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class UniFi extends IPSModule {
* public properties
public $ch = '';
public $user = '';
public $password = '';
public $site = 'default';
public $baseurl = '';
public $version = '5.4.16';
* private properties
private $debug = false;
private $is_loggedin = false;
private $cookies = '';
private $request_type = 'POST';
private $last_results_raw;
private $last_error_message;
public function Create() {
//Never delete this line!
//These lines are parsed on Symcon Startup or Instance creation
//You cannot use variables here. Just static values.
$this->RegisterPropertyString("IPAddress", "");
$this->RegisterPropertyString("UserName", "admin");
$this->RegisterPropertyString("UserPassword", "");
$this->RegisterPropertyString("Clients", "");
$this->RegisterPropertyString("Site", "default");
$this->RegisterPropertyInteger("Intervall_Network", 3600);
$this->RegisterPropertyInteger("Intervall_Client", 60);
$this->RegisterPropertyBoolean("Debug", FALSE);
$this->RegisterTimer("Intervall_Network", 3600, 'UniFi_UpdateUniFiNetworkData($_IPS[\'TARGET\']);');
$this->RegisterTimer("Intervall_Client", 60, 'UniFi_UpdateUniFiClientData($_IPS[\'TARGET\']);');
* Login to UniFi Controller
private function login()
$this->baseURL = $this->ReadPropertyString("IPAddress");
$this->userName = $this->ReadPropertyString("UserName");
$this->userPassword = $this->ReadPropertyString("UserPassword");
# init curl object and set session-wide options
$this->ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $this->baseurl.'/login');
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->baseURL.'/api/login');
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode(['username' => $this->userName, 'password' => $this->userPassword]));
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE);
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "/tmp/unifi_cookie");
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, "/tmp/unifi_cookie");
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 1); //set TLSv1 (SSLv3 is no longer supported)
if (($content = curl_exec($this->ch)) === false) {
error_log('cURL error: '.curl_error($this->ch));
$this->SetStatus(202);// login error
if ($this->debug) {
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true);
print '<pre>';
print PHP_EOL.'-----------LOGIN-------------'.PHP_EOL;
print_r (curl_getinfo($this->ch));
print PHP_EOL.'----------RESPONSE-----------'.PHP_EOL;
print $content;
print PHP_EOL.'-----------------------------'.PHP_EOL;
print '</pre>';
$header_size = curl_getinfo($this->ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE);
$body = trim(substr($content, $header_size));
$code = curl_getinfo($this->ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
//curl_close ($this->ch);
preg_match_all('|Set-Cookie: (.*);|U', substr($content, 0, $header_size), $results);
if (isset($results[1])) {
$this->cookies = implode(';', $results[1]);
if (!empty($body)) {
if (($code >= 200) && ($code < 400)) {
if (strpos($this->cookies, 'unifises') !== false) {
$this->is_loggedin = true;
$this->SetStatus(102); // login OK
if ($code === 400) {
error_log('We have received an HTTP response status: 400. Probably a controller login failure');
$this->SetStatus(201);// login failed
return $code;
return $this->is_loggedin;
* Logout from UniFi Controller
private function logout() {
if (!$this->is_loggedin) {
return false;
$this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/logout');
$this->is_loggedin = false;
$this->cookies = '';
return true;
/* * **************************************************************
* setter/getter functions from here:
* ************************************************************** */
* Set debug mode
* --------------
* sets debug mode to true or false, returns false if a non-boolean parameter was passed
* required parameter <enable> = boolean; true will enable debug mode, false will disable it
private function set_debug($enable) {
if ($enable) {
$this->debug = true;
} elseif ($enable === false) {
$this->debug = false;
return false;
* Get last raw results
* --------------------
* returns the raw results of the last method called in PHP stdClass Object format by default, returns false if not set
* optional parameter <return_json> = boolean; true will return the results in "pretty printed" json format
* this method can be used to get the full error as returned by the controller
private function get_last_results_raw($return_json = false) {
if ($this->last_results_raw != null) {
if ($return_json) {
return json_encode($this->last_results_raw, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
return $this->last_results_raw;
return false;
* Get last error message
* ----------------------
* returns the error message of the last method called in PHP stdClass Object format, returns false if not set
private function get_last_error_message() {
if (isset($this->last_error_message)) {
return $this->last_error_message;
return false;
/* * **************************************************************
* Functions to access UniFi controller API routes from here:
* ************************************************************** */
* Authorize a client device
* -------------------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <mac> = client MAC address
* required parameter <minutes> = minutes (from now) until authorization expires
* optional parameter <up> = upload speed limit in kbps
* optional parameter <down> = download speed limit in kbps
* optional parameter <MBytes> = data transfer limit in MB
* optional parameter <ap_mac> = AP MAC address to which client is connected, should result in faster authorization
private function authorize_guest($mac, $minutes, $up = null, $down = null, $MBytes = null, $ap_mac = null) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin) {
return false;
$mac = strtolower($mac);
$json = ['cmd' => 'authorize-guest', 'mac' => $mac, 'minutes' => $minutes];
* if we have received values for up/down/MBytes we append them to the payload array to be submitted
if (isset($up)) {
$json['up'] = $up;
if (isset($down)) {
$json['down'] = $down;
if (isset($MBytes)) {
$json['bytes'] = $MBytes;
if (isset($ap_mac)) {
$json['ap_mac'] = $ap_mac;
$json = json_encode($json);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/stamgr', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* Unauthorize a client device
* ---------------------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <mac> = client MAC address
private function unauthorize_guest($mac) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin) {
return false;
$mac = strtolower($mac);
$json = json_encode(['cmd' => 'unauthorize-guest', 'mac' => $mac]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/stamgr', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* Reconnect a client device
* -------------------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <mac> = client MAC address
private function reconnect_sta($mac) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$mac = strtolower($mac);
$json = json_encode(['cmd' => 'kick-sta', 'mac' => $mac]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/stamgr', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* Block a client device
* ---------------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <mac> = client MAC address
private function block_sta($mac) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin) {
return false;
$mac = strtolower($mac);
$json = json_encode(['cmd' => 'block-sta', 'mac' => $mac]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/stamgr', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* Unblock a client device
* -----------------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <mac> = client MAC address
private function unblock_sta($mac) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin) {
return false;
$mac = strtolower($mac);
$json = json_encode(['cmd' => 'unblock-sta', 'mac' => $mac]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/stamgr', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* Add/modify a client device note
* -------------------------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <user_id> = id of the user device to be modified
* optional parameter <note> = note to be applied to the user device
* - when note is empty or not set, the existing note for the user will be removed and "noted" attribute set to false
private function set_sta_note($user_id, $note = null) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$noted = (is_null($note)) || (empty($note)) ? false : true;
$json = json_encode(['note' => $note, 'noted' => $noted]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/upd/user/' . trim($user_id), 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* Add/modify a client device name
* -------------------------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <user_id> = id of the user device to be modified
* optional parameter <name> = name to be applied to the user device
* - when name is empty or not set, the existing name for the user will be removed
private function set_sta_name($user_id, $name = null) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin) {
return false;
$json = json_encode(['name' => $name]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/upd/user/' . trim($user_id), 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* Daily site stats method
* ------------------------
* returns an array of daily stats objects for the current site
* optional parameter <start> = Unix timestamp in seconds
* optional parameter <end> = Unix timestamp in seconds
* - defaults to the past 52*7*24 hours
* - bytes" are no longer returned with controller version 4.9.1 and later
private function stat_daily_site($start = null, $end = null) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$end = is_null($end) ? ((time() - (time() % 3600)) * 1000) : $end;
$start = is_null($start) ? $end - (52 * 7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) : $start;
$attributes = ['bytes', 'wan-tx_bytes', 'wan-rx_bytes', 'wlan_bytes', 'num_sta', 'lan-num_sta', 'wlan-num_sta', 'time'];
$json = json_encode(['attrs' => $attributes, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/report/daily.site', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* Hourly site stats method
* ------------------------
* returns an array of hourly stats objects for the current site
* optional parameter <start> = Unix timestamp in seconds
* optional parameter <end> = Unix timestamp in seconds
* - defaults to the past 7*24 hours
* - "bytes" are no longer returned with controller version 4.9.1 and later
private function stat_hourly_site($start = null, $end = null) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$end = is_null($end) ? ((time()) * 1000) : $end;
$start = is_null($start) ? $end - (7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) : $start;
