Color picker performance


I have a Fibaro RGBW led controller. In the web frontend, I get the three sliders and the color picker. However the color picker responds very slowly - on a PC it takes 1-2 seconds before it opens, from a tablet (Nexus 10) at least 10 seconds. The IP Symcon demo site has a color picker and it works normally. Is it because of ZWave latency? Does anything happen when you click the button, before it actually shows the dialog? The underlying javascript is all Dart-generated so it’s not straightforward to test it out myself. Thanks.

PS I’d be great if there was an option to disable the five color on the right-hand side. They make the control too wide for many screens, and they’re confusing (as is the ‚save‘ button at the top).

The color picker is always the same. You should not notice any loading differences if you are on our demo site or on your own webfront. How long ist the loadtime on your tablet with our demo site?
