required parameter <group_id> = id of the user group to assign user to
    private function set_usergroup($user_id, $group_id) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $json = json_encode(['usergroup_id' => $group_id]);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/upd/user/' . trim($user_id), 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * Edit user group
     * ---------------
     * returns an array containing a single object with attributes of the updated usergroup on success
     * required parameter <group_id>   = id of the user group
     * required parameter <site_id>    = id of the site
     * required parameter <group_name> = name of the user group
     * optional parameter <group_dn>   = limit download bandwidth in Kbps (default = -1, which sets bandwidth to unlimited)
     * optional parameter <group_up>   = limit upload bandwidth in Kbps (default = -1, which sets bandwidth to unlimited)
    private function edit_usergroup($group_id, $site_id, $group_name, $group_dn = -1, $group_up = -1) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $this->request_type = 'PUT';
        $json = json_encode(['_id' => $group_id, 'name' => $group_name, 'qos_rate_max_down' => $group_dn, 'qos_rate_max_up' => $group_up, 'site_id' => $site_id]);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/usergroup/' . trim($group_id), $json));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * Add user group
     * --------------
     * returns an array containing a single object with attributes of the new usergroup ("_id", "name", "qos_rate_max_down", "qos_rate_max_up", "site_id") on success
     * required parameter <group_name> = name of the user group
     * optional parameter <group_dn>   = limit download bandwidth in Kbps (default = -1, which sets bandwidth to unlimited)
     * optional parameter <group_up>   = limit upload bandwidth in Kbps (default = -1, which sets bandwidth to unlimited)
    private function add_usergroup($group_name, $group_dn = -1, $group_up = -1) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $json = json_encode(['name' => $group_name, 'qos_rate_max_down' => $group_dn, 'qos_rate_max_up' => $group_up]);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/usergroup', $json));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * Delete user group
     * -----------------
     * returns true on success
     * required parameter <group_id> = id of the user group
    private function delete_usergroup($group_id) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $this->request_type = 'DELETE';
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/usergroup/' . trim($group_id)));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * List health metrics
     * -------------------
     * returns an array of health metric objects
    private function list_health() {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/health'));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * List dashboard metrics
     * ----------------------
     * returns an array of dashboard metric objects (available since controller version 4.9.1.alpha)
    private function list_dashboard() {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/dashboard'));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * List user devices
     * -----------------
     * returns an array of known user device objects
    private function list_users() {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/user'));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * List access points and other devices under management of the controller (USW and/or USG devices)
     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * returns an array of known device objects (or a single device when using the <device_mac> parameter)
     * optional parameter <device_mac> = the MAC address of a single device for which the call must be made
    private function list_devices($device_mac = null) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/device/' . $device_mac));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * List rogue access points
     * ------------------------
     * returns an array of known rogue access point objects
     * optional parameter <within> = hours to go back to list discovered "rogue" access points (default = 24 hours)
    private function list_rogueaps($within = '24') {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $json = json_encode(['within' => $within]);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/rogueap', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * List sites
     * ----------
     * returns a list sites hosted on this controller with some details
    private function list_sites() {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/self/sites'));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * List sites stats
     * ----------------
     * returns statistics for all sites hosted on this controller
     * NOTES: this endpoint was introduced with controller version 5.2.9
    private function stat_sites() {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/stat/sites'));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * Add a site
     * ----------
     * returns an array containing a single object with attributes of the new site ("_id", "desc", "name") on success
     * required parameter <description> = the long name for the new site
     * NOTES: immediately after being added, the new site will be available in the output of the "list_sites" function
    private function add_site($description) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $json = json_encode(['desc' => $description, 'cmd' => 'add-site']);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/sitemgr', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * Delete a site
     * -------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <site_id> = 24 char string; _id of the site to delete
    private function delete_site($site_id) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $json = json_encode(['site' => $site_id, 'cmd' => 'delete-site']);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/sitemgr', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * List admins
     * -----------
     * returns an array containing administrator objects for selected site
    private function list_admins() {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $json = json_encode(['cmd' => 'get-admins']);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/sitemgr', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * List wlan_groups
     * ----------------
     * returns an array containing known wlan_groups
    private function list_wlan_groups() {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/wlangroup'));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * List sysinfo
     * ------------
     * returns an array of known sysinfo data
    private function stat_sysinfo() {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/sysinfo'));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * List self
     * ---------
     * returns an array of information about the logged in user
    private function list_self() {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/self'));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * List networkconf
     * ----------------
     * returns an array of network configuration data
    private function list_networkconf() {
        /* if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false; */
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/networkconf'));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * List vouchers
     * -------------
     * returns an array of hotspot voucher objects
     * optional parameter <create_time> = Unix timestamp in seconds
    private function stat_voucher($create_time = null) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $json = json_encode([]);
        if (trim($create_time) != null) {
            $json = json_encode(['create_time' => $create_time]);

        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/voucher', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * List payments
     * -------------
     * returns an array of hotspot payments
     * optional parameter <within> = number of hours to go back to fetch payments
    private function stat_payment($within = null) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $url_suffix = '';
        if ($within != null) {
            $url_suffix = '?within=' . $within;

        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/payment' . $url_suffix));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * Create hotspot operator
     * -----------------------
     * return true upon success
     * required parameter <name>       = name for the hotspot operator
     * required parameter <x_password> = clear text password for the hotspot operator
     * optional parameter <note>       = note to attach to the hotspot operator
    private function create_hotspotop($name, $x_password, $note = null) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $json = ['name' => $name, 'x_password' => $x_password];

         * if we have received a value for note, we append it to the payload array to be submitted
        if (isset($note))
            $json['note'] = trim($note);
        $json = json_encode($json);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/hotspotop', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * List hotspot operators
     * ----------------------
     * returns an array of hotspot operators
    private function list_hotspotop() {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/hotspotop'));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * Create voucher(s)
     * -----------------
     * returns an array of voucher codes (without the dash "-" in the middle) by calling the stat_voucher method
     * required parameter <minutes> = minutes the voucher is valid after activation
     * optional parameter <count>   = number of vouchers to create, default value is 1
     * optional parameter <quota>   = single-use or multi-use vouchers, string value '0' is for multi-use, '1' is for single-use,
     *                                "n" is for multi-use n times
     * optional parameter <note>    = note text to add to voucher when printing
     * optional parameter <up>      = upload speed limit in kbps
     * optional parameter <down>    = download speed limit in kbps
     * optional parameter <MBytes>  = data transfer limit in MB
    private function create_voucher($minutes, $count = 1, $quota = '0', $note = null, $up = null, $down = null, $MBytes = null) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $json = ['cmd' => 'create-voucher', 'expire' => $minutes, 'n' => $count, 'quota' => $quota];

