Energy Distribution in IpsView

Hi, I would like to display the Energy Distribution module in IPSView, but I can’t seem to figure out how to include it. Any help would be appreciated.

Truly sad that it’s such a problem to write a response. Could it be an issue because I’m writing in English? It seems to me that if I have a full paid license for Ipsymcon and IpsView, help is the least I can expect. :unamused:

The English section of the forum is slightly deserted

To answer your question, its not possible to show the energy distribution module in ipsview.

You can shown 3rd party module in ipsview but not the natives one…

You can build your own energy distribution, here is mine for example

Best regards

Thank you, since then, I did just that. But the tile module is quite nice and useful, so I wanted to include it.

IPSView can only show Tiles that uses the new „HTML API“ of IP-Symcon. The energy distribution tile is natively integrated into the Symcon App, so there is no chance for IPSView to support it :open_mouth:

We had plans/ideas to expose those Tiles somehow. (We are doing this at the moment for the new Presentations that are upcoming for 8.0) I will need to ping @Parzival if this might be a low hanging fruit or a more complex task.
