code}]: {$this->message}"; } public function customInfo() { # return 'what_you_want...'; } } class wizz_karotz { const API_KZ_BASE = ''; const API_FCT_ASR = 'asr'; const API_FCT_CONFIG = 'config'; const API_FCT_CHOREOGRAPHY = 'choreography'; const API_FCT_EARS = 'ears'; const API_FCT_INTERACTIV = 'interactivemode'; const API_FCT_LED = 'led'; const API_FCT_MULTIMEDIA = 'multimedia'; const API_FCT_REMOTEAUTH = 'remoteauth'; # for future use const API_FCT_SPEAK = 'tts'; const API_FCT_WEBCAM = 'webcam'; const DEFAULT_LANG = 'DE'; # 'DE', 'EN', 'ES' const DEFAULT_VOICE = 'FR-Carla'; # for future use... protected $debug = false; protected $liveid = null; protected $rest_method = null; # for future use... protected $id1 = null; protected $id2 = null; protected $url_encoded = null; protected $api_params = array(); protected $api_response = null; protected $api_resp_array = array(); protected $api_debug = null; protected $error = null; protected $voosmsgid = null; protected $correlationid = null; protected $interactiveid = null; protected $responsecode = null; protected $lang = null; protected $voice = null; # For future use... protected $left_ear_pos = 0; protected $right_ear_pos = 0; public function __construct($liveid=null, $debug=false, $lang=null, $voice=null) { $this->liveid = $liveid; $this->id1 = null; $this->id2 = null; $this->debug = $debug; $this->lang = ($lang)?strtoupper($lang):null; # or self::DEFAULT_LANG; $this->voice = ($voice)?$voice:null; # or self::DEFAULT_VOICE; if ($debug) $this->api_debug = '[Debug on] '.date('d-m-Y H:i:s'); $this->api_params = array(); } public function setDebug($debug=true, $clear=false) { $this->debug = $debug; if ($this->debug && ($this->api_debug==null || $clear)) $this->api_debug = '[Debug on] '.date('d-m-Y H:i:s'); } public function clearDebug() { $this->api_debug = '[Debug on] '.date('d-m-Y H:i:s'); } protected function setError($message) { $message = trim($message); $this->error = $message; if ($this->debug) $this->api_debug .= '
err> '.$message; } public function isDebug() { return $this->debug; } public function showDebug() { return $this->api_debug; } public function get_api_error() { return $this->error; } public function get_api_params() { return $this->api_params; } public function get_api_response() { return $this->api_response; } public function get_api_resp_array() { return $this->api_resp_array; } public function get_voosmsg_id() { return $this->voosmsgid; } public function get_voosmsg_correlationid() { return $this->correlationid; } public function get_voosmsg_interactiveid() { return $this->interactiveid; } public function get_voosmsg_responsecode() { return $this->responsecode; } private function build_rest_url() { $url = self::API_KZ_BASE.$this->rest_method.'?'; if (count($this->api_params)) foreach ($this->api_params as $key => $value) $url .= ($key)?urlencode($key).'='.urlencode($value).'&':''; $url .= 'interactiveid='.$this->liveid; $this->url_encoded = $url; if ($this->debug) $this->api_debug .= '
urlencode> '.$url; return $url; } private function call_api($binary = false) { $this->voosmsgid = ''; $this->correlationid = null; $this->interactiveid = null; $this->responsecode = null; $this->error = null; $curl = curl_init($this->build_rest_url()); if (!$curl) { $this->api_response = 'cUrl_init() Error'; $this->error = 'cUrl_init() Error'; $this->responsecode = 'ERROR'; return $this->responsecode; } curl_setopt($curl, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, $binary); $result = curl_exec($curl); if (curl_errno($curl)) { $curl_error = curl_error($curl); curl_close($curl); if ($this->debug) $this->api_debug .= '