         * if we have received values for note/up/down/MBytes we append them to the payload array to be submitted
        if (isset($note))
            $json['note'] = trim($note);
        if (isset($up))
            $json['up'] = $up;
        if (isset($down))
            $json['down'] = $down;
        if (isset($MBytes))
            $json['bytes'] = $MBytes;
        $json = json_encode($json);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/hotspot', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * Revoke voucher
     * --------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <voucher_id> = 24 char string; _id of the voucher to revoke
    private function revoke_voucher($voucher_id) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $json = json_encode(['_id' => $voucher_id, 'cmd' => 'delete-voucher']);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/hotspot', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * Extend guest validity
     * ---------------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <guest_id> = 24 char string; _id of the guest to extend validity
    private function extend_guest_validity($guest_id) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $json = json_encode(['_id' => $guest_id, 'cmd' => 'extend']);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/hotspot', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * List port forwarding stats
     * --------------------------
     * returns an array of port forwarding stats
    private function list_portforward_stats() {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/portforward'));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * List DPI stats
     * --------------
     * returns an array of DPI stats
    private function list_dpi_stats() {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/dpi'));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * List current channels
     * ---------------------
     * returns an array of currently allowed channels
    private function list_current_channels() {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/current-channel'));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * List port forwarding settings
     * -----------------------------
     * returns an array of port forwarding settings
    private function list_portforwarding() {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/portforward'));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * List dynamic DNS settings
     * -------------------------
     * returns an array of dynamic DNS settings
    private function list_dynamicdns() {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/dynamicdns'));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * List port configuration
     * -----------------------
     * returns an array of port configurations
    private function list_portconf() {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/portconf'));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * List VoIP extensions
     * --------------------
     * returns an array of VoIP extensions
    private function list_extension() {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/extension'));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * List site settings
     * ------------------
     * returns an array of site configuration settings
    private function list_settings() {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/get/setting'));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * Adopt a device to the selected site
     * -----------------------------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <mac> = device MAC address
    private function adopt_device($mac) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $mac = strtolower($mac);
        $json = json_encode(['mac' => $mac, 'cmd' => 'adopt']);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/devmgr', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * Reboot an access point
     * ----------------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <mac> = device MAC address
    private function restart_ap($mac) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $mac = strtolower($mac);
        $json = json_encode(['cmd' => 'restart', 'mac' => $mac]);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/devmgr', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * Disable/enable an access point
     * ------------------------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <ap_id>   = 24 char string; value of _id for the access point which can be obtained from the device list
     * required parameter <disable> = boolean; true will disable the device, false will enable the device
     * NOTES:
     * - a disabled device will be excluded from the dashboard status and device count and its LED and WLAN will be turned off
     * - appears to only be supported for access points
     * - available since controller versions 5.2.X
    private function disable_ap($ap_id, $disable) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $this->request_type = 'PUT';
        $json = json_encode(['disabled' => (bool) $disable]);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/device/' . trim($ap_id), $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * Override LED mode for a device
     * ------------------------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <device_id>     = 24 char string; value of _id for the device which can be obtained from the device list
     * required parameter <override_mode> = string, off/on/default; "off" will disable the LED of the device,
     *                                      "on" will enable the LED of the device,
     *                                      "default" will apply the site-wide setting for device LEDs
     * NOTES:
     * - available since controller versions 5.2.X
    private function led_override($device_id, $override_mode) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $this->request_type = 'PUT';
        $override_mode_options = ['off', 'on', 'default'];
        if (in_array($override_mode, $override_mode_options)) {
            $json = json_encode(['led_override' => $override_mode]);
            $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/device/' . trim($device_id), $json));
            return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

        return false;