$attributes = ['bytes', 'wan-tx_bytes', 'wan-rx_bytes', 'wlan_bytes', 'num_sta', 'lan-num_sta', 'wlan-num_sta', 'time'];
$json = json_encode(['attrs' => $attributes, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/report/hourly.site', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* Hourly stats method for all access points
* -----------------------------------------
* returns an array of hourly stats objects
* optional parameter <start> = Unix timestamp in seconds
* optional parameter <end> = Unix timestamp in seconds
* - defaults to the past 7*24 hours
* - UniFi controller does not keep these stats longer than 5 hours with versions < 4.6.6
private function stat_hourly_aps($start = null, $end = null) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$end = is_null($end) ? ((time()) * 1000) : $end;
$start = is_null($start) ? $end - (7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) : $start;
$json = json_encode(['attrs' => ['bytes', 'num_sta', 'time'], 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/report/hourly.ap', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* Daily stats method for all access points
* ----------------------------------------
* returns an array of daily stats objects
* optional parameter <start> = Unix timestamp in seconds
* optional parameter <end> = Unix timestamp in seconds
* - defaults to the past 7*24 hours
* - UniFi controller does not keep these stats longer than 5 hours with versions < 4.6.6
private function stat_daily_aps($start = null, $end = null) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$end = is_null($end) ? ((time()) * 1000) : $end;
$start = is_null($start) ? $end - (7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) : $start;
$json = json_encode(['attrs' => ['bytes', 'num_sta', 'time'], 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/report/daily.ap', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* Show all login sessions
* -----------------------
* returns an array of login session objects for all devices
* optional parameter <start> = Unix timestamp in seconds
* optional parameter <end> = Unix timestamp in seconds
* optional parameter <mac> = client MAC address to return sessions for (can only be used when start and end are also provided)
* - defaults to the past 7*24 hours
private function stat_sessions($start = null, $end = null, $mac = null) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$end = is_null($end) ? time() : $end;
$start = is_null($start) ? $end - (7 * 24 * 3600) : $start;
$json = ['type' => 'all', 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end];
if (!is_null($mac))
$json['mac'] = $mac;
$json = json_encode($json);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/session', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* Show latest 'n' login sessions for a single client device
* ---------------------------------------------------------
* returns an array of latest login session objects for given client device
* required parameter <mac> = client MAC address
* optional parameter <limit> = maximum number of sessions to get (defaults to 5)
private function stat_sta_sessions_latest($mac, $limit = null) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$limit = is_null($limit) ? 5 : $limit;
$json = json_encode(['mac' => $mac, '_limit' => $limit, '_sort' => '-assoc_time']);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/session', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* Show all authorizations
* -----------------------
* returns an array of authorization objects
* optional parameter <start> = Unix timestamp in seconds
* optional parameter <end> = Unix timestamp in seconds
* - defaults to the past 7*24 hours
private function stat_auths($start = null, $end = null) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$end = is_null($end) ? time() : $end;
$start = is_null($start) ? $end - (7 * 24 * 3600) : $start;
$json = json_encode(['start' => $start, 'end' => $end]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/authorization', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* List all client devices ever connected to the site
* --------------------------------------------------
* returns an array of client device objects
* optional parameter <historyhours> = hours to go back (default is 8760 hours or 1 year)
* - <historyhours> is only used to select clients that were online within that period,
* the returned stats per client are all-time totals, irrespective of the value of <historyhours>
private function stat_allusers($historyhours = 8760) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$json = json_encode(['type' => 'all', 'conn' => 'all', 'within' => $historyhours]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/alluser', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* List guest devices
* ------------------
* returns an array of guest device objects with valid access
* optional parameter <within> = time frame in hours to go back to list guests with valid access (default = 24*365 hours)
private function list_guests($within = 8760) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$json = json_encode(['within' => $within]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/guest', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* List online client device(s)
* ----------------------------
* returns an array of online client device objects, or in case of a single device request, returns a single client device object
* optional parameter <client_mac> = the MAC address of a single online client device for which the call must be made
private function list_clients($client_mac = null) {
/*if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false; */
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/sta/' . trim($client_mac)));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* Get data for a single client device
* -----------------------------------
* returns an object with the client device information
* required parameter <client_mac> = client device MAC address
private function stat_client($client_mac) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/user/' . trim($client_mac)));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* List user groups
* ----------------
* returns an array of user group objects
private function list_usergroups() {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/usergroup'));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* Assign user device to another group
* -----------------------------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <user_id> = id of the user device to be modified
* required parameter <group_id> = id of the user group to assign user to
private function set_usergroup($user_id, $group_id) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$json = json_encode(['usergroup_id' => $group_id]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/upd/user/' . trim($user_id), 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* Edit user group
* ---------------
* returns an array containing a single object with attributes of the updated usergroup on success
* required parameter <group_id> = id of the user group
* required parameter <site_id> = id of the site
* required parameter <group_name> = name of the user group
* optional parameter <group_dn> = limit download bandwidth in Kbps (default = -1, which sets bandwidth to unlimited)
* optional parameter <group_up> = limit upload bandwidth in Kbps (default = -1, which sets bandwidth to unlimited)
private function edit_usergroup($group_id, $site_id, $group_name, $group_dn = -1, $group_up = -1) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$this->request_type = 'PUT';
$json = json_encode(['_id' => $group_id, 'name' => $group_name, 'qos_rate_max_down' => $group_dn, 'qos_rate_max_up' => $group_up, 'site_id' => $site_id]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/usergroup/' . trim($group_id), $json));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* Add user group
* --------------
* returns an array containing a single object with attributes of the new usergroup ("_id", "name", "qos_rate_max_down", "qos_rate_max_up", "site_id") on success
* required parameter <group_name> = name of the user group
* optional parameter <group_dn> = limit download bandwidth in Kbps (default = -1, which sets bandwidth to unlimited)
* optional parameter <group_up> = limit upload bandwidth in Kbps (default = -1, which sets bandwidth to unlimited)
private function add_usergroup($group_name, $group_dn = -1, $group_up = -1) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$json = json_encode(['name' => $group_name, 'qos_rate_max_down' => $group_dn, 'qos_rate_max_up' => $group_up]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/usergroup', $json));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* Delete user group
* -----------------
* returns true on success
* required parameter <group_id> = id of the user group
private function delete_usergroup($group_id) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$this->request_type = 'DELETE';
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/usergroup/' . trim($group_id)));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* List health metrics
* -------------------
* returns an array of health metric objects
private function list_health() {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/health'));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* List dashboard metrics
* ----------------------
* returns an array of dashboard metric objects (available since controller version 4.9.1.alpha)
private function list_dashboard() {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/dashboard'));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* List user devices
* -----------------
* returns an array of known user device objects
private function list_users() {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/user'));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* List access points and other devices under management of the controller (USW and/or USG devices)
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* returns an array of known device objects (or a single device when using the <device_mac> parameter)
* optional parameter <device_mac> = the MAC address of a single device for which the call must be made
private function list_devices($device_mac = null) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/device/' . $device_mac));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* List rogue access points
* ------------------------
* returns an array of known rogue access point objects
* optional parameter <within> = hours to go back to list discovered "rogue" access points (default = 24 hours)
