ConnectParent('{E65CACF9-2088-48F6-946A-9DF65C1B4527}'); // Register properties $this->RegisterPropertyString('DeviceID', ''); $this->RegisterPropertyString('DeviceName', ''); $this->RegisterPropertyInteger('DeviceType', 999); $this->RegisterPropertyString('BuildingID', ''); $this->RegisterPropertyString('BuildingName', ''); $this->RegisterPropertyString('FloorID', ''); $this->RegisterPropertyString('FloorName', ''); $this->RegisterPropertyString('AreaID', ''); $this->RegisterPropertyString('AreaName', ''); $this->RegisterPropertyBoolean('VariablesExtra_System', false); $this->RegisterPropertyBoolean('ShowDeviceImage', false); $this->RegisterPropertyBoolean('MaintenanceMode', false); $this->RegisterPropertyBoolean('debug', false); } /** * Destroy (internal SDK function) * */ public function Destroy() { if (IPS_GetKernelRunlevel() !== KR_READY) { return parent::Destroy(); } // remove variable profiles that are only used by this instance $VarProfileAR = array('MEL.RoomTemperatureSET.' . $this->InstanceID, 'MEL.OperationMode.' . $this->InstanceID, 'MEL.Presets.' . $this->InstanceID, 'MEL.FanSpeed.' . $this->InstanceID, 'MEL.VaneVertical.' . $this->InstanceID, 'MEL.VaneHorizontal.' . $this->InstanceID); foreach ($VarProfileAR as $VarProfileName) { @IPS_DeleteVariableProfile($VarProfileName); } // Never delete this line!! parent::Destroy(); return true; } /** * ApplyChanges (internal SDK function) * * @return bool */ public function ApplyChanges() { //Never delete this line! parent::ApplyChanges(); // Register Kernel Messages $this->RegisterMessage(0, IPS_KERNELMESSAGE); $this->RegisterMessage(0, IPS_KERNELSTARTED); // IP-Symcon Kernel ready? if (IPS_GetKernelRunlevel() !== KR_READY) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('Kernel is not ready! Kernel Runlevel = ') . IPS_GetKernelRunlevel(), 0); return false; } // Set buffer for internal use $this->SetBufferX('Run_LastApplyChanges', time()); // Connect parent socket and register for status changes of this instance $ConnectParent = true; $ParentSocketID = @IPS_GetInstance($this->InstanceID)['ConnectionID']; if ($ParentSocketID > 0) { $MELIO = IPS_GetInstanceListByModuleID('{E65CACF9-2088-48F6-946A-9DF65C1B4527}'); if (@array_key_exists('0', $MELIO) === true) { if ($ParentSocketID === $MELIO[0]) { $ConnectParent = false; } } } if ($ConnectParent === true) { $this->ConnectParent('{E65CACF9-2088-48F6-946A-9DF65C1B4527}'); $ParentSocketID = IPS_GetInstance($this->InstanceID)['ConnectionID']; } $this->SetReceiveDataFilter('.*"buildingid":"' . $this->ReadPropertyString('BuildingID') . '","deviceid":"' . $this->ReadPropertyString('DeviceID') . '".*'); $this->SetBufferX('ParentSocketID', $ParentSocketID); $this->RegisterMessage($ParentSocketID, IM_CHANGESTATUS); // Maintenance mode active? if ($this->ReadPropertyBoolean('MaintenanceMode') === true) { $this->SetInstanceStatus_IfDifferent($this->InstanceID, 207); return false; } if ($this->ParentIsActive() === false) { $this->SetInstanceStatus_IfDifferent($this->InstanceID, 201); return false; } $BuildingID = $this->ReadPropertyString('BuildingID'); $DeviceID = $this->ReadPropertyString('DeviceID'); $DeviceType = $this->ReadPropertyInteger('DeviceType'); if (($BuildingID !== '') && ($DeviceID !== '') && ($DeviceType !== 999)) { // Everything ok $this->SetInstanceStatus_IfDifferent($this->InstanceID, 102); // Create variable with profiles and other objects $this->SetBuffer('Force_SendListToChilds', '1'); $DeviceAR = $this->Device_GetListInfo(); if ((@array_key_exists('DeviceID', $DeviceAR) === false) || (@array_key_exists('DeviceID', $DeviceAR) === NULL)) { //$this->SetInstanceStatus_IfDifferent($this->InstanceID, 202); return false; } // Permissions sufficient? $this->PermissionsOkCheck($DeviceAR); $result = $this->VariablesAndProfilesAndObjects_Create($DeviceAR); // Update all data - if all ok if ($result === true) { $this->Update(); } } else { $this->SetInstanceStatus_IfDifferent($this->InstanceID, 205); return false; } if (IPS_GetKernelVersion() >= 5.1) { $ReferenceIDsAR = $this->GetReferenceList(); foreach ($ReferenceIDsAR as $ReferenceID) { $this->UnregisterReference($ReferenceID); } $ChildIDsAR = IPS_GetChildrenIDs($this->InstanceID); if (count($ChildIDsAR) > 0) { foreach ($ChildIDsAR as $ChildID) { if (IPS_VariableExists($ChildID) === true) { $this->RegisterReference($ChildID); } } } } return true; } /** * GetConfigurationForm (dynamic generation of format data for the module instance) * * @return string */ public function GetConfigurationForm() { $DebugActive = $this->ReadPropertyBoolean('debug'); $DeviceType = $this->ReadPropertyInteger('DeviceType'); if ($DeviceType === 0) { $DeviceType_String = $this->Translate('Air conditioner'); $String_FanSpeed = $this->Translate('Fan speed'); $DeviceSpecificFormActions = '{ "type": "Button", "label": "' . $String_FanSpeed . ' Auto", "onClick": "MEL_FanSpeed_Set($id, 0);" }, { "type": "Button", "label": "' . $String_FanSpeed . ' 3", "onClick": "MEL_FanSpeed_Set($id, 3);" }'; } elseif ($DeviceType === 1) { $DeviceType_String = $this->Translate('Heat pump'); $DeviceType_LabelText = $this->Translate('The device type') . ' -' . $DeviceType_String . '- ' . $this->Translate('is currently not supported! Please contact the module creator!'); $DeviceSpecificFormActions = '{ "type": "Label", "label": "' . $DeviceType_LabelText . '"}'; } else { $DeviceType_String = $this->Translate('UNKNOWN'); $DeviceType_LabelText = $this->Translate('The device type') . ' -' . $DeviceType_String . '- ' . $this->Translate('is currently not supported! Please contact the module creator!'); $DeviceSpecificFormActions = '{ "type": "Label", "label": "' . $DeviceType_LabelText . '"}'; } $FormValue_LBL_DeviceName = $this->Translate('Device-Name') . ': ' . $this->ReadPropertyString('DeviceName'); $FormValue_LBL_DeviceID = $this->Translate('Device-ID') . ': ' . $this->ReadPropertyString('DeviceID'); $FormValue_LBL_DeviceType = $this->Translate('Device-Type') . ': ' . $DeviceType_String; $FormValue_LBL_BuildingName = $this->Translate('Building-Name') . ': ' . $this->ReadPropertyString('BuildingName'); $FormValue_LBL_FloorName = $this->Translate('Floor-Name') . ': ' . $this->ReadPropertyString('FloorName'); $FormValue_LBL_AreaName = $this->Translate('Area-Name') . ': ' . $this->ReadPropertyString('AreaName'); $FormData = '{ "elements": [ { "type": "Label", "label": "##### MELCloud Device v1.0 by Bayaro - #####" }, { "type": "Label", "label": "##### 06.02.2019 - 07:40 #####"}, { "type": "Label", "label": "' . $FormValue_LBL_DeviceName . '"}, { "type": "Label", "label": "' . $FormValue_LBL_DeviceID . '"}, { "type": "Label", "label": "' . $FormValue_LBL_DeviceType . '"}, { "type": "Label", "label": "' . $FormValue_LBL_BuildingName . '"}, { "type": "Label", "label": "' . $FormValue_LBL_FloorName . '"}, { "type": "Label", "label": "' . $FormValue_LBL_AreaName . '"}, { "type": "Label", "label": "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" }, { "type": "CheckBox", "name": "VariablesExtra_System", "caption": "Show additional variables with system information" }, { "type": "CheckBox", "name": "ShowDeviceImage", "caption": "Show device image" }, { "type": "Label", "label": "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" }, { "type": "CheckBox", "name": "MaintenanceMode", "caption": "Locking Operation (Maintenance Mode)" }, { "type": "CheckBox", "name": "debug", "caption": "Debug" } ], "actions": [ { "type": "Button", "label": "Update device data", "onClick": "MEL_Update($id);" }, { "type": "Button", "label": "Switch device on", "onClick": "MEL_PowerState_Set($id, true);" }, { "type": "Button", "label": "Switch device off", "onClick": "MEL_PowerState_Set($id, false);" }, ' . $DeviceSpecificFormActions . ' ], "status": [ { "code": 101, "icon": "active", "caption": "Creating instance" }, { "code": 102, "icon": "active", "caption": "OK" }, { "code": 201, "icon": "inactive", "caption": "I/O instance is inactive" }, { "code": 202, "icon": "error", "caption": "ERROR // Device data could not be read from MELCloud" }, { "code": 203, "icon": "error", "caption": "ERROR // Variable profiles could not be created" }, { "code": 204, "icon": "error", "caption": "ERROR // Variables could not be created" }, { "code": 205, "icon": "inactive", "caption": "Instance has not yet been configured" }, { "code": 206, "icon": "error", "caption": "ERROR // Device-Image could not be created" }, { "code": 207, "icon": "inactive", "caption": "Maintenance mode is active" } ] }'; if ($DebugActive === true) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, 'FormData = ' . $FormData, 0); $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, 'FormData (json last error msg) = ' . json_last_error_msg(), 0); } return $FormData; } /********** PUBLIC FUNCTIONS **********/ /** * Update (update complete device data) * * @return bool */ public function Update() { $result1 = $this->Device_GetData(); if ($this->ReadPropertyBoolean('ShowDeviceImage') === true) { $result2 = $this->Device_GetImage(); if ($result2 === false) { return false; } } if ($result1 === false) { return false; } return true; } /** * Device_GetData (get list with data from this device) * * @return false|array */ public function Device_GetData() { $deviceDataAR = $this->Device_GetDataRAW(); if ($deviceDataAR === false) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('Login FAILED') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Processing is terminated'), 0); return false; } $dataARtmp['Device'] = $deviceDataAR; $this->FillDeviceVariables($dataARtmp); $unsetAR = array('EffectiveFlags', 'LocalIPAddress', 'Name', 'WeatherObservations', 'HideVaneControls', 'HideDryModeControl', 'RoomTemperatureLabel', 'TemperatureIncrementOverride'); $resultAR = array(); foreach ($deviceDataAR as $index => $deviceDataARentry) { if (@array_search($index, $unsetAR) === false) { $resultAR[$index] = $deviceDataARentry; } } if (count($resultAR) > 0) { return $resultAR; } return $deviceDataAR; } /** * Device_GetDataRAW (get complete list with all data from this device) * * @return false|array */ public function Device_GetDataRAW() { $buildingid = $this->ReadPropertyString('BuildingID'); $deviceid = $this->ReadPropertyString('DeviceID'); $dataAR['action'] = 'call_func'; $dataAR['func'] = __FUNCTION__; $dataAR['func_param'] = $buildingid . ';;' . $deviceid; $result = $this->SendData($dataAR); if ($result === false) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('Login FAILED') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Processing is terminated'), 0); return false; } return $result; } /** * Device_GetListInfo (get device informations - Part of GetList only for this device) * * @return false|array */ public function Device_GetListInfo() { $buildingid = $this->ReadPropertyString('BuildingID'); $deviceid = $this->ReadPropertyString('DeviceID'); $DevicesAR = $this->Devices_GetList(); if ($DevicesAR === false) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('Login FAILED') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Processing is terminated'), 0); return false; } if ((isset($DevicesAR) === false) || (@array_key_exists('DeviceID', $DevicesAR[0]) === false) || (@array_key_exists('DeviceID', $DevicesAR[0]) === NULL)) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR // Device data could not be read from MELCloud') . ' // DevicesAR = ' . json_encode($DevicesAR), 0); return false; } foreach ($DevicesAR as $DeviceEntryAR) { if (($DeviceEntryAR['BuildingID'] == $buildingid) && ($DeviceEntryAR['DeviceID'] == $deviceid)) { $DeviceAR = $DeviceEntryAR; break; } } if ((@array_key_exists('DeviceID', $DeviceAR) === false) || (@array_key_exists('DeviceID', $DeviceAR) === NULL)) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Device not found') . ' // DevicesAR = ' . json_encode($DeviceAR), 0); return false; } // fill buffers with valid min and max temperatures - for set-functions $minTemp = 9999; $maxTemp = 0; if (@array_key_exists('MinTempCoolDry', $DeviceAR['Device']) === true) { $minTemp_cooldry = $DeviceAR['Device']['MinTempCoolDry']; if ($minTemp_cooldry > 0) { $this->SetBuffer('MinTempCoolDry', $minTemp_cooldry); if ($minTemp_cooldry < $minTemp) { $minTemp = $minTemp_cooldry; } } } if (@array_key_exists('MaxTempCoolDry', $DeviceAR['Device']) === true) { $maxTemp_cooldry = $DeviceAR['Device']['MaxTempCoolDry']; if ($maxTemp_cooldry > 0) { $this->SetBuffer('MaxTempCoolDry', $maxTemp_cooldry); if ($maxTemp_cooldry > $maxTemp) { $maxTemp = $maxTemp_cooldry; } } } if (@array_key_exists('MinTempHeat', $DeviceAR['Device']) === true) { $minTemp_heat = $DeviceAR['Device']['MinTempHeat']; if ($minTemp_heat > 0) { $this->SetBuffer('MinTempHeat', $minTemp_heat); if ($minTemp_heat < $minTemp) { $minTemp = $minTemp_heat; } } } if (@array_key_exists('MaxTempHeat', $DeviceAR['Device']) === true) { $maxTemp_heat = $DeviceAR['Device']['MaxTempHeat']; if ($maxTemp_heat > 0) { $this->SetBuffer('MaxTempHeat', $maxTemp_heat); if ($maxTemp_heat > $maxTemp) { $maxTemp = $maxTemp_heat; } } } if (@array_key_exists('MinTempAutomatic', $DeviceAR['Device']) === true) { $minTemp_auto = $DeviceAR['Device']['MinTempAutomatic']; if ($minTemp_auto > 0) { $this->SetBuffer('MinTempAutomatic', $minTemp_auto); if ($minTemp_auto < $minTemp) { $minTemp = $minTemp_auto; } } } if (@array_key_exists('MaxTempAutomatic', $DeviceAR['Device']) === true) { $maxTemp_auto = $DeviceAR['Device']['MaxTempAutomatic']; if ($maxTemp_auto > 0) { $this->SetBuffer('MaxTempAutomatic', $maxTemp_auto); if ($maxTemp_auto > $maxTemp) { $maxTemp = $maxTemp_auto; } } } if ($minTemp !