     * Toggle flashing LED of an access point for locating purposes
     * ------------------------------------------------------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <mac>    = device MAC address
     * required parameter <enable> = boolean; true will enable flashing LED, false will disable
     * NOTES:
     * replaces the old set_locate_ap() and unset_locate_ap() methods/functions
    private function locate_ap($mac, $enable) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $mac = strtolower($mac);
        $cmd = (($enable) ? 'set-locate' : 'unset-locate');
        $json = json_encode(['cmd' => $cmd, 'mac' => $mac]);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/devmgr', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * Toggle LEDs of all the access points ON or OFF
     * ----------------------------------------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <enable> = boolean; true will switch LEDs of all the access points ON, false will switch them OFF
    private function site_leds($enable) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $json = json_encode(['led_enabled' => (bool) $enable]);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/set/setting/mgmt', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * Set access point radio settings
     * -------------------------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <ap_id>
     * required parameter <radio>(default=ng)
     * required parameter <channel>
     * required parameter <ht>(default=20)
     * required parameter <tx_power_mode>
     * required parameter <tx_power>(default=0)
    private function set_ap_radiosettings($ap_id, $radio, $channel, $ht, $tx_power_mode, $tx_power) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $json = json_encode(['radio_table' => ['radio' => $radio, 'channel' => $channel, 'ht' => $ht, 'tx_power_mode' => $tx_power_mode, 'tx_power' => $tx_power]]);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/upd/device/' . trim($ap_id), 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * Set guest login settings
     * ------------------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <portal_enabled>
     * required parameter <portal_customized>
     * required parameter <redirect_enabled>
     * required parameter <redirect_url>
     * required parameter <x_password>
     * required parameter <expire_number>
     * required parameter <expire_unit>
     * required parameter <site_id>
     * NOTES:
     * - both portal parameters are set to the same value!
    private function set_guestlogin_settings(
    $portal_enabled, $portal_customized, $redirect_enabled, $redirect_url, $x_password, $expire_number, $expire_unit, $site_id
    ) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $json = [
            'portal_enabled' => $portal_enabled,
            'portal_customized' => $portal_customized,
            'redirect_enabled' => $redirect_enabled,
            'redirect_url' => $redirect_url,
            'x_password' => $x_password,
            'expire_number' => $expire_number,
            'expire_unit' => $expire_unit,
            'site_id' => $site_id
        $json = json_encode($json, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/set/setting/guest_access', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * Rename access point
     * -------------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <ap_id>
     * required parameter <apname>
    private function rename_ap($ap_id, $apname) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $json = json_encode(['name' => $apname]);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/upd/device/' . trim($ap_id), 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * Add a wlan
     * ----------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <name>             = string; SSID
     * required parameter <x_passphrase>     = string; new pre-shared key, minimal length is 8 characters, maximum length is 63
     * required parameter <usergroup_id>     = string; user group id that can be found using the list_usergroups() function
     * required parameter <wlangroup_id>     = string; wlan group id that can be found using the list_wlan_groups() function
     * optional parameter <enabled>          = boolean; enable/disable wlan
     * optional parameter <hide_ssid>        = boolean; hide/unhide wlan SSID
     * optional parameter <is_guest>         = boolean; apply guest policies or not
     * optional parameter <security>         = string; security type
     * optional parameter <wpa_mode>         = string; wpa mode (wpa, wpa2, ..)
     * optional parameter <wpa_enc>          = string; encryption (auto, ccmp)
     * optional parameter <vlan_enabled>     = boolean; enable/disable vlan for this wlan
     * optional parameter <vlan>             = string; vlan id
     * optional parameter <uapsd_enabled>    = boolean; enable/disable Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery
     * optional parameter <schedule_enabled> = boolean; enable/disable wlan schedule
     * optional parameter <schedule>         = string; schedule rules
     * -----------------
     * TODO: Check parameter values
    private function create_wlan(
    $name, $x_passphrase, $usergroup_id, $wlangroup_id, $enabled = true, $hide_ssid = false, $is_guest = false, $security = 'open', $wpa_mode = 'wpa2', $wpa_enc = 'ccmp', $vlan_enabled = false, $vlan = null, $uapsd_enabled = false, $schedule_enabled = false, $schedule = []
    ) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $json = [
            'name' => $name,
            'x_passphrase' => $x_passphrase,
            'usergroup_id' => $usergroup_id,
            'wlangroup_id' => $wlangroup_id,
            'enabled' => $enabled,
            'hide_ssid' => $hide_ssid,
            'is_guest' => $is_guest,
            'security' => $security,
            'wpa_mode' => $wpa_mode,
            'wpa_enc' => $wpa_enc,
            'vlan_enabled' => $vlan_enabled,
            'uapsd_enabled' => $uapsd_enabled,
            'schedule_enabled' => $schedule_enabled,
            'schedule' => $schedule,
        if (!is_null($vlan) && $vlan_enabled)
            $json['vlan'] = $vlan;
        $json = json_encode($json);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/add/wlanconf', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * Delete a wlan
     * -------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <wlan_id> = 24 char string; _id of the wlan that can be found with the list_wlanconf() function
    private function delete_wlan($wlan_id) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $json = json_encode([]);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/del/wlanconf/' . trim($wlan_id), 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * Set wlan settings
     * -----------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <wlan_id>
     * required parameter <x_passphrase> = new pre-shared key, minimal length is 8 characters, maximum length is 63,
     *                                     will be ignored if set to null
     * optional parameter <name>
    private function set_wlansettings($wlan_id, $x_passphrase, $name = null) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $json = [];
        if (!is_null($x_passphrase))
            $json['x_passphrase'] = trim($x_passphrase);
        if (!is_null($name))
            $json['name'] = trim($name);
        $json = json_encode($json);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/upd/wlanconf/' . trim($wlan_id), 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * Disable/Enable wlan
     * -------------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <wlan_id>
     * required parameter <disable> = boolean; true disables the wlan, false enables it
    private function disable_wlan($wlan_id, $disable) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $action = ($disable) ? false : true;
        $json = ['enabled' => (bool) $action];
        $json = json_encode($json);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/upd/wlanconf/' . trim($wlan_id), 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * List events
     * -----------
     * returns an array of known events
     * optional parameter <historyhours> = hours to go back, default value is 720 hours
     * optional parameter <start>        = which event number to start with (useful for paging of results), default value is 0
     * optional parameter <limit>        = number of events to return, default value is 3000
    private function list_events($historyhours = 720, $start = 0, $limit = 3000) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $json = ['_sort' => '-time', 'within' => $historyhours, 'type' => null, '_start' => $start, '_limit' => $limit];
        $json = json_encode($json);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/event', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * List wireless settings
     * ----------------------
     * returns an array of wireless networks and settings
    private function list_wlanconf() {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/wlanconf'));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * List alarms
     * -----------
     * returns an array of known alarms
    private function list_alarms() {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/alarm'));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * Count alarms
     * ------------
     * returns an array containing the alarm count
     * optional parameter <archived> = boolean; if true all alarms will be counted, if false only non-archived (active) alarms will be counted
    private function count_alarms($archived = null) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $url_suffix = ($archived === false) ? '?archived=false' : null;
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cnt/alarm' . $url_suffix));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

     * Upgrade a device to the latest firmware
     * ---------------------------------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <device_mac> = MAC address of the device to upgrade
     * NOTES:
     * - updates the device to the latest firmware known to the controller
    private function upgrade_device($device_mac) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $json = ['mac' => $device_mac];
        $json = json_encode($json);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/devmgr/upgrade', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * Upgrade a device to a specific firmware file
     * --------------------------------------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <firmware_url> = URL for the firmware file to upgrade the device to
     * required parameter <device_mac>   = MAC address of the device to upgrade
     * NOTES:
     * - updates the device to the firmware file at the given URL
     * - please take great care to select a valid firmware file for the device!
    private function upgrade_device_external($firmware_url, $device_mac) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $json = ['url' => $firmware_url, 'mac' => $device_mac];
        $json = json_encode($json, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/devmgr/upgrade-external', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * Trigger an RF scan by an AP
     * ---------------------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <ap_mac> = MAC address of the AP
    private function spectrum_scan($ap_mac) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $json = ['cmd' => 'spectrum-scan', 'mac' => $ap_mac];
        $json = json_encode($json);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/devmgr', 'json=' . $json));
        return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);

     * Check the RF scanning state of an AP
     * ------------------------------------
     * returns an object with relevant information (results if available) regarding the RF scanning state of the AP
     * required parameter <ap_mac> = MAC address of the AP
    private function spectrum_scan_state($ap_mac) {
        if (!$this->is_loggedin)
            return false;
        $json = json_encode($json);
        $content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/spectrum-scan/' . trim($ap_mac)));
        return $this->process_response($content_decoded);