private function list_rogueaps($within = '24') {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$json = json_encode(['within' => $within]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/rogueap', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* List sites
* ----------
* returns a list sites hosted on this controller with some details
private function list_sites() {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/self/sites'));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* List sites stats
* ----------------
* returns statistics for all sites hosted on this controller
* NOTES: this endpoint was introduced with controller version 5.2.9
private function stat_sites() {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/stat/sites'));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* Add a site
* ----------
* returns an array containing a single object with attributes of the new site ("_id", "desc", "name") on success
* required parameter <description> = the long name for the new site
* NOTES: immediately after being added, the new site will be available in the output of the "list_sites" function
private function add_site($description) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$json = json_encode(['desc' => $description, 'cmd' => 'add-site']);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/sitemgr', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* Delete a site
* -------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <site_id> = 24 char string; _id of the site to delete
private function delete_site($site_id) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$json = json_encode(['site' => $site_id, 'cmd' => 'delete-site']);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/sitemgr', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* List admins
* -----------
* returns an array containing administrator objects for selected site
private function list_admins() {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$json = json_encode(['cmd' => 'get-admins']);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/sitemgr', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* List wlan_groups
* ----------------
* returns an array containing known wlan_groups
private function list_wlan_groups() {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/wlangroup'));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* List sysinfo
* ------------
* returns an array of known sysinfo data
private function stat_sysinfo() {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/sysinfo'));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* List self
* ---------
* returns an array of information about the logged in user
private function list_self() {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/self'));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* List networkconf
* ----------------
* returns an array of network configuration data
private function list_networkconf() {
/* if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false; */
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/networkconf'));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* List vouchers
* -------------
* returns an array of hotspot voucher objects
* optional parameter <create_time> = Unix timestamp in seconds
private function stat_voucher($create_time = null) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$json = json_encode([]);
if (trim($create_time) != null) {
$json = json_encode(['create_time' => $create_time]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/voucher', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* List payments
* -------------
* returns an array of hotspot payments
* optional parameter <within> = number of hours to go back to fetch payments
private function stat_payment($within = null) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$url_suffix = '';
if ($within != null) {
$url_suffix = '?within=' . $within;
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/payment' . $url_suffix));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* Create hotspot operator
* -----------------------
* return true upon success
* required parameter <name> = name for the hotspot operator
* required parameter <x_password> = clear text password for the hotspot operator
* optional parameter <note> = note to attach to the hotspot operator
private function create_hotspotop($name, $x_password, $note = null) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$json = ['name' => $name, 'x_password' => $x_password];
* if we have received a value for note, we append it to the payload array to be submitted
if (isset($note))
$json['note'] = trim($note);
$json = json_encode($json);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/hotspotop', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* List hotspot operators
* ----------------------
* returns an array of hotspot operators
private function list_hotspotop() {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/hotspotop'));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* Create voucher(s)
* -----------------
* returns an array of voucher codes (without the dash "-" in the middle) by calling the stat_voucher method
* required parameter <minutes> = minutes the voucher is valid after activation
* optional parameter <count> = number of vouchers to create, default value is 1
* optional parameter <quota> = single-use or multi-use vouchers, string value '0' is for multi-use, '1' is for single-use,
* "n" is for multi-use n times
* optional parameter <note> = note text to add to voucher when printing
* optional parameter <up> = upload speed limit in kbps
* optional parameter <down> = download speed limit in kbps
* optional parameter <MBytes> = data transfer limit in MB
private function create_voucher($minutes, $count = 1, $quota = '0', $note = null, $up = null, $down = null, $MBytes = null) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$json = ['cmd' => 'create-voucher', 'expire' => $minutes, 'n' => $count, 'quota' => $quota];
* if we have received values for note/up/down/MBytes we append them to the payload array to be submitted
if (isset($note))
$json['note'] = trim($note);
if (isset($up))
$json['up'] = $up;
if (isset($down))
$json['down'] = $down;
if (isset($MBytes))
$json['bytes'] = $MBytes;
$json = json_encode($json);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/hotspot', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* Revoke voucher
* --------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <voucher_id> = 24 char string; _id of the voucher to revoke
private function revoke_voucher($voucher_id) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$json = json_encode(['_id' => $voucher_id, 'cmd' => 'delete-voucher']);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/hotspot', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* Extend guest validity
* ---------------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <guest_id> = 24 char string; _id of the guest to extend validity
private function extend_guest_validity($guest_id) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$json = json_encode(['_id' => $guest_id, 'cmd' => 'extend']);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/hotspot', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* List port forwarding stats
* --------------------------
* returns an array of port forwarding stats
private function list_portforward_stats() {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/portforward'));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* List DPI stats
* --------------
* returns an array of DPI stats
private function list_dpi_stats() {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/dpi'));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* List current channels
* ---------------------
* returns an array of currently allowed channels
private function list_current_channels() {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/current-channel'));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* List port forwarding settings
* -----------------------------
* returns an array of port forwarding settings
private function list_portforwarding() {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/portforward'));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* List dynamic DNS settings
* -------------------------
* returns an array of dynamic DNS settings
private function list_dynamicdns() {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/dynamicdns'));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* List port configuration
* -----------------------
* returns an array of port configurations
private function list_portconf() {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/portconf'));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* List VoIP extensions
* --------------------
* returns an array of VoIP extensions
private function list_extension() {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/extension'));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* List site settings
* ------------------
* returns an array of site configuration settings
private function list_settings() {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/get/setting'));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* Adopt a device to the selected site
* -----------------------------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <mac> = device MAC address
private function adopt_device($mac) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$mac = strtolower($mac);
$json = json_encode(['mac' => $mac, 'cmd' => 'adopt']);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/devmgr', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* Reboot an access point
* ----------------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <mac> = device MAC address
private function restart_ap($mac) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$mac = strtolower($mac);
$json = json_encode(['cmd' => 'restart', 'mac' => $mac]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/devmgr', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* Disable/enable an access point
* ------------------------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <ap_id> = 24 char string; value of _id for the access point which can be obtained from the device list
* required parameter <disable> = boolean; true will disable the device, false will enable the device
* - a disabled device will be excluded from the dashboard status and device count and its LED and WLAN will be turned off
* - appears to only be supported for access points
* - available since controller versions 5.2.X
private function disable_ap($ap_id, $disable) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$this->request_type = 'PUT';
$json = json_encode(['disabled' => (bool) $disable]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/device/' . trim($ap_id), $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* Override LED mode for a device
