Hallo zusammen,
da ich momentan an einer Client-Server-Lösung bastel und dafür die OLE-Schnittstelle nutze, stand ich vor dem Problem, dass ich die InstanzID anhand der Status-Variablen ermitteln musste (für FS20SwitchMode). Da ich noch nicht so fit in PHP bin, hab ich mich mal ein bißchen im Netz umgeschaut und folgendes ist dabei rausgekommen:
IP-SYMCON Event Scripting
File : Get_InstanceID.ips.php
Trigger :
Interval :
$Variable = "test1"; /*Gesuchte Variable*/
$Value = true; /*Gewünschter Schaltzustand*/
$FS20TX_Instances = array();
$FS20TX_Instances = IPS_GetInstanceIDsByGUID("{48FCFDC1-11A5-4309-BB0B-A0DB8042A969}");
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($FS20TX_Instances); $i++) {
$xml = xmlize(IPS_GetInstanceSettings($FS20TX_Instances[$i]));
$ID = $xml["ID"]["#"]["Settings"];
$StatusVariable = $ID[0]["#"]["StatusVariable"][0]["@"]["Value"];
if ($StatusVariable == $Variable) {
FS20_SwitchMode($FS20TX_Instances[$i], $Value);
/* xmlize() is by Hans Anderson, me@hansanderson.com
* Ye Ole "Feel Free To Use it However" License [PHP, BSD, GPL].
* some code in xml_depth is based on code written by other PHPers
* as well as one Perl script. Poor programming practice and organization
* on my part is to blame for the credit these people aren't receiving.
* None of the code was copyrighted, though.
* This is a stable release, 1.0. I don't foresee any changes, but you
* might check http://www.hansanderson.com/php/xml/ to see
* usage: $xml = xmlize($array);
* See the function traverse_xmlize() for information about the
* structure of the array, it's much easier to explain by showing you.
* Be aware that the array is somewhat tricky. I use xmlize all the time,
* but still need to use traverse_xmlize quite often to show me the structure!
> attached is the modified script. Basically it has a new optional parameter
> to specify an OUTPUT encoding. If not specified, it defaults to UTF-8.
> I recommend you to read this PHP bug. There you can see how PHP4, PHP5.0.0
> and PHP5.0.2 will handle this.
> http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=29711
> Ciao, Eloy :-)
function xmlize($data, $WHITE=1, $encoding='UTF-8') {
$data = trim($data);
$vals = $index = $array = array();
$parser = xml_parser_create($encoding);
xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, $WHITE);
xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $data, $vals, $index);
$i = 0;
$tagname = $vals[$i]['tag'];
if ( isset ($vals[$i]['attributes'] ) )
$array[$tagname]['@'] = $vals[$i]['attributes'];
} else {
$array[$tagname]['@'] = array();
$array[$tagname]["#"] = xml_depth($vals, $i);
return $array;
* You don't need to do anything with this function, it's called by
* xmlize. It's a recursive function, calling itself as it goes deeper
* into the xml levels. If you make any improvements, please let me know.
function xml_depth($vals, &$i) {
$children = array();
if ( isset($vals[$i]['value']) )
array_push($children, $vals[$i]['value']);
while (++$i < count($vals)) {
switch ($vals[$i]['type']) {
case 'open':
if ( isset ( $vals[$i]['tag'] ) )
$tagname = $vals[$i]['tag'];
} else {
$tagname = '';
if ( isset ( $children[$tagname] ) )
$size = sizeof($children[$tagname]);
} else {
$size = 0;
if ( isset ( $vals[$i]['attributes'] ) ) {
$children[$tagname][$size]['@'] = $vals[$i]["attributes"];
$children[$tagname][$size]['#'] = xml_depth($vals, $i);
case 'cdata':
array_push($children, $vals[$i]['value']);
case 'complete':
$tagname = $vals[$i]['tag'];
if( isset ($children[$tagname]) )
$size = sizeof($children[$tagname]);
} else {
$size = 0;
if( isset ( $vals[$i]['value'] ) )
$children[$tagname][$size]["#"] = $vals[$i]['value'];
} else {
$children[$tagname][$size]["#"] = '';
if ( isset ($vals[$i]['attributes']) ) {
= $vals[$i]['attributes'];
case 'close':
return $children;
return $children;
/* function by acebone@f2s.com, a HUGE help!
* this helps you understand the structure of the array xmlize() outputs
* usage:
* traverse_xmlize($xml, 'xml_');
* print '<pre>' . implode("", $traverse_array . '</pre>';
function traverse_xmlize($array, $arrName = "array", $level = 0) {
foreach($array as $key=>$val)
if ( is_array($val) )
traverse_xmlize($val, $arrName . "[" . $key . "]", $level + 1);
} else {
$GLOBALS['traverse_array'][] = '$' . $arrName . '[' . $key . '] = "' . $val . "\"
return 1;
Eventuell hilft es ja manchen weiter, ich bin nun happy.