    /*     * **************************************************************
     * "Aliases" for deprecated functions from here, to support
     * backward compatibility:
     * ************************************************************** */

     * List access points and other devices under management of the controller (USW and/or USG devices)
     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * returns an array of known device objects (or a single device when using the <device_mac> parameter)
     * optional parameter <device_mac> = the MAC address of a single device for which the call must be made
     * NOTE:
     * changed function/method name to fit it's purpose
    private function list_aps($device_mac = null) {
        return $this->list_devices($device_mac);

     * Start flashing LED of an access point for locating purposes
     * -----------------------------------------------------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <mac> = device MAC address
    private function set_locate_ap($mac) {
                'Function set_locate_ap() has been deprecated, use locate_ap() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED
        return $this->locate_ap($mac, true);

     * Stop flashing LED of an access point for locating purposes
     * ----------------------------------------------------------
     * return true on success
     * required parameter <mac> = device MAC address
    private function unset_locate_ap($mac) {
                'Function unset_locate_ap() has been deprecated, use locate_ap() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED
        return $this->locate_ap($mac, false);

     * Switch LEDs of all the access points ON
     * ---------------------------------------
     * return true on success
    private function site_ledson() {
                'Function site_ledson() has been deprecated, use site_leds() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED
        return $this->site_leds(true);

     * Switch LEDs of all the access points OFF
     * ----------------------------------------
     * return true on success
    private function site_ledsoff() {
                'Function site_ledsoff() has been deprecated, use site_leds() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED
        return $this->site_leds(false);

    /*     * **************************************************************
     * Internal (private) functions from here:
     * ************************************************************** */

     * Process regular responses where output is the content of the data array
    private function process_response($response) {
        $this->last_results_raw = $response;
        if (isset($response->meta->rc)) {
            if ($response->meta->rc === 'ok') {
                $this->last_error_message = null;
                if (is_array($response->data)) {
                    return $response->data;

                return true;
            } elseif ($response->meta->rc === 'error') {
                 * we have an error; set latest_error_message if we have a message
                if (isset($response->meta->msg)) {
                    $this->last_error_message = $response->meta->msg;

                if ($this->debug) {
                    error_log('Last error message: ' . $this->last_error_message);

        return false;

     * Process responses where output should be boolean (true/false)
    private function process_response_boolean($response) {
        $this->last_results_raw = $response;
        if (isset($response->meta->rc)) {
            if ($response->meta->rc === 'ok') {
                $this->last_error_message = null;
                return true;
            } elseif ($response->meta->rc === 'error') {
                 * we have an error:
                 * set latest_error_message if the returned error message is available
                if (isset($response->meta->msg)) {
                    $this->last_error_message = $response->meta->msg;

                if ($this->debug) {
                    error_log('Last error message: ' . $this->last_error_message);

        return false;

     * Execute the cURL request
    private function exec_curl($url, $data = '') {
        $this->ch = $this->get_curl_obj();
        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);

        if (trim($data) != '') {
            curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
            if ($this->request_type === 'PUT') {
                curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type: application/json', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data)]);
                curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'PUT');
            } else {
                curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type: application/json']);
        } else {
            curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_POST, false);
            if ($this->request_type === 'DELETE') {
                curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'DELETE');

        if (($content = curl_exec($this->ch)) === false) {
            error_log('cURL error: ' . curl_error($this->ch));

        if ($this->debug) {
            print '<pre>';
            print PHP_EOL . '---------cURL INFO-----------' . PHP_EOL;
            print PHP_EOL . '-------URL & PAYLOAD---------' . PHP_EOL;
            print $url . PHP_EOL;
            print $data;
            print PHP_EOL . '----------RESPONSE-----------' . PHP_EOL;
            print $content;
            print PHP_EOL . '-----------------------------' . PHP_EOL;
            print '</pre>';

        return $content;

     * get the cURL object
    private function get_curl_obj() {
        $this->ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

        if ($this->debug) {
            curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true);

        if ($this->cookies != '') {
            curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, true);
            curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $this->cookies);

        return $this->ch;

    private function maskUmlaute($text) {
        $text = str_replace("ä", "a", $text);
        $text = str_replace("Ä", "AE", $text);
        $text = str_replace("ö", "oe", $text);
        $text = str_replace("Ö", "OE", $text);
        $text = str_replace("ü", "ue", $text);
        $text = str_replace("Ü", "UE", $text);
        $text = str_replace("ß", "ss", $text);
        $text = str_replace(" ", "_", $text);
        $text = str_replace("(", "_", $text);
        $text = str_replace(")", "_", $text);
        $text = str_replace("&", "_", $text);
        $text = str_replace("§", "_", $text);
        $text = str_replace("/", "_", $text);
        $text = str_replace("=", "_", $text);
        $text = str_replace("{", "_", $text);
        $text = str_replace("}", "_", $text);
        $text = str_replace(":", "_", $text);
        $text = str_replace(",", "_", $text);
        $text = str_replace(";", "_", $text);

        return $text;

    private function CreateCategoryByIdent($id, $ident, $name) {
        $cid = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($this->maskUmlaute($ident), $id);
        if ($cid === false) {
            $cid = IPS_CreateCategory();
            IPS_SetParent($cid, $id);
            IPS_SetName($cid, $name);
            IPS_SetIdent($cid, $this->maskUmlaute($ident));
            IPS_SetName($cid, $name);
        return $cid;

    private function SetVariable($VarID, $Type, $Value) {
        switch ($Type) {
            case 0: // boolean
                SetValueBoolean($VarID, $Value);
            case 1: // integer
                SetValueInteger($VarID, $Value);
            case 2: // float
                SetValueFloat($VarID, $Value);
            case 3: // string
                SetValueString($VarID, $Value);

    private function CalculateRate($Name, $AktValue, $Ident = '', $ParentID = 0) {
        $this->SendDebug("getVariableValue", "Ident ist: " . $Ident, 0);
        if ('' != $Ident) {
            $VarID = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($Ident, $ParentID);
            if (false !== $VarID) {
                $this->SendDebug("getVariableValue", "VarID ist: " . $VarID, 0);
                $v = IPS_GetVariable($VarID);
                $this->SendDebug("getVariableValue", "letztes Update: " .date("d.m.y H:i", $v['VariableUpdated']),0);
                $this->SendDebug("getVariableValue", "letzter Wert: " . $v['VariableValue'],0);
                $this->SendDebug("getVariableValue", "aktueller Wert: " . $AktValue,0);
                $this->SendDebug("getVariableValue", "aktuelle Zeit: " . time(),0);
                //Ueberlauf/Zuruecksetzen Downloadzaehler abfangen
                if ($AktValue>$v['VariableValue']){
                    $this->SendDebug("getVariableValue", "Downloadrate: " . $rate,0);
        return $rate;
    private function CreateScriptByName($ScriptNAME, $ParentID, $ScriptTEXT, $SetHidden = TRUE)
        $ScriptID = @IPS_GetScriptIDByName($ScriptNAME, $ParentID);
        if ($ScriptID === false){