* ------------------------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <device_id> = 24 char string; value of _id for the device which can be obtained from the device list
* required parameter <override_mode> = string, off/on/default; "off" will disable the LED of the device,
* "on" will enable the LED of the device,
* "default" will apply the site-wide setting for device LEDs
* - available since controller versions 5.2.X
private function led_override($device_id, $override_mode) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$this->request_type = 'PUT';
$override_mode_options = ['off', 'on', 'default'];
if (in_array($override_mode, $override_mode_options)) {
$json = json_encode(['led_override' => $override_mode]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/device/' . trim($device_id), $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
return false;
* Toggle flashing LED of an access point for locating purposes
* ------------------------------------------------------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <mac> = device MAC address
* required parameter <enable> = boolean; true will enable flashing LED, false will disable
* replaces the old set_locate_ap() and unset_locate_ap() methods/functions
private function locate_ap($mac, $enable) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$mac = strtolower($mac);
$cmd = (($enable) ? 'set-locate' : 'unset-locate');
$json = json_encode(['cmd' => $cmd, 'mac' => $mac]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/devmgr', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* Toggle LEDs of all the access points ON or OFF
* ----------------------------------------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <enable> = boolean; true will switch LEDs of all the access points ON, false will switch them OFF
private function site_leds($enable) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$json = json_encode(['led_enabled' => (bool) $enable]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/set/setting/mgmt', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* Set access point radio settings
* -------------------------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <ap_id>
* required parameter <radio>(default=ng)
* required parameter <channel>
* required parameter <ht>(default=20)
* required parameter <tx_power_mode>
* required parameter <tx_power>(default=0)
private function set_ap_radiosettings($ap_id, $radio, $channel, $ht, $tx_power_mode, $tx_power) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$json = json_encode(['radio_table' => ['radio' => $radio, 'channel' => $channel, 'ht' => $ht, 'tx_power_mode' => $tx_power_mode, 'tx_power' => $tx_power]]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/upd/device/' . trim($ap_id), 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* Set guest login settings
* ------------------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <portal_enabled>
* required parameter <portal_customized>
* required parameter <redirect_enabled>
* required parameter <redirect_url>
* required parameter <x_password>
* required parameter <expire_number>
* required parameter <expire_unit>
* required parameter <site_id>
* - both portal parameters are set to the same value!
private function set_guestlogin_settings(
$portal_enabled, $portal_customized, $redirect_enabled, $redirect_url, $x_password, $expire_number, $expire_unit, $site_id
) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$json = [
'portal_enabled' => $portal_enabled,
'portal_customized' => $portal_customized,
'redirect_enabled' => $redirect_enabled,
'redirect_url' => $redirect_url,
'x_password' => $x_password,
'expire_number' => $expire_number,
'expire_unit' => $expire_unit,
'site_id' => $site_id
$json = json_encode($json, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/set/setting/guest_access', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* Rename access point
* -------------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <ap_id>
* required parameter <apname>
private function rename_ap($ap_id, $apname) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$json = json_encode(['name' => $apname]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/upd/device/' . trim($ap_id), 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* Add a wlan
* ----------
* return true on success
* required parameter <name> = string; SSID
* required parameter <x_passphrase> = string; new pre-shared key, minimal length is 8 characters, maximum length is 63
* required parameter <usergroup_id> = string; user group id that can be found using the list_usergroups() function
* required parameter <wlangroup_id> = string; wlan group id that can be found using the list_wlan_groups() function
* optional parameter <enabled> = boolean; enable/disable wlan
* optional parameter <hide_ssid> = boolean; hide/unhide wlan SSID
* optional parameter <is_guest> = boolean; apply guest policies or not
* optional parameter <security> = string; security type
* optional parameter <wpa_mode> = string; wpa mode (wpa, wpa2, ..)
* optional parameter <wpa_enc> = string; encryption (auto, ccmp)
* optional parameter <vlan_enabled> = boolean; enable/disable vlan for this wlan
* optional parameter <vlan> = string; vlan id
* optional parameter <uapsd_enabled> = boolean; enable/disable Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery
* optional parameter <schedule_enabled> = boolean; enable/disable wlan schedule
* optional parameter <schedule> = string; schedule rules
* -----------------
* TODO: Check parameter values
private function create_wlan(
$name, $x_passphrase, $usergroup_id, $wlangroup_id, $enabled = true, $hide_ssid = false, $is_guest = false, $security = 'open', $wpa_mode = 'wpa2', $wpa_enc = 'ccmp', $vlan_enabled = false, $vlan = null, $uapsd_enabled = false, $schedule_enabled = false, $schedule = []
) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$json = [
'name' => $name,
'x_passphrase' => $x_passphrase,
'usergroup_id' => $usergroup_id,
'wlangroup_id' => $wlangroup_id,
'enabled' => $enabled,
'hide_ssid' => $hide_ssid,
'is_guest' => $is_guest,
'security' => $security,
'wpa_mode' => $wpa_mode,
'wpa_enc' => $wpa_enc,
'vlan_enabled' => $vlan_enabled,
'uapsd_enabled' => $uapsd_enabled,
'schedule_enabled' => $schedule_enabled,
'schedule' => $schedule,
if (!is_null($vlan) && $vlan_enabled)
$json['vlan'] = $vlan;
$json = json_encode($json);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/add/wlanconf', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* Delete a wlan
* -------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <wlan_id> = 24 char string; _id of the wlan that can be found with the list_wlanconf() function
private function delete_wlan($wlan_id) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$json = json_encode([]);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/del/wlanconf/' . trim($wlan_id), 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* Set wlan settings
* -----------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <wlan_id>
* required parameter <x_passphrase> = new pre-shared key, minimal length is 8 characters, maximum length is 63,
* will be ignored if set to null
* optional parameter <name>
private function set_wlansettings($wlan_id, $x_passphrase, $name = null) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$json = [];
if (!is_null($x_passphrase))
$json['x_passphrase'] = trim($x_passphrase);
if (!is_null($name))
$json['name'] = trim($name);
$json = json_encode($json);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/upd/wlanconf/' . trim($wlan_id), 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* Disable/Enable wlan
* -------------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <wlan_id>
* required parameter <disable> = boolean; true disables the wlan, false enables it
private function disable_wlan($wlan_id, $disable) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$action = ($disable) ? false : true;
$json = ['enabled' => (bool) $action];
$json = json_encode($json);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/upd/wlanconf/' . trim($wlan_id), 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* List events
* -----------
* returns an array of known events
* optional parameter <historyhours> = hours to go back, default value is 720 hours
* optional parameter <start> = which event number to start with (useful for paging of results), default value is 0
* optional parameter <limit> = number of events to return, default value is 3000
private function list_events($historyhours = 720, $start = 0, $limit = 3000) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$json = ['_sort' => '-time', 'within' => $historyhours, 'type' => null, '_start' => $start, '_limit' => $limit];
$json = json_encode($json);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/event', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* List wireless settings
* ----------------------
* returns an array of wireless networks and settings
private function list_wlanconf() {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/wlanconf'));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* List alarms
* -----------
* returns an array of known alarms
private function list_alarms() {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/alarm'));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* Count alarms
* ------------
* returns an array containing the alarm count
* optional parameter <archived> = boolean; if true all alarms will be counted, if false only non-archived (active) alarms will be counted
private function count_alarms($archived = null) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$url_suffix = ($archived === false) ? '?archived=false' : null;
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cnt/alarm' . $url_suffix));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
* Upgrade a device to the latest firmware
* ---------------------------------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <device_mac> = MAC address of the device to upgrade
* - updates the device to the latest firmware known to the controller
private function upgrade_device($device_mac) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$json = ['mac' => $device_mac];
$json = json_encode($json);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/devmgr/upgrade', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* Upgrade a device to a specific firmware file
* --------------------------------------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <firmware_url> = URL for the firmware file to upgrade the device to
* required parameter <device_mac> = MAC address of the device to upgrade
* - updates the device to the firmware file at the given URL
* - please take great care to select a valid firmware file for the device!