== 9999) { $this->SetBuffer('MinTemp', $minTemp); } if ($maxTemp !== 0) { $this->SetBuffer('MaxTemp', $maxTemp); } // fill buffers with valid values for some device features - for set-functions if (@array_key_exists('ModelSupportsFanSpeed', $DeviceAR['Device']) === true) { if ($DeviceAR['Device']['ModelSupportsFanSpeed'] === true) { if (@array_key_exists('NumberOfFanSpeeds', $DeviceAR['Device']) === true) { $NumberOfFanSpeeds = $DeviceAR['Device']['NumberOfFanSpeeds']; if ($NumberOfFanSpeeds > 0) { $this->SetBuffer('NumberOfFanSpeeds', $NumberOfFanSpeeds); } } } } if (@array_key_exists('ModelSupportsVaneHorizontal', $DeviceAR['Device']) === true) { $ModelSupportsVaneHorizontal = $DeviceAR['Device']['ModelSupportsVaneHorizontal']; if ($ModelSupportsVaneHorizontal === true) { $this->SetBuffer('ModelSupportsVaneHorizontal', 1); } else { $this->SetBuffer('ModelSupportsVaneHorizontal', 0); } } if (@array_key_exists('ModelSupportsVaneVertical', $DeviceAR['Device']) === true) { $ModelSupportsVaneVertical = $DeviceAR['Device']['ModelSupportsVaneVertical']; if ($ModelSupportsVaneVertical === true) { $this->SetBuffer('ModelSupportsVaneVertical', 1); } else { $this->SetBuffer('ModelSupportsVaneVertical', 0); } } // fill buffers with valid values operation modes - for set-functions $operationModesAR = array(); // cooling mode if ($this->Check_Feature($DeviceAR, 'CanCool') === true) { $operationModesAR[3] = 1; } else { $operationModesAR[3] = 0; } // dry if ($this->Check_Feature($DeviceAR, 'CanDry') === true) { $operationModesAR[2] = 1; } else { $operationModesAR[2] = 0; } // dry if ($this->Check_Feature($DeviceAR, 'CanDry') === true) { $operationModesAR[7] = 1; } else { $operationModesAR[7] = 0; } // auto mode if ($this->Check_Feature($DeviceAR, 'ModelSupportsAuto') === true) { $operationModesAR[8] = 1; } else { $operationModesAR[8] = 0; } // heat if ($this->Check_Feature($DeviceAR, 'CanHeat') === true) { $operationModesAR[1] = 1; } else { $operationModesAR[1] = 0; } foreach ($operationModesAR as $opModeNr => $opModeAvail) { $this->SetBufferX('OperationMode_' . $opModeNr, $opModeAvail); } return $DeviceAR; } /** * Device_GetImage (get the image of the device - available if uploaded before via cloud/app) * * @return false|array */ public function Device_GetImage() { $buildingid = $this->ReadPropertyString('BuildingID'); $deviceid = $this->ReadPropertyString('DeviceID'); $dataAR['action'] = 'call_func'; $dataAR['func'] = __FUNCTION__; $dataAR['func_param'] = $buildingid . ';;' . $deviceid; $resultAR = $this->SendData($dataAR); if ((@array_key_exists('image', $resultAR) === false) || (@array_key_exists('image', $resultAR) === NULL)) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR // The device image could not be read. Either there is no image or there was a problem.'), 0); return false; } if ($this->ReadPropertyBoolean('ShowDeviceImage') === true) { $imageID = @$this->GetIDForIdent('Device_Image'); if ($imageID > 0) { IPS_SetMediaContent($imageID, $resultAR['image']); IPS_SendMediaEvent($imageID); } else { return false; } } return $resultAR; } /** * Device_GetPresets (get presets and update variable profile) * * @return false|array */ public function Device_GetPresets() { $DeviceAR = $this->Device_GetListInfo(); if ((@array_key_exists('Presets', $DeviceAR) === false) || (@array_key_exists('Presets', $DeviceAR) === NULL)) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('No presets available'), 0); return false; } $PresetsAR = $DeviceAR['Presets']; $this->VariablesProfiles_Update('Presets', $PresetsAR); $this->SetBufferX('MultiBuffer_PresetsAR', $PresetsAR); return $PresetsAR; } /** * Devices_GetList (get list with all devices and all device-information) * * @return false|array */ public function Devices_GetList() { $force = $this->GetBuffer('Force_SendListToChilds'); $dataAR['action'] = 'call_func'; $dataAR['func'] = __FUNCTION__; if ($force === '1') { $dataAR['func_param'] = 'force'; $this->SetBuffer('Force_SendListToChilds', '0'); } $result = $this->SendData($dataAR); if ($result === false) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('Login FAILED') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Processing is terminated'), 0); return false; } return $result; } /** * Devices_GetListRAW (get complete list with all devices and all information) * * @return false|array */ public function Devices_GetListRAW() { $dataAR['action'] = 'call_func'; $dataAR['func'] = __FUNCTION__; $result = $this->SendData($dataAR); if ($result === false) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('Login FAILED') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Processing is terminated'), 0); return false; } return $result; } /** * DeviceInstance_Configuration (possibility to automatically configure a device instance - set device informations, create variables and variables profiles) * * @param string $BuildingID * @param string $DeviceID * @param string $DeviceType (0 = Air condition) * @return bool */ public function DeviceInstance_Configuration(string $BuildingID, string $DeviceID, string $DeviceType) { if ((($BuildingID === '') || ($DeviceID === '') || ($DeviceType === '')) || (($BuildingID === NULL) || ($DeviceID === NULL) || ($DeviceType === NULL))) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Building-ID') . $this->Translate(' and ') . $this->Translate('Device-ID') . $this->Translate(' and ') . $this->Translate('Device-Type') . $this->Translate(' must not be empty!'), 0); return false; } @IPS_SetProperty($this->InstanceID, 'BuildingID', $BuildingID); @IPS_SetProperty($this->InstanceID, 'DeviceID', $DeviceID); @IPS_SetProperty($this->InstanceID, 'DeviceType', $DeviceType); if (IPS_HasChanges($this->InstanceID) === true) { $result = @IPS_ApplyChanges($this->InstanceID); if ($result === false) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('Error setting ') . $this->Translate('Building-ID') . $this->Translate(' and ') . $this->Translate('Device-ID') . $this->Translate(' and ') . $this->Translate('Device-Type'), 0); return false; } } $DeviceAR = $this->Device_GetListInfo(); if ((@array_key_exists('DeviceID', $DeviceAR) === false) || (@array_key_exists('DeviceID', $DeviceAR) === NULL)) { $this->SetInstanceStatus_IfDifferent($this->InstanceID, 202); return false; } // set instance propertys if (@array_key_exists('BuildingName', $DeviceAR) === true) { if (($DeviceAR['BuildingName'] !== '') && ($DeviceAR['BuildingName'] !== NULL) && ($this->ReadPropertyString('BuildingName') !