           $ScriptID = IPS_CreateScript(0);
           IPS_SetName($ScriptID, $ScriptNAME);
           IPS_SetParent($ScriptID, $ParentID);
           IPS_SetInfo($ScriptID, "This script was created by: #".$_IPS['SELF']."#");
           IPS_SetHidden($ScriptID, $SetHidden);
           IPS_SetScriptContent($ScriptID, $ScriptTEXT);
           return $ScriptID;
        IPS_SetScriptContent($ScriptID, $ScriptTEXT);
        return $ScriptID;   
    private function SetEventByName($triggervariableID, $scriptid, $name, $eventtype, $triggervalue)
        $eid = @IPS_GetEventIDByName($name, $scriptid);
        if($eid === false)
            $eid = IPS_CreateEvent(0);                                    //Ausgelöstes Ereignis
            IPS_SetEventTrigger($eid, $eventtype, $triggervariableID);    //Event-Typ festlegen (Aktualisierung, Änderung etc.)
            if ($eventtype >= 2) IPS_SetEventTriggerValue($eid, $triggervalue);
            IPS_SetParent($eid, $scriptid);
            IPS_SetName($eid, $name);
            IPS_SetInfo($eid, "this event was created by script #".$_IPS['SELF']);
            IPS_SetEventActive($eid, true);
        return $eid;

    private function CreateVariable($Name, $Type, $Value, $Ident = '', $ParentID = 0, $profile = "") {
        //echo "CreateVariable: (Name:".$Name.", Type:".$Type.", Value:".$Value.", Ident:".$Ident.", Parent:".$ParentID.") 
        if ('' != $Ident) {
            $VarID = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($Ident, $ParentID);
            if (false !== $VarID) {
                IPS_SetVariableCustomProfile($VarID, $profile);
                $this->SetVariable($VarID, $Type, $Value);
        $VarID = @IPS_GetObjectIDByName($Name, $ParentID);
		//echo "GetObjectIDByName: ".$Name.", ".$ParentID."
        if (false !== $VarID) { // exists?
            $Obj = IPS_GetObject($VarID);
            if (2 == $Obj['ObjectType']) { // is variable?
                $Var = IPS_GetVariable($VarID);
                if ($Type == $Var['VariableValue']['ValueType']) {
                    IPS_SetVariableCustomProfile($VarID, $profile);
                    $this->SetVariable($VarID, $Type, $Value);
        $VarID = IPS_CreateVariable($Type);
        IPS_SetParent($VarID, $ParentID);
        IPS_SetName($VarID, $Name);
        if($profile != "")
            IPS_SetVariableCustomProfile($VarID, $profile);
        if ('' != $Ident) {
            IPS_SetIdent($VarID, $Ident);
        $this->SetVariable($VarID, $Type, $Value);

    private function GetWLANclients($instance_Clients_ID, $instance_Clients_Presence_ID, $instance_Clients_PresenceWLAN_ID) {
        $clientList = $this->list_clients();

        if (is_object($this->last_results_raw)) {
            foreach ($this->last_results_raw->data as $client) { 
                if($client->is_wired === FALSE)
                    if(!isset($client->hostname) AND isset($client->name))
                        $client->hostname = $client->name;
                    if(!isset($client->name) AND isset($client->hostname))
                        $client->name = $client->hostname;
                    if(!isset($client->name) AND !isset($client->hostname))
                        $client->name = $client->mac;
                        $client->hostname = $client->mac;
                        $client->ip = "n/a";
                    $ident = str_replace(":", "", $client->mac);
                    $ident = str_replace("-", "", $ident);
                    $catID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_Clients_ID, $ident . "_name", $client->name);
                    if (isset($client->mac)) $this->CreateVariable("MAC", 3, $client->mac, $ident . "_mac", $catID);
                    if (isset($client->ap_mac)) $this->CreateVariable("Accesspoint MAC", 3, $client->ap_mac, $ident . "_ap_mac", $catID);
                    if (isset($client->ip)) $this->CreateVariable("IP", 3, $client->ip, $ident . "_ip", $catID);
                    if (isset($client->hostname)) $this->CreateVariable("Hostname", 3, $client->hostname, $ident . "_hostname", $catID);
                    if (isset($client->signal)) $this->CreateVariable("Signal", 1, $client->signal, $ident . "_signal", $catID);
                    if (isset($client->radio)) $this->CreateVariable("Radio", 3, $client->radio, $ident . "_radio", $catID);
                    //Downloadrate berechnen
                    if (isset($client->tx_bytes)) $txrate=$this->CalculateRate("TX Bytes", $client->tx_bytes, $ident . "_txbytes", $catID);
                    //Erste danach die aktuellen Werte eintragen
                    if (isset($client->tx_bytes)) $this->CreateVariable("TX Bytes", 1, $client->tx_bytes, $ident . "_txbytes", $catID);
                    if (isset($client->rx_bytes)) $this->CreateVariable("RX Bytes", 1, $client->rx_bytes, $ident . "_rxbytes", $catID);
                    if (isset($client->uptime)) $this->CreateVariable("Uptime", 1, $client->uptime, $ident . "_uptime", $catID, "~UnixTimestampTime");
                    if (isset($client->last_seen))
                        $this->CreateVariable("Last Seen", 1, $client->last_seen, $ident . "_last_seen", $catID, "~UnixTimestamp");
                        $var_now = time();
                        $var_timedifference = ($var_now - $client->last_seen)/60; //vergangene Minuten seit letztem Kontakt
                        if ($var_timedifference <= 30)
                            $this->ClientArrayOnline[] = $ident;
                            $this->ClientArrayOnlineWLAN[] = $ident;
                        $this->ClientArrayOnline[] = $ident;
                        $this->ClientArrayOnlineWLAN[] = $ident;
                    if (isset($client->_last_seen_by_usw))
                        $this->CreateVariable("Last Seen by USG", 1, $client->_last_seen_by_usw, $ident . "_last_seen_usw", $catID, "~UnixTimestamp");
                        $var_now = time();
                        $var_timedifference = ($var_now - $client->_last_seen_by_usw)/60; //vergangene Minuten seit letztem Kontakt
                        if ($var_timedifference <= 30)
                            $this->ClientArrayOnline[] = $ident;
                            $this->ClientArrayOnlineWLAN[] = $ident;
                        $this->ClientArrayOnline[] = $ident;
                        $this->ClientArrayOnlineWLAN[] = $ident;
                    if (isset($client->first_seen)) $this->CreateVariable("First Seen", 1, $client->first_seen, $ident . "_first_seen", $catID, "~UnixTimestamp");
                    if (isset($client->uptime)) $this->CreateVariable("Uptime", 1, $client->uptime, $ident . "_uptime", $catID, "~UnixTimestampTime");
                    if (isset($txrate)) $this->CreateVariable("Downloadrate", 1, $txrate, $ident . "_txrate", $catID);