private function upgrade_device_external($firmware_url, $device_mac) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$json = ['url' => $firmware_url, 'mac' => $device_mac];
$json = json_encode($json, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/devmgr/upgrade-external', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* Trigger an RF scan by an AP
* ---------------------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <ap_mac> = MAC address of the AP
private function spectrum_scan($ap_mac) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$json = ['cmd' => 'spectrum-scan', 'mac' => $ap_mac];
$json = json_encode($json);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/devmgr', 'json=' . $json));
return $this->process_response_boolean($content_decoded);
* Check the RF scanning state of an AP
* ------------------------------------
* returns an object with relevant information (results if available) regarding the RF scanning state of the AP
* required parameter <ap_mac> = MAC address of the AP
private function spectrum_scan_state($ap_mac) {
if (!$this->is_loggedin)
return false;
$json = json_encode($json);
$content_decoded = json_decode($this->exec_curl($this->baseURL . '/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/spectrum-scan/' . trim($ap_mac)));
return $this->process_response($content_decoded);
/* * **************************************************************
* "Aliases" for deprecated functions from here, to support
* backward compatibility:
* ************************************************************** */
* List access points and other devices under management of the controller (USW and/or USG devices)
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* returns an array of known device objects (or a single device when using the <device_mac> parameter)
* optional parameter <device_mac> = the MAC address of a single device for which the call must be made
* changed function/method name to fit it's purpose
private function list_aps($device_mac = null) {
return $this->list_devices($device_mac);
* Start flashing LED of an access point for locating purposes
* -----------------------------------------------------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <mac> = device MAC address
private function set_locate_ap($mac) {
'Function set_locate_ap() has been deprecated, use locate_ap() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED
return $this->locate_ap($mac, true);
* Stop flashing LED of an access point for locating purposes
* ----------------------------------------------------------
* return true on success
* required parameter <mac> = device MAC address
private function unset_locate_ap($mac) {
'Function unset_locate_ap() has been deprecated, use locate_ap() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED
return $this->locate_ap($mac, false);
* Switch LEDs of all the access points ON
* ---------------------------------------
* return true on success
private function site_ledson() {
'Function site_ledson() has been deprecated, use site_leds() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED
return $this->site_leds(true);
* Switch LEDs of all the access points OFF
* ----------------------------------------
* return true on success
private function site_ledsoff() {
'Function site_ledsoff() has been deprecated, use site_leds() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED
return $this->site_leds(false);
/* * **************************************************************
* Internal (private) functions from here:
* ************************************************************** */
* Process regular responses where output is the content of the data array
private function process_response($response) {
$this->last_results_raw = $response;
if (isset($response->meta->rc)) {
if ($response->meta->rc === 'ok') {
$this->last_error_message = null;
if (is_array($response->data)) {
return $response->data;
return true;
} elseif ($response->meta->rc === 'error') {
* we have an error; set latest_error_message if we have a message
if (isset($response->meta->msg)) {
$this->last_error_message = $response->meta->msg;
if ($this->debug) {
error_log('Last error message: ' . $this->last_error_message);
return false;
* Process responses where output should be boolean (true/false)
private function process_response_boolean($response) {
$this->last_results_raw = $response;
if (isset($response->meta->rc)) {
if ($response->meta->rc === 'ok') {
$this->last_error_message = null;
return true;
} elseif ($response->meta->rc === 'error') {
* we have an error:
* set latest_error_message if the returned error message is available
if (isset($response->meta->msg)) {
$this->last_error_message = $response->meta->msg;
if ($this->debug) {
error_log('Last error message: ' . $this->last_error_message);
return false;
* Execute the cURL request
private function exec_curl($url, $data = '') {
$this->ch = $this->get_curl_obj();
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
if (trim($data) != '') {
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
if ($this->request_type === 'PUT') {
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type: application/json', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data)]);
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'PUT');
} else {
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, ['Content-Type: application/json']);
} else {
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_POST, false);
if ($this->request_type === 'DELETE') {
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'DELETE');
if (($content = curl_exec($this->ch)) === false) {
error_log('cURL error: ' . curl_error($this->ch));
if ($this->debug) {
print '<pre>';
print PHP_EOL . '---------cURL INFO-----------' . PHP_EOL;
print PHP_EOL . '-------URL & PAYLOAD---------' . PHP_EOL;
print $url . PHP_EOL;
print $data;
print PHP_EOL . '----------RESPONSE-----------' . PHP_EOL;
print $content;
print PHP_EOL . '-----------------------------' . PHP_EOL;
print '</pre>';
return $content;
* get the cURL object
private function get_curl_obj() {
$this->ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
if ($this->debug) {
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true);
if ($this->cookies != '') {
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, true);
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $this->cookies);
return $this->ch;
private function maskUmlaute($text) {
$text = str_replace("ä", "a", $text);
$text = str_replace("Ä", "AE", $text);
$text = str_replace("ö", "oe", $text);
$text = str_replace("Ö", "OE", $text);