== $DeviceAR['BuildingName'])) { @IPS_SetProperty($this->InstanceID, 'BuildingName', $DeviceAR['BuildingName']); } } if (@array_key_exists('DeviceName', $DeviceAR) === true) { if (($DeviceAR['DeviceName'] !== '') && ($DeviceAR['DeviceName'] !== NULL) && ($this->ReadPropertyString('DeviceName') !== $DeviceAR['DeviceName'])) { @IPS_SetProperty($this->InstanceID, 'DeviceName', $DeviceAR['DeviceName']); } } if (@array_key_exists('DeviceType', $DeviceAR) === true) { if (($DeviceAR['Type'] !== '') && ($DeviceAR['Type'] !== NULL) && ($this->ReadPropertyInteger('DeviceType') !== $DeviceAR['DeviceType'])) { @IPS_SetProperty($this->InstanceID, 'DeviceType', $DeviceAR['Type']); } } if (@array_key_exists('FloorID', $DeviceAR) === true) { if (($DeviceAR['FloorID'] !== '') && ($DeviceAR['FloorID'] !== NULL) && ($this->ReadPropertyString('FloorID') !== $DeviceAR['FloorID'])) { @IPS_SetProperty($this->InstanceID, 'FloorID', $DeviceAR['FloorID']); } } if (@array_key_exists('FloorName', $DeviceAR) === true) { if (($DeviceAR['FloorName'] !== '') && ($DeviceAR['FloorName'] !== NULL) && ($this->ReadPropertyString('FloorName') !== $DeviceAR['FloorName'])) { @IPS_SetProperty($this->InstanceID, 'FloorName', $DeviceAR['FloorName']); } } if (@array_key_exists('AreaID', $DeviceAR) === true) { if (($DeviceAR['AreaID'] !== '') && ($DeviceAR['AreaID'] !== NULL) && ($this->ReadPropertyString('AreaID') !== $DeviceAR['AreaID'])) { @IPS_SetProperty($this->InstanceID, 'AreaID', $DeviceAR['AreaID']); } } if (@array_key_exists('AreaName', $DeviceAR) === true) { if (($DeviceAR['AreaName'] !== '') && ($DeviceAR['AreaName'] !== NULL) && ($this->ReadPropertyString('AreaName') !== $DeviceAR['AreaName'])) { @IPS_SetProperty($this->InstanceID, 'AreaName', $DeviceAR['AreaName']); } } // Set instance name if (@array_key_exists('DeviceName', $DeviceAR) === true) { if ($DeviceAR['DeviceName'] !== '') { IPS_SetName($this->InstanceID, $this->Translate('MELCloud Device') . ' - ' . $DeviceAR['DeviceName']); } else { IPS_SetName($this->InstanceID, $this->Translate('MELCloud Device') . ' - ' . $DeviceAR['DeviceID']); } } // Apply changes $ApplyChangesDone = false; if (IPS_HasChanges($this->InstanceID) === true) { $result = @IPS_ApplyChanges($this->InstanceID); if ($result === false) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('Error setting ') . $this->Translate('Building-ID') . $this->Translate(' and ') . $this->Translate('Device-ID') . $this->Translate(' and ') . $this->Translate('Device-Type'), 0); return false; } $ApplyChangesDone = $result; } // Update all data if ($ApplyChangesDone === false) { // Creating variable profiles and variables $result = $this->VariablesAndProfilesAndObjects_Create($DeviceAR); // Update all data - if all ok if ($result === true) { $this->Update(); } } return true; } /** * FanSpeed_Set (fan speed control) * * @param $value * @return bool */ public function FanSpeed_Set(int $value) { $NumberOfFanSpeeds = $this->GetBuffer('NumberOfFanSpeeds'); if ($NumberOfFanSpeeds !== '') { if (($value > (int)$NumberOfFanSpeeds) || ($value < 0)) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR // Value is invalid for this function! Value = ') . $value, 0); return false; } } $resultAR = $this->Data_Set('SetFanSpeed', $value); if (@array_key_exists('SetFanSpeed', $resultAR) === true) { $this->FillDeviceVariables($resultAR); if ($resultAR['SetFanSpeed'] == $value) { return true; } } return false; } /** * OperationMode_Set (operation mode control) * * @param $value * @return bool */ public function OperationMode_Set(int $value) { $ModelSupportsOperationModeX = $this->GetBuffer('OperationMode_' . $value); if ($ModelSupportsOperationModeX !== '') { if ((int)$ModelSupportsOperationModeX === 1) { $resultAR = $this->Data_Set('OperationMode', $value); if (@array_key_exists('OperationMode', $resultAR) === true) { $this->FillDeviceVariables($resultAR); if ($resultAR['OperationMode'] == $value) { return true; } } return false; } } $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR // Operation mode is not supported by this device! Value = ') . $value, 0); return false; } /** * PowerState_Set (powerstate control) * * @param $value * @return bool */ public function PowerState_Set(bool $value) { $resultAR = $this->Data_Set('Power', $value); if (@array_key_exists('Power', $resultAR) === true) { $this->FillDeviceVariables($resultAR); if ($resultAR['Power'] == $value) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Preset_Set (preset control) * * @param $value * @return bool */ public function Preset_Set(int $value) { $PresetsAR = $this->GetBufferX('MultiBuffer_PresetsAR'); if ((@array_key_exists($value, $PresetsAR) === false) || (@array_key_exists($value, $PresetsAR) === NULL)) { $PresetsAR = $this->Device_GetPresets(); if ((@array_key_exists($value, $PresetsAR) === false) || (@array_key_exists($value, $PresetsAR) === NULL)) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Selected preset is not available'), 0); return false; } } $PresetAR = $PresetsAR[$value]; $DeviceDataRawAR = $this->Device_GetDataRAW(); if ((@array_key_exists('EffectiveFlags', $DeviceDataRawAR) === false) || (@array_key_exists('Number', $PresetAR) === false) || (@array_key_exists('EffectiveFlags', $DeviceDataRawAR) === NULL) || (@array_key_exists('Number', $PresetAR) === NULL)) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR // The data required for the action is not available!') . ' // PresetAR = ' . json_encode($PresetAR) . ' // DeviceDataRawAR = ' . json_encode($DeviceDataRawAR), 0); return false; } if (@array_key_exists('FanSpeed', $PresetAR) === true) { $tmp_FanSpeed = $PresetAR['FanSpeed']; $PresetAR['SetFanSpeed'] = $tmp_FanSpeed; unset($PresetAR['FanSpeed']); } if (@array_key_exists('ID', $PresetAR) === true) { unset($PresetAR['ID']); } if (@array_key_exists('Client', $PresetAR) === true) { unset($PresetAR['Client']); } if (@array_key_exists('DeviceLocation', $PresetAR) === true) { unset($PresetAR['DeviceLocation']); } if (@array_key_exists('Number', $PresetAR) === true) { unset($PresetAR['Number']); } if (@array_key_exists('Configuration', $PresetAR) === true) { unset($PresetAR['Configuration']); } if (@array_key_exists('NumberDescription', $PresetAR) === true) { unset($PresetAR['NumberDescription']); } $Array_SET = @array_replace($DeviceDataRawAR, $PresetAR); if ($Array_SET === NULL) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR // The data required for the action is not available!'), 0); return false; } if ((@array_key_exists('EffectiveFlags', $Array_SET) === false) || (@array_key_exists('EffectiveFlags', $Array_SET) === NULL)) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR // The data required for the action is not