curl> '.$curl_error; $this->api_response = $curl_error; $this->error = $curl_error; $this->responsecode = 'ERROR'; return $this->responsecode; } $curl_info = curl_getinfo($curl); if ($this->debug) $this->api_debug .= '
Request time: '.$curl_info['total_time'].' sec.' . '
Request header: '.$curl_info['request_header'] . '
Bytes transfered: '.number_format($curl_info['size_download'], 0, '', ' '); curl_close($curl); $this->api_response = $result; # store returned by Kz servers $this->responsecode = 'UNDEF'; try { if($result=='') throw @new wizz_karotz_Exception('No xml response!'); else { $xml = @new SimpleXMLElement($result); $this->voosmsgid = $xml->id; $this->correlationid = $xml->correlationId; $this->interactiveid = $xml->interactiveId; $this->responsecode = $xml->response->code; $this->api_resp_array = xml2array($xml); } } catch(wizz_karotz_Exception $e) { $this->setError($e); } catch(Exception $e) { $this->setError($e->getMessage().' (sev. '.$e->getCode().')'); } # return now what_you_want in your favorite format : xml, json, html, delimited ascii... up to you! # return ($this->responsecode)?$this->responsecode:$this->api_response; # here return the response_code string! OK|ERROR if (($this->responsecode != 'OK') && $this->debug) $this->api_debug .= '
[Response]'.strip_tags($result).'[/Response]'; return $this->responsecode; } public function replay() { return $this->call_api(); } # INTERACTIVE MODE public function quit() { $this->rest_method = self::API_FCT_INTERACTIV; unset($this->api_params); $this->api_params['action'] = 'stop'; return $this->call_api(); } # TTS public function say($text=null, $lang=null, $rate='0', $emotion='calm', $voice=null) { $this->rest_method = self::API_FCT_SPEAK; unset($this->api_params); $this->api_params['action'] = ((strtoupper($text)=='STOP') || ($text=='') || ($text==null))?'stop':'speak'; if ($this->api_params['action']=='speak') { if ($rate != '0') $text = ''.$text.''; //if ($humor != 'calm') $text = ''.$text.''; $this->api_params['text'] = $text; if (strlen($lang)>=2) $this->api_params['lang'] = strtoupper($lang); elseif ($this->lang) $this->api_params['lang'] = $this->lang; } return $this->call_api(); } # EARS public function ears($left=null, $right=null, $relative=false) { $this->rest_method = self::API_FCT_EARS; unset($this->api_params); $left = (int) $left; $right = (int) $right; if ($left) $this->api_params['left'] = $left; if ($right) $this->api_params['right'] = $right; if ($relative) $this->api_params['relative'] = 'true'; return $this->call_api(); } public function ears_reset() { $this->rest_method = self::API_FCT_EARS; unset($this->api_params); $this->api_params['reset'] = 'true'; return $this->call_api(); } # LED public function led_pulse($color='FFFFFF', $period=3000, $pulse=500) { $this->rest_method = self::API_FCT_LED; unset($this->api_params); $this->api_params['action'] = 'pulse'; $this->api_params['color'] = $color; $this->api_params['period'] = $period; $this->api_params['pulse'] = $pulse; return $this->call_api(); } public function led_fade($color='FFFFFF', $period=3000) { $this->rest_method = self::API_FCT_LED; unset($this->api_params); $this->api_params['action'] = 'fade'; $this->api_params['color'] = $color; $this->api_params['period'] = $period; return $this->call_api(); } public function led_light($color='FFFFFF') { $this->rest_method = self::API_FCT_LED; unset($this->api_params); $this->api_params['action'] = 'light'; $this->api_params['color'] = $color; return $this->call_api(); } # ASR public function asr($lang=null) { $this->rest_method = self::API_FCT_ASR; unset($this->api_params); $this->api_params['grammar'] = 'yes,no'; if (strlen($lang)>=2) $this->api_params['lang'] = strtoupper($lang); elseif ($this->lang) $this->api_params['lang'] = $this->lang; return $this->call_api(); } # MULTIMEDIA public function play($url=null) { $this->rest_method = self::API_FCT_MULTIMEDIA; unset($this->api_params); if((strtoupper($url)=='STOP') || ($url=='') || ($url==null)) $this->api_params['action'] = 'stop'; elseif(strtoupper($url)=='PAUSE') $this->api_params['action'] = 'pause'; elseif(strtoupper($url)=='RESUME') $this->api_params['action'] = 'resume'; elseif(strtoupper($url)=='PREVIOUS') $this->api_params['action'] = 'previous'; elseif(strtoupper($url)=='NEXT') $this->api_params['action'] = 'next'; else { $this->api_params['action'] = 'play'; $this->api_params['url'] = $url; } return $this->call_api(); } # USB public function usb_unlock() { $this->rest_method = self::API_FCT_MULTIMEDIA; unset($this->api_params); $this->api_params['action'] = 'play'; $this->api_params['url'] = 'lock::no'; return $this->call_api(); } public function usb_allsong() { $this->rest_method = self::API_FCT_MULTIMEDIA; unset($this->api_params); $this->api_params['action'] = 'allsong'; # XML VoosMsg with songs or NULL if response_code <> OK # file1:file2:file3... return ($this->call_api()=='OK')?$this->api_resp_array['multimedia']['songlist']:null; } public function usb_folder() { $this->rest_method = self::API_FCT_MULTIMEDIA; unset($this->api_params); $this->api_params['action'] = 'folder'; # pop: return ($this->call_api()=='OK')?$this->api_resp_array['multimedia']['folderlist']:null; } public function usb_artist() { $this->rest_method = self::API_FCT_MULTIMEDIA; unset($this->api_params); $this->api_params['action'] = 'artist'; # u2:mc: return ($this->call_api()=='OK')?$this->api_resp_array['multimedia']['artistlist']:null; } public function usb_genre() { $this->rest_method = self::API_FCT_MULTIMEDIA; unset($this->api_params); $this->api_params['action'] = 'genre'; # world:alternative: return ($this->call_api()=='OK')?$this->api_resp_array['multimedia']['genrelist']:null; } public function usb_playlist() { $this->rest_method = self::API_FCT_MULTIMEDIA; unset($this->api_params); $this->api_params['action'] = 'playlist'; # return ($this->call_api()=='OK')?$this->api_resp_array['multimedia']['playlistlist']:null; } # WEBCAM public function photo($url=null) { if (!$url) return null; $this->rest_method = self::API_FCT_WEBCAM; unset($this->api_params); $this->api_params['action'] = 'photo'; $this->api_params['url'] = $url; return $this->call_api(); } public function video() { $this->rest_method = self::API_FCT_WEBCAM; unset($this->api_params); $this->api_params['action'] = 'video'; return $this->build_rest_url(); } # CHOREOGRAPHY public function chor($chor=null) { $this->rest_method = self::API_FCT_CHOREOGRAPHY; unset($this->api_params); $this->api_params['start'] = $chor; return $this->call_api(); } public function chor_file($file=null) { $this->rest_method = self::API_FCT_CHOREOGRAPHY; unset($this->api_params); $this->api_params['file'] = $file; return $this->call_api(); } public function chor_stop() { $this->rest_method = self::API_FCT_CHOREOGRAPHY; unset($this->api_params); $this->api_params['action'] = 'stop'; return $this->call_api(); } # CONFIG # truetrueconfigadc58683-xxxawaketrueinterruptibletruepermanentTriggerActivatorfalsescheduledDateTriggerActivatorfalsescheduledTriggerActivatorfalse public function config($format='array') { $this->rest_method = self::API_FCT_CONFIG; unset($this->api_params); $this->api_params[''] = 'none'; $this->call_api(); return ($format=='array')?$this->api_resp_array['config']:$this->api_response; } } function xml2array($xml) { $res = array(); foreach ($xml->children() as $parent => $child) { $res[$parent] = xml2array($child)?xml2array($child):$child; } return $res; } ?>