IPSLibrary goes Modul


I agree with you that it doesn’t make sense to put the logic within IPSView, that’s not what I am trying to say. For this you have IPS and the use of modules.

I meant to say is that for the visual parts, currently within IPSLbrary 1.0 found in the Visualization/Webfront and Mobile category, you might use IPSView. Because for me it does’t make sense NOT to use IPSView and the power of the product for this. Maybe even use the workflows part of IPSView for the Configuration and Custom files, for instance IPSWatering_Configuration and IPSWatering_Custom.

For me it would be nice also because I only have to play with the looks of the pages and not to worry about writing code ;).

What I am trying to tell is that by using the power of modules within the two product (IPS and IPSView) you make the IPSLibrary maybe more powerful. It also gives you the ability to ask some money for the wonderful work you do in regards of rewriting IPSLibrary.

Just my two cents ;),


ich hab hier immer mal wieder rein geschaut aber leider scheint es an dieser Stelle nicht weiter zu gehen.

Gibt es denn trotzdem eine Planung, wann diese tooel Skripte durch Module ersetzt werden? Gerade auch in Zusammenhang mit der neuen Visu wĂźrde das glaube ich gut passen.