    private function GetLANclients($instance_Clients_ID, $instance_Clients_Presence_ID, $instance_Clients_PresenceLAN_ID) {
        if ($this->is_loggedin == true)
            $clientList = $this->list_clients();

            if (is_object($this->last_results_raw)) {
                foreach ($this->last_results_raw->data as $client) { 
                    if($client->is_wired === TRUE)
                        if(!isset($client->hostname) AND isset($client->name))
                            $client->hostname = $client->name;
                        if(!isset($client->name) AND isset($client->hostname))
                            $client->name = $client->hostname;
                        if(!isset($client->name) AND !isset($client->hostname))
                            $client->name = $client->mac;
                            $client->hostname = $client->mac;
                            $client->ip = "";
                            $client->{'wired-tx_bytes'} = 0;
                            $client->{'wired-rx_bytes'} = 0;
                        $ident = str_replace(":", "", $client->mac);
                        $ident = str_replace("-", "", $ident);
                        $catID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_Clients_ID, $ident . "_name", $client->name);
                        $this->CreateVariable("MAC", 3, $client->mac, $ident . "_mac", $catID);
                        $this->CreateVariable("IP", 3, $client->ip, $ident . "_ip", $catID);
                        $this->CreateVariable("Hostname", 3, $client->hostname, $ident . "_hostname", $catID);
                        if (!isset($client->tx_bytes) AND isset($client->{'wired-tx_bytes'})) $client->tx_bytes = $client->{'wired-tx_bytes'}; 
                        if (!isset($client->rx_bytes) AND isset($client->{'wired-rx_bytes'})) $client->rx_bytes = $client->{'wired-rx_bytes'};                  
                        $this->CreateVariable("TX Bytes", 1, $client->tx_bytes, $ident . "_txbytes", $catID);
                        $this->CreateVariable("RX Bytes", 1, $client->rx_bytes, $ident . "_rxbytes", $catID);
                        $this->CreateVariable("Uptime", 1, $client->uptime, $ident . "_uptime", $catID, "~UnixTimestampTime");
                        if (isset($client->last_seen))
                            $this->CreateVariable("Last Seen", 1, $client->last_seen, $ident . "_last_seen", $catID, "~UnixTimestamp");
                            $var_now = time();
                            $var_timedifference = ($var_now - $client->last_seen)/60; //vergangene Minuten seit letztem Kontakt
                            if ($var_timedifference <= 30)
                                $this->ClientArrayOnline[] = $ident;
                                $this->ClientArrayOnlineLAN[] = $ident;
                            $this->ClientArrayOnline[] = $ident;
                            $this->ClientArrayOnlineLAN[] = $ident;
                        if (isset($client->_last_seen_by_usw))
                            $this->CreateVariable("Last Seen by USG", 1, $client->_last_seen_by_usw, $ident . "_last_seen_usw", $catID, "~UnixTimestamp");
                            $var_now = time();
                            $var_timedifference = ($var_now - $client->_last_seen_by_usw)/60; //vergangene Minuten seit letztem Kontakt
                            if ($var_timedifference <= 30)
                                $this->ClientArrayOnline[] = $ident;
                                $this->ClientArrayOnlineLAN[] = $ident;
                            $this->ClientArrayOnline[] = $ident;
                            $this->ClientArrayOnlineLAN[] = $ident;

    private function CheckPresence($instance_Clients_Presence_ID, $instance_Clients_PresenceLAN_ID, $instance_Clients_PresenceWLAN_ID) {
        if ($this->is_loggedin == true)
            if (count($this->ClientArray) != 0)
                foreach($this->ClientArray as $obj) {
                    $varClientMAC = $obj->varDeviceMAC;
                    $varClientMAC = str_replace(":", "", $varClientMAC);
                    $varClientMAC = str_replace("-", "", $varClientMAC);
					//setvalue(53957, count($this->ClientArrayOnline));
					//$varClientMAC = "2e:ed:d9:7d:21:5d";
                    if (property_exists($this, 'ClientArrayOnline'))
                        if (in_array($varClientMAC, $this->ClientArrayOnline, TRUE))
//echo $varClientMAC."
					$varOnlineID = $this->CreateVariable($obj->varDeviceName, 0, TRUE, $varClientMAC . "_presence", $instance_Clients_Presence_ID, "~Presence");
                            $varOnlineID = $this->CreateVariable($obj->varDeviceName, 0, FALSE, $varClientMAC . "_presence", $instance_Clients_Presence_ID, "~Presence");
                    if (property_exists($this, 'ClientArrayOnlineLAN'))
                        if (in_array($varClientMAC, $this->ClientArrayOnlineLAN, TRUE))
                            $varOnlineID = $this->CreateVariable($obj->varDeviceName, 0, TRUE, $varClientMAC . "_presenceLAN", $instance_Clients_PresenceLAN_ID, "~Presence");
                            $varOnlineID = $this->CreateVariable($obj->varDeviceName, 0, FALSE, $varClientMAC . "_presenceLAN", $instance_Clients_PresenceLAN_ID, "~Presence");
                    if (property_exists($this, 'ClientArrayOnlineWLAN'))
                        if (in_array($varClientMAC, $this->ClientArrayOnlineWLAN, TRUE))
                            $varOnlineID = $this->CreateVariable($obj->varDeviceName, 0, TRUE, $varClientMAC . "_presenceWLAN", $instance_Clients_PresenceWLAN_ID, "~Presence");
                            $varOnlineID = $this->CreateVariable($obj->varDeviceName, 0, FALSE, $varClientMAC . "_presenceWLAN", $instance_Clients_PresenceWLAN_ID, "~Presence");

    private function GetWLANnetworks($instance_WLAN_ID) {
        if ($this->is_loggedin == true)
            $wlanList = $this->list_wlanconf();