$text = str_replace("ü", "ue", $text);
$text = str_replace("Ü", "UE", $text);
$text = str_replace("ß", "ss", $text);
$text = str_replace(" ", "_", $text);
$text = str_replace("(", "_", $text);
$text = str_replace(")", "_", $text);
$text = str_replace("&", "_", $text);
$text = str_replace("§", "_", $text);
$text = str_replace("/", "_", $text);
$text = str_replace("=", "_", $text);
$text = str_replace("{", "_", $text);
$text = str_replace("}", "_", $text);
$text = str_replace(":", "_", $text);
$text = str_replace(",", "_", $text);
$text = str_replace(";", "_", $text);
return $text;
private function CreateCategoryByIdent($id, $ident, $name) {
$cid = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($this->maskUmlaute($ident), $id);
if ($cid === false) {
$cid = IPS_CreateCategory();
IPS_SetParent($cid, $id);
IPS_SetName($cid, $name);
IPS_SetIdent($cid, $this->maskUmlaute($ident));
IPS_SetName($cid, $name);
return $cid;
private function SetVariable($VarID, $Type, $Value) {
switch ($Type) {
case 0: // boolean
SetValueBoolean($VarID, $Value);
case 1: // integer
SetValueInteger($VarID, $Value);
case 2: // float
SetValueFloat($VarID, $Value);
case 3: // string
SetValueString($VarID, $Value);
private function CalculateRate($Name, $AktValue, $Ident = '', $ParentID = 0) {
$this->SendDebug("getVariableValue", "Ident ist: " . $Ident, 0);
if ('' != $Ident) {
$VarID = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($Ident, $ParentID);
if (false !== $VarID) {
$this->SendDebug("getVariableValue", "VarID ist: " . $VarID, 0);
$v = IPS_GetVariable($VarID);
$this->SendDebug("getVariableValue", "letztes Update: " .date("d.m.y H:i", $v['VariableUpdated']),0);
$this->SendDebug("getVariableValue", "letzter Wert: " . $v['VariableValue'],0);
$this->SendDebug("getVariableValue", "aktueller Wert: " . $AktValue,0);
$this->SendDebug("getVariableValue", "aktuelle Zeit: " . time(),0);
//Ueberlauf/Zuruecksetzen Downloadzaehler abfangen
if ($AktValue>$v['VariableValue']){
$this->SendDebug("getVariableValue", "Downloadrate: " . $rate,0);
return $rate;
private function CreateScriptByName($ScriptNAME, $ParentID, $ScriptTEXT, $SetHidden = TRUE)
$ScriptID = @IPS_GetScriptIDByName($ScriptNAME, $ParentID);
if ($ScriptID === false){
$ScriptID = IPS_CreateScript(0);
IPS_SetName($ScriptID, $ScriptNAME);
IPS_SetParent($ScriptID, $ParentID);
IPS_SetInfo($ScriptID, "This script was created by: #".$_IPS['SELF']."#");
IPS_SetHidden($ScriptID, $SetHidden);
IPS_SetScriptContent($ScriptID, $ScriptTEXT);
return $ScriptID;
IPS_SetScriptContent($ScriptID, $ScriptTEXT);
return $ScriptID;
private function SetEventByName($triggervariableID, $scriptid, $name, $eventtype, $triggervalue)
$eid = @IPS_GetEventIDByName($name, $scriptid);
if($eid === false)
$eid = IPS_CreateEvent(0); //Ausgelöstes Ereignis
IPS_SetEventTrigger($eid, $eventtype, $triggervariableID); //Event-Typ festlegen (Aktualisierung, Änderung etc.)
if ($eventtype >= 2) IPS_SetEventTriggerValue($eid, $triggervalue);
IPS_SetParent($eid, $scriptid);
IPS_SetName($eid, $name);
IPS_SetInfo($eid, "this event was created by script #".$_IPS['SELF']);
IPS_SetEventActive($eid, true);
return $eid;
private function CreateVariable($Name, $Type, $Value, $Ident = '', $ParentID = 0, $profile = "") {
//echo "CreateVariable: (Name:".$Name.", Type:".$Type.", Value:".$Value.", Ident:".$Ident.", Parent:".$ParentID.")
if ('' != $Ident) {
$VarID = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($Ident, $ParentID);
if (false !== $VarID) {
IPS_SetVariableCustomProfile($VarID, $profile);
$this->SetVariable($VarID, $Type, $Value);
$VarID = @IPS_GetObjectIDByName($Name, $ParentID);
//echo "GetObjectIDByName: ".$Name.", ".$ParentID."
if (false !== $VarID) { // exists?
$Obj = IPS_GetObject($VarID);
if (2 == $Obj['ObjectType']) { // is variable?
$Var = IPS_GetVariable($VarID);
if ($Type == $Var['VariableValue']['ValueType']) {
IPS_SetVariableCustomProfile($VarID, $profile);
$this->SetVariable($VarID, $Type, $Value);
$VarID = IPS_CreateVariable($Type);
IPS_SetParent($VarID, $ParentID);
IPS_SetName($VarID, $Name);
if($profile != "")
IPS_SetVariableCustomProfile($VarID, $profile);
if ('' != $Ident) {
IPS_SetIdent($VarID, $Ident);
$this->SetVariable($VarID, $Type, $Value);
private function GetWLANclients($instance_Clients_ID, $instance_Clients_Presence_ID, $instance_Clients_PresenceWLAN_ID) {
$clientList = $this->list_clients();
if (is_object($this->last_results_raw)) {
foreach ($this->last_results_raw->data as $client) {
if($client->is_wired === FALSE)
if(!isset($client->hostname) AND isset($client->name))
$client->hostname = $client->name;
if(!isset($client->name) AND isset($client->hostname))
$client->name = $client->hostname;
if(!isset($client->name) AND !isset($client->hostname))
$client->name = $client->mac;
$client->hostname = $client->mac;
$client->ip = "n/a";
$ident = str_replace(":", "", $client->mac);
$ident = str_replace("-", "", $ident);
$catID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_Clients_ID, $ident . "_name", $client->name);
if (isset($client->mac)) $this->CreateVariable("MAC", 3, $client->mac, $ident . "_mac", $catID);
if (isset($client->ap_mac)) $this->CreateVariable("Accesspoint MAC", 3, $client->ap_mac, $ident . "_ap_mac", $catID);
if (isset($client->ip)) $this->CreateVariable("IP", 3, $client->ip, $ident . "_ip", $catID);
if (isset($client->hostname)) $this->CreateVariable("Hostname", 3, $client->hostname, $ident . "_hostname", $catID);
if (isset($client->signal)) $this->CreateVariable("Signal", 1, $client->signal, $ident . "_signal", $catID);
if (isset($client->radio)) $this->CreateVariable("Radio", 3, $client->radio, $ident . "_radio", $catID);
//Downloadrate berechnen
if (isset($client->tx_bytes)) $txrate=$this->CalculateRate("TX Bytes", $client->tx_bytes, $ident . "_txbytes", $catID);
//Erste danach die aktuellen Werte eintragen
if (isset($client->tx_bytes)) $this->CreateVariable("TX Bytes", 1, $client->tx_bytes, $ident . "_txbytes", $catID);
if (isset($client->rx_bytes)) $this->CreateVariable("RX Bytes", 1, $client->rx_bytes, $ident . "_rxbytes", $catID);
if (isset($client->uptime)) $this->CreateVariable("Uptime", 1, $client->uptime, $ident . "_uptime", $catID, "~UnixTimestampTime");
if (isset($client->last_seen))
$this->CreateVariable("Last Seen", 1, $client->last_seen, $ident . "_last_seen", $catID, "~UnixTimestamp");
$var_now = time();
$var_timedifference = ($var_now - $client->last_seen)/60; //vergangene Minuten seit letztem Kontakt
if ($var_timedifference <= 30)
$this->ClientArrayOnline[] = $ident;
$this->ClientArrayOnlineWLAN[] = $ident;
