MQTT packet too short or invalid - UTF-8 encoding problem?

Hallo zusammen,

ich habe im syslog folgende Meldunge

symcon[492]: server.c: Packet too short or invalid while reading probe record. (Maybe a UTF-8 problem?)

Korrespondierend habe ich folgende Meldungen im sycon log
10/07/2023 04:21:12 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/07/2023 04:21:12 PM | 35207 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #35207: Variable value must be UTF-8 encoded since IP-Symcon 6.3!
10/07/2023 04:21:12 PM | 36667 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #36667: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01

26376 ist die Zigbee2MQTT Configurator Instanz
35207 ist ein MQTT Server Device - Heishamon

Wie kann ich das Problem lösen.



1 „Gefällt mir“

welche IPS Version? Bei 7 wurde das UTF8-Handling geändert.


Dein Heishamon Gerät wird wahrscheinlich ungültige UTF-8 Daten senden.


Ich nutze IPS 6.3

Gibt es eine Möglichkeit diesen Fehler irgendwie abzufangen ?



Nickt wirklich. Mit der 7.0 haben wir MQTT aber so erweitert dass wir die defekten Daten ausgeben sodass du es besser nachvollziehen kannst.


@paresy Merci - 2 Fragen in diesem Zusammenhang

  1. Ich habe das noch mal näher angesehen - die gleiche Fehlermeldung bekomme ich nicht nur für die Heishamon sondern auch für ALLE Zigbee2MQTT Devices. (Arara und Lumina Sensoren), das scheint mir dann doch ein generelles Problem zu sein …

  2. Seit kurzem habe ich zudem das Problem das ich in der Management Console plötzlich die Fehlermeldung bekomme: Connection error JSON parsing failed: Method not allowed. Reload der website hilft aber nach einer unbestimmten Zeit kommt der Fehler wieder. Was kann ich hier tun ?



Im log sieht man auch dass es inkonsistent ist - es funktioniert und dann gibt es wieder Fehlermeldungen ???

10/12/2023 05:28:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executing PHP-Module ~ Action: GetConfigurationForm
10/12/2023 05:28:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executing PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData
10/12/2023 05:28:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executed PHP-Module ~ Action: GetConfigurationForm ~ Duration: 31 ms
10/12/2023 05:28:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executed PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData ~ Duration: 9 ms
10/12/2023 05:28:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executing PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData
10/12/2023 05:28:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executed PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData ~ Duration: 7 ms
10/12/2023 05:28:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executing PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData
10/12/2023 05:28:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executed PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData ~ Duration: 8 ms
10/12/2023 05:28:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executing PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData
10/12/2023 05:28:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executed PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData ~ Duration: 8 ms
10/12/2023 05:28:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executing PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData
10/12/2023 05:28:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executed PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData ~ Duration: 10 ms
10/12/2023 05:28:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executing PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData
10/12/2023 05:28:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executed PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData ~ Duration: 8 ms
10/12/2023 05:28:28 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:28:33 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:28:38 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:28:43 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:28:46 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executing PHP-Module ~ Action: GetConfigurationForm
10/12/2023 05:28:46 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executed PHP-Module ~ Action: GetConfigurationForm ~ Duration: 20 ms
10/12/2023 05:28:46 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executing PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData
10/12/2023 05:28:46 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executed PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData ~ Duration: 7 ms
10/12/2023 05:28:46 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executing PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData
10/12/2023 05:28:46 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executed PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData ~ Duration: 7 ms
10/12/2023 05:28:46 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executing PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData
10/12/2023 05:28:46 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executed PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData ~ Duration: 8 ms
10/12/2023 05:28:46 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executing PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData
10/12/2023 05:28:46 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executed PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData ~ Duration: 7 ms
10/12/2023 05:28:46 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executing PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData
10/12/2023 05:28:46 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executed PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData ~ Duration: 7 ms
10/12/2023 05:28:46 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executing PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData
10/12/2023 05:28:46 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executed PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData ~ Duration: 7 ms
10/12/2023 05:28:48 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:28:53 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:28:58 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:29:03 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:29:08 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:29:13 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:29:18 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:29:23 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:29:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executing PHP-Module ~ Action: GetConfigurationForm
10/12/2023 05:29:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executed PHP-Module ~ Action: GetConfigurationForm ~ Duration: 22 ms
10/12/2023 05:29:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executing PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData
10/12/2023 05:29:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executed PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData ~ Duration: 8 ms
10/12/2023 05:29:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executing PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData
10/12/2023 05:29:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executed PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData ~ Duration: 9 ms
10/12/2023 05:29:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executing PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData
10/12/2023 05:29:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executed PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData ~ Duration: 9 ms
10/12/2023 05:29:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executing PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData
10/12/2023 05:29:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executed PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData ~ Duration: 8 ms
10/12/2023 05:29:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executing PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData
10/12/2023 05:29:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executed PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData ~ Duration: 5 ms
10/12/2023 05:29:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executing PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData
10/12/2023 05:29:26 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executed PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData ~ Duration: 5 ms
10/12/2023 05:29:28 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:29:33 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:29:38 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:29:43 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:29:48 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:29:53 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:29:58 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:30:03 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:30:08 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:30:13 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:30:18 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:30:23 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:30:28 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:30:33 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:30:38 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:30:43 PM | 26376 | ERROR | FlowHandler | Could not forward data to instance #26376: [json.exception.type_error.316] invalid UTF-8 byte at index 2: 0x01
10/12/2023 05:30:46 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executing PHP-Module ~ Action: GetConfigurationForm
10/12/2023 05:30:47 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executing PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData
10/12/2023 05:30:47 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executed PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData ~ Duration: 5 ms
10/12/2023 05:30:47 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executed PHP-Module ~ Action: GetConfigurationForm ~ Duration: 43 ms
10/12/2023 05:30:47 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executing PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData
10/12/2023 05:30:47 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executed PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData ~ Duration: 13 ms
10/12/2023 05:30:47 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executing PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData
10/12/2023 05:30:47 PM | 26376 | DEBUG | ScriptEngine | Executed PHP-Module ~ Action: ReceiveData ~ Duration: 11 ms

Ich würde dir empfehlen auf die 7.0 zu gehen - dann bekommst du mehr Feedback was da genau schief läuft.