available!') . ' // Array_SET = ' . json_encode($Array_SET), 0); return false; } $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('Preset', 99); $resultAR = $this->Data_Set('Preset', $Array_SET); if (@array_key_exists('EffectiveFlags', $resultAR) === true) { $this->FillDeviceVariables($resultAR); if ($resultAR['EffectiveFlags'] === 287) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Temperature_Set (temperature control // depending on operating mode different minimum and maximum values possible/valid) * * @param $value * @return bool */ public function Temperature_Set(float $value) { $deviceType = $this->ReadPropertyInteger('DeviceType'); $operationMode = GetValue($this->GetIDForIdent('OperationMode')); switch ($operationMode) { case 1: if ($deviceType === 0) { $min = $this->GetBuffer('MinTempCoolDry'); $max = $this->GetBuffer('MaxTempCoolDry'); } break; case 3: if ($deviceType === 0) { $min = $this->GetBuffer('MinTempHeat'); $max = $this->GetBuffer('MaxTempHeat'); } break; case 8: if ($deviceType === 0) { $min = $this->GetBuffer('MinTempAutomatic'); $max = $this->GetBuffer('MaxTempAutomatic'); } break; } if ((isset($min) === true) && (isset($max) === true)) { if (($min !== '') && ($max !== '')) { if (($value < $min) || ($value > $max)) { $operationModeText = GetValueFormatted($this->GetIDForIdent('OperationMode')); $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('For operation mode') . ' "' . $operationModeText . '" ' . $this->Translate(', the following temperature range applies') . ': min = ' . $min . ', max = ' . $max, 0); IPS_LogMessage('MELCloud-' . __FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('For operation mode') . ' "' . $operationModeText . '" ' . $this->Translate(', the following temperature range applies') . ': min = ' . $min . ', max = ' . $max); return false; } } } $temperatureWithDecimalDot = @number_format($value, 1, '.', ''); $resultAR = $this->Data_Set('SetTemperature', $temperatureWithDecimalDot); if (@array_key_exists('SetTemperature', $resultAR) === true) { $this->FillDeviceVariables($resultAR); if ($resultAR['SetTemperature'] == $value) { return true; } } return false; } /** * VaneHorizontal_Set (horizontal vane control) * * @param $value * @return bool */ public function VaneHorizontal_Set(int $value) { $ModelSupportsVaneHorizontal = $this->GetBuffer('ModelSupportsVaneHorizontal'); if ($ModelSupportsVaneHorizontal !== '') { if ((int)$ModelSupportsVaneHorizontal === 0) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR // Value is invalid for this function! Value = ') . $value, 0); return false; } } $resultAR = $this->Data_Set('VaneHorizontal', $value); if (@array_key_exists('VaneHorizontal', $resultAR) === true) { $this->FillDeviceVariables($resultAR); if ($resultAR['VaneHorizontal'] == $value) { return true; } } return false; } /** * VaneVertical_Set (vertical vane control) * * @param $value * @return bool */ public function VaneVertical_Set(int $value) { $ModelSupportsVaneVertical = $this->GetBuffer('ModelSupportsVaneVertical'); if ($ModelSupportsVaneVertical !== '') { if ((int)$ModelSupportsVaneVertical === 0) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR // Value is invalid for this function! Value = ') . $value, 0); return false; } } $resultAR = $this->Data_Set('VaneVertical', $value); if (@array_key_exists('VaneVertical', $resultAR) === true) { $this->FillDeviceVariables($resultAR); if ($resultAR['VaneVertical'] == $value) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Weather_Get (get the weather data/forecast for this device) * * @return array|bool */ public function Weather_Get() { $dataAR = $this->Device_GetDataRAW(); if (@array_key_exists('WeatherObservations', $dataAR) === true) { return $dataAR['WeatherObservations']; } $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR // No weather data available for this device in MELCloud'), 0); return false; } /********** INTERNAL FUNCTIONS **********/ /** * Data_Set (send command to control a device or change a setting) * * @param $action * @param $parameter * @return false|array */ private function Data_Set($action, $parameter) { $DebugActive = $this->ReadPropertyBoolean('debug'); $buildingid = $this->ReadPropertyString('BuildingID'); $deviceid = $this->ReadPropertyString('DeviceID'); $maintenanceModeActive = $this->ReadPropertyBoolean('MaintenanceMode'); if ($maintenanceModeActive === true) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('INFO // Maintenance mode activated in the device instance! No control of the device possible!'), 0); IPS_LogMessage('MELCloud-' . __FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('INFO // Maintenance mode activated in the device instance! No control of the device possible!')); return false; } if (is_array($parameter) === true) { $parameter = json_encode($parameter); } $dataAR['action'] = 'call_func'; $dataAR['func'] = __FUNCTION__; $dataAR['func_param'] = $buildingid . ';;' . $deviceid . ';;' . $action . ';;' . $parameter; $result = $this->SendData($dataAR); if (@array_key_exists('error', $result) === true) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR when sending data') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Error') . ' = ' . $result['error'], 0); return false; } if ($DebugActive === true) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('Data was sent successfully'), 0); } return $result; } /** * Check_Feature (check if a device supports a certain feature) * * @param $DeviceAR * @param $FeatureName * @return bool */ private function Check_Feature($DeviceAR, $FeatureName) { if (@array_key_exists($FeatureName, $DeviceAR['Device']) === true) { if ($DeviceAR['Device'][$FeatureName] === true) { return true; } } return false; } /** * FillDeviceVariables (update device variables) * * @param $DeviceDataAR * @return bool */ /*private function FillDeviceVariables($DeviceDataAR) { if ($DeviceDataAR === false) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('Login FAILED') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Processing is terminated'), 0); return false; } // update of the variable if (@array_key_exists('RoomTemperature', $DeviceDataAR['Device']) === true) { $this->SetValue('TemperatureRoom', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['RoomTemperature']); } if (@array_key_exists('RoomTemperature', $DeviceDataAR) === true) { $this->SetValue('TemperatureRoom', $DeviceDataAR['RoomTemperature']); } if (@array_key_exists('SetTemperature', $DeviceDataAR['Device']) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('TemperatureSET', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['SetTemperature']); } if (@array_key_exists('SetTemperature', $DeviceDataAR) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('TemperatureSET', $DeviceDataAR['SetTemperature']); } if (@array_key_exists('FanSpeed', $DeviceDataAR['Device']) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('FanSpeed', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['FanSpeed']); } if (@array_key_exists('FanSpeed', $DeviceDataAR) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('FanSpeed', $DeviceDataAR['FanSpeed']); } if (@array_key_exists('SetFanSpeed', $DeviceDataAR['Device']) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('FanSpeed', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['SetFanSpeed']); } if (@array_key_exists('SetFanSpeed', $DeviceDataAR) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('FanSpeed', $DeviceDataAR['SetFanSpeed']); } if (@array_key_exists('OperationMode', $DeviceDataAR['Device']) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('OperationMode', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['OperationMode']); } if (@array_key_exists('OperationMode', $DeviceDataAR) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('OperationMode', $DeviceDataAR['OperationMode']); } if (@array_key_exists('VaneHorizontalDirection', $DeviceDataAR['Device']) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('VaneHorizontal', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['VaneHorizontalDirection']); } if (@array_key_exists('VaneHorizontalDirection', $DeviceDataAR) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('VaneHorizontal', $DeviceDataAR['VaneHorizontalDirection']); } if (@array_key_exists('VaneHorizontal', $DeviceDataAR['Device']) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('VaneHorizontal', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['VaneHorizontal']); } if (@array_key_exists('VaneHorizontal', $DeviceDataAR) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('VaneHorizontal', $DeviceDataAR['VaneHorizontal']); } if (@array_key_exists('VaneVerticalDirection', $DeviceDataAR['Device']) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('VaneVertical', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['VaneVerticalDirection']); } if (@array_key_exists('VaneVerticalDirection', $DeviceDataAR) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('VaneVertical', $DeviceDataAR['VaneVerticalDirection']); } if (@array_key_exists('VaneVertical', $DeviceDataAR['Device']) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('VaneVertical', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['VaneVertical']); } if (@array_key_exists('VaneVertical', $DeviceDataAR) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('VaneVertical', $DeviceDataAR['VaneVertical']); } if (@array_key_exists('Offline', $DeviceDataAR['Device']) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('DeviceCloudState', !$DeviceDataAR['Device']['Offline']); } if (@array_key_exists('Offline', $DeviceDataAR) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('DeviceCloudState', !$DeviceDataAR['Offline']); } if (@array_key_exists('Power', $DeviceDataAR['Device']) == true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('PowerState', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['Power']); } if (@array_key_exists('Power', $DeviceDataAR) == true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('PowerState', $DeviceDataAR['Power']); } if (@array_key_exists('LastTimeStamp', $DeviceDataAR['Device']) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('LastCommunicationTimestamp', strtotime($DeviceDataAR['Device']['LastTimeStamp'])); } if (@array_key_exists('LastTimeStamp', $DeviceDataAR) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('LastCommunicationTimestamp', strtotime($DeviceDataAR['LastTimeStamp'])); } if (@array_key_exists('HasError', $DeviceDataAR['Device']) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('HasError', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['HasErrorMessages']); if ($DeviceDataAR['Device']['HasError'] === true) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Error-Code') . ' = ' . $DeviceDataAR['ErrorCode'], 0); IPS_LogMessage('MELCloud-' . __FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Error-Code') . ' = ' . $DeviceDataAR['ErrorCode']); } if (@array_key_exists('ErrorCode', $DeviceDataAR['Device']) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('ErrorCode', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['ErrorCode']); } } if ($this->ReadPropertyBoolean('VariablesExtra_System') === true) { if (@array_key_exists('InstallationDate', $DeviceDataAR) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('InstallationDate', strtotime($DeviceDataAR['InstallationDate'])); } if (@array_key_exists('LastServiceDate', $DeviceDataAR) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('LastServiceDate', strtotime($DeviceDataAR['LastServiceDate'])); } if (@array_key_exists('WifiAdapterStatus', $DeviceDataAR['Device']) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('WifiAdapterStatus', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['WifiAdapterStatus']); } if (@array_key_exists('WifiSignalStrength', $DeviceDataAR['Device']) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('WifiSignalStrength', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['WifiSignalStrength']); } if (@array_key_exists('MacAddress', $DeviceDataAR['Device']) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('MacAddress', strtoupper($DeviceDataAR['Device']['MacAddress'])); } if (@array_key_exists('SerialNumber', $DeviceDataAR['Device']) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('SerialNumber', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['SerialNumber']); } if (@array_key_exists('DiagnosticMode', $DeviceDataAR['Device']) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('DiagnosticMode', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['DiagnosticMode']); } if (@array_key_exists('LastReset', $DeviceDataAR['Device']) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('LastReset', strtotime($DeviceDataAR['Device']['LastReset'])); } if (@array_key_exists('FirmwareAppVersion', $DeviceDataAR['Device']) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('FirmwareAppVersion', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['FirmwareAppVersion']); } if (@array_key_exists('FirmwareWebVersion', $DeviceDataAR['Device']) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('FirmwareWebVersion', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['FirmwareWebVersion']); } if (@array_key_exists('FirmwareWlanVersion', $DeviceDataAR['Device']) === true) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('FirmwareWlanVersion', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['FirmwareWlanVersion']); } } return