From XP on virtual machine to Mac

I have been running IPS on a VMWare Virtual machine for years, running Windows XP, on a Mac OSX. Where do I go with the release of version 4.0? It does not support XP, and how well is the Mac version implemented? I am connecting this to the Eaton xComfort with the USB stick. Any views on upgrading Windows to 10, or ditch the entire Virtual Machine, and go for pure Mac?

I’d would suggest going directly to Mac version, after we have fixed the pending crash-bugs. There seems to be a major problem on OS X which lets IP-Symcon crash when too may php scripts are running. Just wait for the final release which is scheduled somewhere in january and go directly for the mac version :slight_smile:

If you like you can give it a shot here: Installationsanleitung (Mac OSX)
Append your crash-reports here: OSX: Ständige Abstürze


Thank you for the recommendation. The install went smoothly. I copied over the settings, scripts, media and webfront folder with files. And i also copied over the certs folder.

Once I opened the console, I saw all my entries in place. The error log is barking at the missing HID and a script I have that daily fetches the sunrise and sunset times from web, to start and stop the outdoor lights. Will have to look into that.

Other than that, I will try to deactivate the USB stick from the Virtual Machine, and add it to the Mac. I guess I have to add it again as a Configurator?