$this->ClientArrayOnline[] = $ident;
$this->ClientArrayOnlineWLAN[] = $ident;
if (isset($client->_last_seen_by_usw))
$this->CreateVariable("Last Seen by USG", 1, $client->_last_seen_by_usw, $ident . "_last_seen_usw", $catID, "~UnixTimestamp");
$var_now = time();
$var_timedifference = ($var_now - $client->_last_seen_by_usw)/60; //vergangene Minuten seit letztem Kontakt
if ($var_timedifference <= 30)
$this->ClientArrayOnline[] = $ident;
$this->ClientArrayOnlineWLAN[] = $ident;
$this->ClientArrayOnline[] = $ident;
$this->ClientArrayOnlineWLAN[] = $ident;
if (isset($client->first_seen)) $this->CreateVariable("First Seen", 1, $client->first_seen, $ident . "_first_seen", $catID, "~UnixTimestamp");
if (isset($client->uptime)) $this->CreateVariable("Uptime", 1, $client->uptime, $ident . "_uptime", $catID, "~UnixTimestampTime");
if (isset($txrate)) $this->CreateVariable("Downloadrate", 1, $txrate, $ident . "_txrate", $catID);
private function GetLANclients($instance_Clients_ID, $instance_Clients_Presence_ID, $instance_Clients_PresenceLAN_ID) {
if ($this->is_loggedin == true)
$clientList = $this->list_clients();
if (is_object($this->last_results_raw)) {
foreach ($this->last_results_raw->data as $client) {
if($client->is_wired === TRUE)
if(!isset($client->hostname) AND isset($client->name))
$client->hostname = $client->name;
if(!isset($client->name) AND isset($client->hostname))
$client->name = $client->hostname;
if(!isset($client->name) AND !isset($client->hostname))
$client->name = $client->mac;
$client->hostname = $client->mac;
$client->ip = "";
$client->{'wired-tx_bytes'} = 0;
$client->{'wired-rx_bytes'} = 0;
$ident = str_replace(":", "", $client->mac);
$ident = str_replace("-", "", $ident);
$catID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_Clients_ID, $ident . "_name", $client->name);
$this->CreateVariable("MAC", 3, $client->mac, $ident . "_mac", $catID);
$this->CreateVariable("IP", 3, $client->ip, $ident . "_ip", $catID);
$this->CreateVariable("Hostname", 3, $client->hostname, $ident . "_hostname", $catID);
if (!isset($client->tx_bytes) AND isset($client->{'wired-tx_bytes'})) $client->tx_bytes = $client->{'wired-tx_bytes'};
if (!isset($client->rx_bytes) AND isset($client->{'wired-rx_bytes'})) $client->rx_bytes = $client->{'wired-rx_bytes'};
$this->CreateVariable("TX Bytes", 1, $client->tx_bytes, $ident . "_txbytes", $catID);
$this->CreateVariable("RX Bytes", 1, $client->rx_bytes, $ident . "_rxbytes", $catID);
$this->CreateVariable("Uptime", 1, $client->uptime, $ident . "_uptime", $catID, "~UnixTimestampTime");
if (isset($client->last_seen))
$this->CreateVariable("Last Seen", 1, $client->last_seen, $ident . "_last_seen", $catID, "~UnixTimestamp");
$var_now = time();
$var_timedifference = ($var_now - $client->last_seen)/60; //vergangene Minuten seit letztem Kontakt
if ($var_timedifference <= 30)
$this->ClientArrayOnline[] = $ident;
$this->ClientArrayOnlineLAN[] = $ident;
$this->ClientArrayOnline[] = $ident;
$this->ClientArrayOnlineLAN[] = $ident;
if (isset($client->_last_seen_by_usw))
$this->CreateVariable("Last Seen by USG", 1, $client->_last_seen_by_usw, $ident . "_last_seen_usw", $catID, "~UnixTimestamp");
$var_now = time();
$var_timedifference = ($var_now - $client->_last_seen_by_usw)/60; //vergangene Minuten seit letztem Kontakt
if ($var_timedifference <= 30)
$this->ClientArrayOnline[] = $ident;
$this->ClientArrayOnlineLAN[] = $ident;
$this->ClientArrayOnline[] = $ident;
$this->ClientArrayOnlineLAN[] = $ident;
private function CheckPresence($instance_Clients_Presence_ID, $instance_Clients_PresenceLAN_ID, $instance_Clients_PresenceWLAN_ID) {
if ($this->is_loggedin == true)
if (count($this->ClientArray) != 0)
foreach($this->ClientArray as $obj) {
$varClientMAC = $obj->varDeviceMAC;
$varClientMAC = str_replace(":", "", $varClientMAC);
$varClientMAC = str_replace("-", "", $varClientMAC);
//setvalue(53957, count($this->ClientArrayOnline));
//$varClientMAC = "2e:ed:d9:7d:21:5d";
if (property_exists($this, 'ClientArrayOnline'))
if (in_array($varClientMAC, $this->ClientArrayOnline, TRUE))
//echo $varClientMAC."
$varOnlineID = $this->CreateVariable($obj->varDeviceName, 0, TRUE, $varClientMAC . "_presence", $instance_Clients_Presence_ID, "~Presence");
$varOnlineID = $this->CreateVariable($obj->varDeviceName, 0, FALSE, $varClientMAC . "_presence", $instance_Clients_Presence_ID, "~Presence");
if (property_exists($this, 'ClientArrayOnlineLAN'))
if (in_array($varClientMAC, $this->ClientArrayOnlineLAN, TRUE))
$varOnlineID = $this->CreateVariable($obj->varDeviceName, 0, TRUE, $varClientMAC . "_presenceLAN", $instance_Clients_PresenceLAN_ID, "~Presence");
$varOnlineID = $this->CreateVariable($obj->varDeviceName, 0, FALSE, $varClientMAC . "_presenceLAN", $instance_Clients_PresenceLAN_ID, "~Presence");
if (property_exists($this, 'ClientArrayOnlineWLAN'))
if (in_array($varClientMAC, $this->ClientArrayOnlineWLAN, TRUE))
$varOnlineID = $this->CreateVariable($obj->varDeviceName, 0, TRUE, $varClientMAC . "_presenceWLAN", $instance_Clients_PresenceWLAN_ID, "~Presence");
$varOnlineID = $this->CreateVariable($obj->varDeviceName, 0, FALSE, $varClientMAC . "_presenceWLAN", $instance_Clients_PresenceWLAN_ID, "~Presence");
private function GetWLANnetworks($instance_WLAN_ID) {
if ($this->is_loggedin == true)
$wlanList = $this->list_wlanconf();
$ScriptTEXT = '<?php
$controlId = $_IPS[\'VARIABLE\'];
$value = $_IPS[\'VALUE\'];
// WLAN-Name
$start = stripos(IPS_GetName($controlId), "[") + 1;
$end = stripos(IPS_GetName($controlId), "]");
$wlanName = substr(IPS_GetName($controlId), $start, $end-$start);
$wlanId = GetValue(IPS_GetVariableIDByName("ID", IPS_GetCategoryIDByName($wlanName, IPS_GetParent($_IPS[\'SELF\']))));
// on
UniFi_SetWLANMode('.$this->InstanceID.', $wlanId."_enabledSET", TRUE);
// off
UniFi_SetWLANMode('.$this->InstanceID.', $wlanId."_enabledSET", FALSE);
$actionId = $this->CreateScriptByName("switchWlanMode", $instance_WLAN_ID, $ScriptTEXT, $SetHidden = TRUE);
if (is_object($this->last_results_raw)) {
foreach ($this->last_results_raw->data as $wlan) {
$ident = $wlan->_id;
$catID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_WLAN_ID, $ident, $wlan->name);
$this->CreateVariable("ID", 3, $wlan->_id, $ident . "_id", $catID);
$this->CreateVariable("Enabled", 0, $wlan->enabled, $ident . "_enabled", $catID, "Schalter");
$this->RegisterVariableBoolean($ident . "_enabledSET", "WLAN [".$wlan->name."]", "Schalter");
IPS_SetInfo($this->GetIDForIdent($ident . "_enabledSET"), $ident);
IPS_SetVariableCustomAction($this->GetIDForIdent($ident . "_enabledSET"), $actionId);
