Docker in English

Dear IP-Symcon,

I am running IPSymcon on Docker in Linux on a NUC. Everything works perfect, but only the language is an issue for me.

Will the Docker container come in an English version in the future? If so when would this be planned?

Thank you very much!

docker image is linux based so if you set the enviroment variable to your language it should be a solution. See my settings for german:

So en_US.utf8 or en_UK.utf8 might be what you need.


1 „Gefällt mir“

Im am using portainer. But never did anything with this. But i did not know that these changes were so easy!!
For anyone who has the same question:

  1. Open portainer and docker container with symcon
  2. Click duplicate/edit
  3. Go down to advanced container settings and click „Env“
  4. Change environmental variables and click deploy the container.

easy as 123.

Thanks again!!

1 „Gefällt mir“