            $ScriptTEXT = '<?php

$controlId = $_IPS[\'VARIABLE\'];
$value = $_IPS[\'VALUE\'];

// WLAN-Name
$start = stripos(IPS_GetName($controlId), "[") + 1;
$end = stripos(IPS_GetName($controlId), "]");
$wlanName = substr(IPS_GetName($controlId), $start, $end-$start);

$wlanId = GetValue(IPS_GetVariableIDByName("ID", IPS_GetCategoryIDByName($wlanName, IPS_GetParent($_IPS[\'SELF\']))));

    // on
    UniFi_SetWLANMode('.$this->InstanceID.', $wlanId."_enabledSET", TRUE); 
    // off
    UniFi_SetWLANMode('.$this->InstanceID.', $wlanId."_enabledSET", FALSE);

	    $actionId = $this->CreateScriptByName("switchWlanMode", $instance_WLAN_ID, $ScriptTEXT, $SetHidden = TRUE);

            if (is_object($this->last_results_raw)) {
                foreach ($this->last_results_raw->data as $wlan) {
                    $ident = $wlan->_id;
                    $catID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_WLAN_ID, $ident, $wlan->name);
                    $this->CreateVariable("ID", 3, $wlan->_id, $ident . "_id", $catID);
                    $this->CreateVariable("Enabled", 0, $wlan->enabled, $ident . "_enabled", $catID, "Schalter");
                    $this->RegisterVariableBoolean($ident . "_enabledSET", "WLAN [".$wlan->name."]", "Schalter");
                    IPS_SetInfo($this->GetIDForIdent($ident . "_enabledSET"), $ident);
                    IPS_SetVariableCustomAction($this->GetIDForIdent($ident . "_enabledSET"), $actionId);
                    $this->CreateVariable("Security", 3, $wlan->security, $ident . "_security", $catID);

    private function GetLANnetworks($instance_LAN_ID) {
        if ($this->is_loggedin == true)
            $lanList = $this->list_networkconf();

            if (is_object($this->last_results_raw)) {
                foreach ($this->last_results_raw->data as $lan) {
                    $this->SendDebug("LAN", "Name: ".$lan->name, 0);
                    $this->SendDebug("LAN", "Enabled: ".isset($lan->enabled),0);
                    $ident = $lan->_id;
                    $catID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_LAN_ID, $ident, $lan->name);
                    $this->CreateVariable("ID", 3, $lan->_id, $ident . "_id", $catID);
                    if (isset($lan->enabled)) $this->CreateVariable("Enabled", 0, $lan->enabled, $ident . "_enabled", $catID);
                    if (isset($lan->vlan))    $this->CreateVariable("VLAN",    1, intval($lan->vlan), $ident . "_vlan", $catID);

    private function GetUnifi_Devices($instance_APS_ID) {
        if ($this->is_loggedin == true)
            $apList = $this->list_devices();

            if (is_object($this->last_results_raw)) {
                foreach ($this->last_results_raw->data as $aps) {
                    $ident = $aps->_id;
                    $catID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_APS_ID, $ident, $aps->name);
                    $this->CreateVariable("ID", 3, $aps->_id, $ident . "_id", $catID);
                    $this->CreateVariable("Uptime", 1, $aps->uptime, $ident . "_uptime", $catID, "~UnixTimestampTime");
                    if (isset($aps->ip)) $this->CreateVariable("IP", 3, $aps->ip, $ident . "_ip", $catID);     
                    if (isset($aps->hostname)) $this->CreateVariable("Hostname", 3, $aps->hostname, $ident . "_hostname", $catID); 
                    if (isset($aps->upgradable)) $this->CreateVariable("Firmwareupdate available", 0, $aps->upgradable, $ident . "_upgradable", $catID); 

    public function SetWLANMode($Ident, $Value)
        $this->baseURL = $this->ReadPropertyString("IPAddress");
        $this->user = $this->ReadPropertyString("UserName");
        $this->password = $this->ReadPropertyString("UserPassword");
        $this->site = $this->ReadPropertyString("Site");
        $this->version = '5.4.16';
        $this->checkIntervalNetwork = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("Intervall_Network");
        $this->checkIntervalClient = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("Intervall_Client");
        $this->debug = $this->ReadPropertyBoolean("Debug");
        $ChangeNetworkIdent = $this->GetIDForIdent($Ident);
        $ChangeNetworkID    = IPS_GetObject($ChangeNetworkIdent)["ObjectInfo"];
        $ChangeNetwork = $this->disable_wlan($ChangeNetworkID, !$Value);
        if ( $ChangeNetwork == TRUE)
            SetValue($this->GetIDForIdent($Ident), $Value);
            throw new Exception("Valid Network-ID: ".$ChangeNetworkID);
            throw new Exception("Invalid Network-ID: ".$ChangeNetworkID);
    public function RequestAction($Ident, $Value)
        throw new Exception("Network-ID: ".$ChangeNetworkID);
        $this->SetWLANMode($Ident, boolval($Value));

    public function ApplyChanges() {
        //Never delete this line!

