ich habe mal eine Frage, wie lese ich am besten XML Dateien ein von meinem Solarworld Sunplug eco Wechselreichter?
Habt Ihr vielleicht einen Ansatz ohne den WWW Reader / Text Parser?
Die eine XML (aktuelle Leistungswerte) hat den folgenden Aufbau:
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<Device Name="Sunplug eco 3.6 TL1i" Type="Inverter" Serial="752539AI005727******" BusAddress="2" NetBiosName="INV005727******" IpAddress="" DateTime="2016-08-03T09:43:26">
<Measurement Value="238.414" Unit="V" Type="AC_Voltage"/>
<Measurement Value="1.678" Unit="A" Type="AC_Current"/>
<Measurement Value="381.870" Unit="W" Type="AC_Power"/>
<Measurement Value="49.988" Unit="Hz" Type="AC_Frequency"/>
<Measurement Value="442.375" Unit="V" Type="DC_Voltage"/>
<Measurement Value="0.874" Unit="A" Type="DC_Current"/>
<Measurement Value="387.290" Unit="W" Type="DC_Power"/>
<Measurement Value="29.000" Unit="°C" Type="Temp"/>
<Measurement Value="381.9" Unit="W" Type="Consumption PV"/>
<Measurement Value="228.5" Unit="W" Type="Consumption Grid"/>
<Measurement Value="-228.450562" Unit="W" Type="GridPower"/>
<Measurement Value="100.0" Unit="%" Type="Dearting"/>
Schönen Gruß
Hallo yodaeichen,
vll hilft dir das ja weiter
//Deine XML Datei
$xmlstr ='
<Device Name="Sunplug eco 3.6 TL1i" Type="Inverter" Serial="752539AI005727******" BusAddress="2" NetBiosName="INV005727******" IpAddress="" DateTime="2016-08-03T09:43:26">
<Measurement Value="238.414" Unit="V" Type="AC_Voltage"/>
<Measurement Value="1.678" Unit="A" Type="AC_Current"/>
<Measurement Value="381.870" Unit="W" Type="AC_Power"/>
<Measurement Value="49.988" Unit="Hz" Type="AC_Frequency"/>
<Measurement Value="442.375" Unit="V" Type="DC_Voltage"/>
<Measurement Value="0.874" Unit="A" Type="DC_Current"/>
<Measurement Value="387.290" Unit="W" Type="DC_Power"/>
<Measurement Value="29.000" Unit="°C" Type="Temp"/>
<Measurement Value="381.9" Unit="W" Type="Consumption PV"/>
<Measurement Value="228.5" Unit="W" Type="Consumption Grid"/>
<Measurement Value="-228.450562" Unit="W" Type="GridPower"/>
<Measurement Value="100.0" Unit="%" Type="Dearting"/>
</root> '
//Funktion gefunden auf php.net
function XML2JSON($xml) {
function normalizeSimpleXML($obj, &$result) {
$data = $obj;
if (is_object($data)) {
$data = get_object_vars($data);
if (is_array($data)) {
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$res = null;
normalizeSimpleXML($value, $res);
if (($key == '@attributes') && ($key)) {
$result = $res;
} else {
$result[$key] = $res;
} else {
$result = $data;
normalizeSimpleXML(simplexml_load_string($xml), $result);
return json_encode($result);
weitere Infos findest du hier http://php.net/manual/de/class.simplexmlelement.php
Wenn du nur einen Wert haben möchtest z.B. die AC Spannung gehts es wie folgt
$daten= json_decode(XML2JSON($xmlstr));
echo $daten->Device->Measurements->Measurement[0]->Value." "
.$daten->Device->Measurements->Measurement[0]->Unit." "