$this->CreateVariable("Security", 3, $wlan->security, $ident . "_security", $catID);
private function GetLANnetworks($instance_LAN_ID) {
if ($this->is_loggedin == true)
$lanList = $this->list_networkconf();
if (is_object($this->last_results_raw)) {
foreach ($this->last_results_raw->data as $lan) {
$this->SendDebug("LAN", "Name: ".$lan->name, 0);
$this->SendDebug("LAN", "Enabled: ".isset($lan->enabled),0);
$ident = $lan->_id;
$catID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_LAN_ID, $ident, $lan->name);
$this->CreateVariable("ID", 3, $lan->_id, $ident . "_id", $catID);
if (isset($lan->enabled)) $this->CreateVariable("Enabled", 0, $lan->enabled, $ident . "_enabled", $catID);
if (isset($lan->vlan)) $this->CreateVariable("VLAN", 1, intval($lan->vlan), $ident . "_vlan", $catID);
private function GetUnifi_Devices($instance_APS_ID) {
if ($this->is_loggedin == true)
$apList = $this->list_devices();
if (is_object($this->last_results_raw)) {
foreach ($this->last_results_raw->data as $aps) {
$ident = $aps->_id;
$catID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_APS_ID, $ident, $aps->name);
$this->CreateVariable("ID", 3, $aps->_id, $ident . "_id", $catID);
$this->CreateVariable("Uptime", 1, $aps->uptime, $ident . "_uptime", $catID, "~UnixTimestampTime");
if (isset($aps->ip)) $this->CreateVariable("IP", 3, $aps->ip, $ident . "_ip", $catID);
if (isset($aps->hostname)) $this->CreateVariable("Hostname", 3, $aps->hostname, $ident . "_hostname", $catID);
if (isset($aps->upgradable)) $this->CreateVariable("Firmwareupdate available", 0, $aps->upgradable, $ident . "_upgradable", $catID);
public function SetWLANMode($Ident, $Value)
$this->baseURL = $this->ReadPropertyString("IPAddress");
$this->user = $this->ReadPropertyString("UserName");
$this->password = $this->ReadPropertyString("UserPassword");
$this->site = $this->ReadPropertyString("Site");
$this->version = '5.4.16';
$this->checkIntervalNetwork = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("Intervall_Network");
$this->checkIntervalClient = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("Intervall_Client");
$this->debug = $this->ReadPropertyBoolean("Debug");
$ChangeNetworkIdent = $this->GetIDForIdent($Ident);
$ChangeNetworkID = IPS_GetObject($ChangeNetworkIdent)["ObjectInfo"];
$ChangeNetwork = $this->disable_wlan($ChangeNetworkID, !$Value);
if ( $ChangeNetwork == TRUE)
SetValue($this->GetIDForIdent($Ident), $Value);
throw new Exception("Valid Network-ID: ".$ChangeNetworkID);
throw new Exception("Invalid Network-ID: ".$ChangeNetworkID);
public function RequestAction($Ident, $Value)
throw new Exception("Network-ID: ".$ChangeNetworkID);
$this->SetWLANMode($Ident, boolval($Value));
public function ApplyChanges() {
//Never delete this line!
$this->baseURL = $this->ReadPropertyString("IPAddress");
$this->user = $this->ReadPropertyString("UserName");
$this->password = $this->ReadPropertyString("UserPassword");
$this->site = $this->ReadPropertyString("Site");
$this->version = '5.4.16';
$this->checkIntervalNetwork = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("Intervall_Network");
$this->checkIntervalClient = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("Intervall_Client");
$this->debug = $this->ReadPropertyBoolean("Debug");
$this->SetTimerInterval("Intervall_Network", ($this->ReadPropertyInteger("Intervall_Network") * 1000));
$this->SetTimerInterval("Intervall_Client", ($this->ReadPropertyInteger("Intervall_Client") * 1000));
# create neccessary folders
$instance_id_parent = $this->InstanceID;
$instance_Clients_ID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_id_parent, "Clients", "Clients");
$instance_WLAN_ID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_id_parent, "WLAN", "WLAN");
$instance_LAN_ID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_id_parent, "LAN", "LAN");
$instance_APS_ID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_id_parent, "UniFiDevices", "UniFi-Devices");
public function UpdateUniFiNetworkData() {
$this->baseURL = $this->ReadPropertyString("IPAddress");
$this->user = $this->ReadPropertyString("UserName");
$this->password = $this->ReadPropertyString("UserPassword");
$this->site = $this->ReadPropertyString("Site");
$this->version = '5.4.16';
$this->checkIntervalNetwork = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("Intervall_Network");
$this->checkIntervalClient = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("Intervall_Client");
$this->debug = $this->ReadPropertyBoolean("Debug");
# create neccessary folders
$instance_id_parent = $this->InstanceID;
$instance_WLAN_ID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_id_parent, "WLAN", "WLAN");
$instance_LAN_ID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_id_parent, "LAN", "LAN");
$instance_APS_ID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_id_parent, "UniFiDevices", "UniFi-Devices");
public function UpdateUniFiClientData() {
$this->baseURL = $this->ReadPropertyString("IPAddress");
$this->user = $this->ReadPropertyString("UserName");
$this->password = $this->ReadPropertyString("UserPassword");
$this->site = $this->ReadPropertyString("Site");
$this->version = '5.4.16';
$this->checkIntervalNetwork = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("Intervall_Network");
$this->checkIntervalClient = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("Intervall_Client");
$this->debug = $this->ReadPropertyBoolean("Debug");
$this->ClientArray = json_decode($this->ReadPropertyString("Clients"));
# create neccessary folders
$instance_id_parent = $this->InstanceID;
$instance_Clients_ID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_id_parent, "Clients", "Clients");
$instance_Clients_Wireless_ID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_Clients_ID, "Wireless", "Wireless");
$instance_Clients_LAN_ID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_Clients_ID, "LAN", "LAN");
$instance_Clients_Presence_ID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_Clients_ID, "Presence", "_Presence");
$instance_Clients_PresenceLAN_ID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_Clients_ID, "Presence: LAN", "_PresenceLAN");
$instance_Clients_PresenceWLAN_ID = $this->CreateCategoryByIdent($instance_Clients_ID, "Presence: WLAN", "_PresenceWLAN");
$this->GetWLANclients($instance_Clients_Wireless_ID, $instance_Clients_Presence_ID, $instance_Clients_PresenceWLAN_ID);
$this->GetLANclients($instance_Clients_LAN_ID, $instance_Clients_Presence_ID, $instance_Clients_PresenceLAN_ID);
$this->CheckPresence($instance_Clients_Presence_ID, $instance_Clients_PresenceLAN_ID, $instance_Clients_PresenceWLAN_ID);