        $this->baseURL = $this->ReadPropertyString("IPAddress");
        $this->user = $this->ReadPropertyString("UserName");
        $this->password = $this->ReadPropertyString("UserPassword");
        $this->site = $this->ReadPropertyString("Site");
        $this->version = '5.4.16';
        $this->checkIntervalNetwork = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("Intervall_Network");
        $this->checkIntervalClient = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("Intervall_Client");
        $this->debug = $this->ReadPropertyBoolean("Debug");

        $this->SetTimerInterval("Intervall_Network", ($this->ReadPropertyInteger("Intervall_Network") * 1000));
        $this->SetTimerInterval("Intervall_Client", ($this->ReadPropertyInteger("Intervall_Client") * 1000));

        # create neccessary folders
        $instance_id_parent = $this->InstanceID;
        $instance_Clients_ID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_id_parent, "Clients", "Clients");
        $instance_WLAN_ID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_id_parent, "WLAN", "WLAN");
        $instance_LAN_ID  = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_id_parent, "LAN", "LAN");
        $instance_APS_ID  = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_id_parent, "UniFiDevices", "UniFi-Devices");


    public function UpdateUniFiNetworkData() {
        $this->baseURL = $this->ReadPropertyString("IPAddress");
        $this->user = $this->ReadPropertyString("UserName");
        $this->password = $this->ReadPropertyString("UserPassword");
        $this->site = $this->ReadPropertyString("Site");
        $this->version = '5.4.16';
        $this->checkIntervalNetwork = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("Intervall_Network");
        $this->checkIntervalClient = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("Intervall_Client");
        $this->debug = $this->ReadPropertyBoolean("Debug");

        # create neccessary folders
        $instance_id_parent = $this->InstanceID;
        $instance_WLAN_ID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_id_parent, "WLAN", "WLAN");
        $instance_LAN_ID  = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_id_parent, "LAN", "LAN");
        $instance_APS_ID  = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_id_parent, "UniFiDevices", "UniFi-Devices");


    public function UpdateUniFiClientData() {
        $this->baseURL = $this->ReadPropertyString("IPAddress");
        $this->user = $this->ReadPropertyString("UserName");
        $this->password = $this->ReadPropertyString("UserPassword");
        $this->site = $this->ReadPropertyString("Site");
        $this->version = '5.4.16';
        $this->checkIntervalNetwork = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("Intervall_Network");
        $this->checkIntervalClient = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("Intervall_Client");
        $this->debug = $this->ReadPropertyBoolean("Debug");
        $this->ClientArray = json_decode($this->ReadPropertyString("Clients"));

        # create neccessary folders
        $instance_id_parent = $this->InstanceID;
        $instance_Clients_ID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_id_parent, "Clients", "Clients");
        $instance_Clients_Wireless_ID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_Clients_ID, "Wireless", "Wireless");
        $instance_Clients_LAN_ID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_Clients_ID, "LAN", "LAN");
        $instance_Clients_Presence_ID     = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_Clients_ID, "Presence", "_Presence");
        $instance_Clients_PresenceLAN_ID  = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_Clients_ID, "Presence: LAN", "_PresenceLAN");
        $instance_Clients_PresenceWLAN_ID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_Clients_ID, "Presence: WLAN", "_PresenceWLAN");

        $this->GetWLANclients($instance_Clients_Wireless_ID, $instance_Clients_Presence_ID, $instance_Clients_PresenceWLAN_ID);
        $this->GetLANclients($instance_Clients_LAN_ID, $instance_Clients_Presence_ID, $instance_Clients_PresenceLAN_ID);
        $this->CheckPresence($instance_Clients_Presence_ID, $instance_Clients_PresenceLAN_ID, $instance_Clients_PresenceWLAN_ID);



Hallo Kronos,

lieben Dank, das war es aber scheinbar noch nicht:

02.12.2020, 19:00:31 | TimerPool            | UniFi (Intervall_Client): <br />
<b>Notice</b>:  Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in <b>C:\ProgramData\Symcon\modules\MK_UniFi\UniFi\module.php</b> on line <b>1741</b><br />


Hallo zusammen,
beim ein- / ausschalten der WLAN Netzwerke bekomme ich folgende Fehlermeldung im WebFront angezeigt.
2020-12-05 10_35_31-Kai.png
Das Skript „switchWlanMode“ wird zudem als Fehlerhaft deklariert.

Trotzdem lässt sich das WLAN Netzwerk schalten…

Könnt ihr mir sagen was die Fehlermeldung bedeutet und wie man hier abhilfe schaffen kann?

Vielen Dank vorab und beste Grüße

Hat hier jemand noch eine Idee und kann helfen?


Ich hatte das Problem auch.

Bei mir lag es an einem esp. Warum auch immer, nach dem reset vom esp lief es wieder.

Folgendes habe ich gemacht:

Alle Geräte in Symbol gelöscht.
Beim automatischen erstellen der Geräte hatte ich ein Gerät(Kategorie )was nicht benannt wurde. Glaube unnamed object oder so ähnlich.
In der Kategorie konnte ich dann anhand der ip das Gerät ausfindig machen. Dieses kurz vom netz getrennt und der Fehler war weg.

Vielleicht ist es bei dir auch so.

Viel Erfolg

Gruß Micha.

Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk

Danke für den Tipp👍🏻 Wenn ich nur verstehen würde, was genau du meinst🤔
Momentan ist der Status von IPS bei mir nicht zu gebrauchen, da das Unifi Modul es total zumüllt. Auf das Modul will ich wegen der Präsenz nicht verzichten.


Bei mir leider ebenfalls so. Die Tipps von Micha87 (auch wenn ich diese nicht ganz verstanden habe) helfen auch nicht weiter. Ich habe die Kategorien+Devices neu erstellen lassen. Fehler bleibt. Auch mit „trial and error“ in der Modul.php habe ich leider keinen Erfolg.


Wenn ich das Modul lösche und neu anlege, dann sind die IDs der Instanzen, Geräte usw. doch alle neu. Dann funktionieren die ganzen Skripte nicht mehr, worin diese sich befinden. Wäre ja Arbeit ohne Ende🤔

Wenn Du das Modul löschst (unter Kern Instanzen/Modules) und neu installierst bleibt alles erhalten. Hat jedoch bei mir nichts gebracht. Nach dem Löschen der Kategorie „_Presence“ ist der Fehler bei mir nun weg. Die Kategorie und die darunter liegenden Geräte werden beim nächsten Lauf automatisch wieder erstellt. Falls Du hier Scripte angebunden hast, musst Du diese den neuen IDs wieder zuordnen.



ich wollte jetzt die MAC Adresse von meinem Smartphone im Modul anpassen. Beim Speichern kommt folgende Meldung:
Fehler beim Übernehmen der Änderungen
<br />
<b>Notice</b>: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in <b>/var/lib/symcon/modules/MK_UniFi/UniFi/module.php</b> on line <b>1740</b><br />
(Code: -32603)

Das Modul scheint ja nicht mehr richtig zu funktionieren:confused:


Hatte ich auch schon. Da hilft nur Variable löschen und neu anlegen lassen.