true; }*/ //20240115 TBU: New function private function FillDeviceVariables($DeviceDataAR) { if ($DeviceDataAR === false) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('Login FAILED') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Processing is terminated'), 0); return false; } // update of the variable if (isset($DeviceDataAR['Device']['RoomTemperature'])) { $this->SetValue('TemperatureRoom', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['RoomTemperature']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['RoomTemperature'])) { $this->SetValue('TemperatureRoom', $DeviceDataAR['RoomTemperature']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['Device']['SetTemperature'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('TemperatureSET', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['SetTemperature']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['SetTemperature'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('TemperatureSET', $DeviceDataAR['SetTemperature']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['Device']['FanSpeed'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('FanSpeed', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['FanSpeed']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['FanSpeed'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('FanSpeed', $DeviceDataAR['FanSpeed']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['Device']['SetFanSpeed'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('FanSpeed', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['SetFanSpeed']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['SetFanSpeed'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('FanSpeed', $DeviceDataAR['SetFanSpeed']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['Device']['OperationMode'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('OperationMode', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['OperationMode']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['OperationMode'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('OperationMode', $DeviceDataAR['OperationMode']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['Device']['VaneHorizontalDirection'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('VaneHorizontal', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['VaneHorizontalDirection']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['VaneHorizontalDirection'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('VaneHorizontal', $DeviceDataAR['VaneHorizontalDirection']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['Device']['VaneHorizontal'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('VaneHorizontal', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['VaneHorizontal']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['VaneHorizontal'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('VaneHorizontal', $DeviceDataAR['VaneHorizontal']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['Device']['VaneVerticalDirection'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('VaneVertical', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['VaneVerticalDirection']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['VaneVerticalDirection'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('VaneVertical', $DeviceDataAR['VaneVerticalDirection']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['Device']['VaneVertical'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('VaneVertical', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['VaneVertical']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['VaneVertical'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('VaneVertical', $DeviceDataAR['VaneVertical']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['Device']['Offline'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('DeviceCloudState', !$DeviceDataAR['Device']['Offline']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['Offline'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('DeviceCloudState', !$DeviceDataAR['Offline']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['Device']['Power'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('PowerState', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['Power']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['Power'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('PowerState', $DeviceDataAR['Power']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['Device']['LastTimeStamp'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('LastCommunicationTimestamp', strtotime($DeviceDataAR['Device']['LastTimeStamp'])); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['LastTimeStamp'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('LastCommunicationTimestamp', strtotime($DeviceDataAR['LastTimeStamp'])); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['Device']['HasError'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('HasError', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['HasErrorMessages']); if ($DeviceDataAR['Device']['HasError'] === true) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Error-Code') . ' = ' . $DeviceDataAR['ErrorCode'], 0); IPS_LogMessage('MELCloud-' . __FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Error-Code') . ' = ' . $DeviceDataAR['ErrorCode']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['Device']['ErrorCode'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('ErrorCode', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['ErrorCode']); } } if ($this->ReadPropertyBoolean('VariablesExtra_System') === true) { if (isset($DeviceDataAR['InstallationDate'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('InstallationDate', strtotime($DeviceDataAR['InstallationDate'])); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['LastServiceDate'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('LastServiceDate', strtotime($DeviceDataAR['LastServiceDate'])); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['Device']['WifiAdapterStatus'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('WifiAdapterStatus', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['WifiAdapterStatus']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['Device']['WifiSignalStrength'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('WifiSignalStrength', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['WifiSignalStrength']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['Device']['MacAddress'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('MacAddress', strtoupper($DeviceDataAR['Device']['MacAddress'])); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['Device']['SerialNumber'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('SerialNumber', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['SerialNumber']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['Device']['DiagnosticMode'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('DiagnosticMode', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['DiagnosticMode']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['Device']['LastReset'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('LastReset', strtotime($DeviceDataAR['Device']['LastReset'])); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['Device']['FirmwareAppVersion'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('FirmwareAppVersion', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['FirmwareAppVersion']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['Device']['FirmwareWebVersion'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('FirmwareWebVersion', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['FirmwareWebVersion']); } if (isset($DeviceDataAR['Device']['FirmwareWlanVersion'])) { $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('FirmwareWlanVersion', $DeviceDataAR['Device']['FirmwareWlanVersion']); } } return true; } /** * MessageSink (handles messages on kernel level) * * @param $TimeStamp * @param $SenderID * @param $Message * @param $Data * @return bool|void */ public function MessageSink($TimeStamp, $SenderID, $Message, $Data) { $DebugActive = $this->ReadPropertyBoolean('debug'); if ($DebugActive === true) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, 'SenderID = ' . $SenderID . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Message') . ' = ' . $Message . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Data') . ' = ' . json_encode($Data), 0); } switch ($Message) { case IPS_KERNELMESSAGE: switch ($Data[0]) { case KR_READY: //$this->ApplyChanges(); break; } break; case IM_CHANGESTATUS: if ($SenderID === (int)$this->GetBufferX('ParentSocketID')) { if ($Data[0] === IS_ACTIVE) { $Run_TimeDiffLastApplyChanges = time() - $this->GetBufferX('Run_LastApplyChanges'); if ($Run_TimeDiffLastApplyChanges > 30) { $this->ApplyChanges(); } } else { $this->SetInstanceStatus_IfDifferent($this->InstanceID, 201); } } break; } } /** * ParentIsActive (determine whether the parent instance is active or not) * * @return bool */ private function ParentIsActive() { $InstanceInfoAR = IPS_GetInstance($this->InstanceID); if ($InstanceInfoAR['ConnectionID'] > 0) { $ParentInstanceInfoAR = IPS_GetInstance($InstanceInfoAR['ConnectionID']); if ($ParentInstanceInfoAR['InstanceStatus'] === IS_ACTIVE) { return true; } } $this->SetInstanceStatus_IfDifferent($this->InstanceID, 201); // Parent is inactive $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('I/O instance is inactive'), 0); return false; } /** * PermissionsCheck (Check if this account has enough privileges to control this device) * * @param $DeviceAR * @return bool */ private function PermissionsOkCheck($DeviceAR) { $permissionsOkFlag = true; if (@array_key_exists('Permissions', $DeviceAR) === true) { foreach ($DeviceAR['Permissions'] as $PermissionName => $PermissionValue) { if ($PermissionValue === false) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('WARNING') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('This user does not have permission for the following on this device') . ': ' . $PermissionName, 0); IPS_LogMessage('MELCloud-' . __FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('WARNING') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('This user does not have permission for the following on this device') . ': ' . $PermissionName); $this->SetBufferX('PERM_' . $PermissionName, false); $permissionsOkFlag = false; } $this->SetBufferX('PERM_' . $PermissionName, $PermissionValue); } } return $permissionsOkFlag; } /** ReceiveData (internal SDK function to receive data from a parent instance) * * @param $json * @return bool|void */ public function ReceiveData($json) { $DebugActive = $this->ReadPropertyBoolean('debug'); $dataAR = json_decode($json, true); if ($DebugActive === true) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('Received data') . ' = ' . $json, 0); } $this->ReceiveData_Processing($dataAR); } /** * ReceiveData_Processing (further processing of the data received from a parent instance) * * @param $dataAR * @return bool */ private function ReceiveData_Processing($dataAR) { $DebugActive = $this->ReadPropertyBoolean('debug'); $buildingid = $this->ReadPropertyString('BuildingID'); $deviceid = $this->ReadPropertyString('DeviceID'); $notforthisdevice = false; if ((@array_key_exists('buildingid', $dataAR) === true) && (@array_key_exists('deviceid', $dataAR) === true)) { if (($buildingid === '') || ($buildingid != $dataAR['buildingid'])) { if (($deviceid === '') || ($deviceid != $dataAR['deviceid'])) { $notforthisdevice = true; } } } if (@array_key_exists('action', $dataAR) === true) { if ($dataAR['action'] === 'GetList_ByIOfunction') { if ((@array_key_exists('data', $dataAR) === false) || (@array_key_exists('data', $dataAR) === NULL)) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR // The data required for the action is not available!') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Data') . ' = ' . json_encode($dataAR), 0); return false; } $DeviceDataAR = $dataAR['data']; if ($notforthisdevice === true) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('WARNING // The received data does not seem to be for this device. Please contact the module creator!') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Data') . ' = ' . json_encode($dataAR), 0); return false; } //// From here only functions which are only for this device // Update variable profiles with device-presets if (@array_key_exists('Presets', $DeviceDataAR) === true) { $this->VariablesProfiles_Update('Presets', $DeviceDataAR['Presets']); } // Update instance propertys $PropertyAR = array('DeviceName', 'BuildingName', 'FloorName', 'AreaName'); foreach ($PropertyAR as $PropertyName) { if (@array_key_exists($PropertyName, $DeviceDataAR) === true) { if (($DeviceDataAR[$PropertyName] !== '') && ($DeviceDataAR[$PropertyName] !== NULL)) { $PropertyValueX = $this->ReadPropertyString($PropertyName); if ($PropertyValueX !== $DeviceDataAR[$PropertyName]) { $result_SetProperty = @IPS_SetProperty($this->InstanceID, $PropertyName, $DeviceDataAR[$PropertyName]); if ($DebugActive === true) { if ($result_SetProperty === true) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('Instance property changed successfully') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Property') . ' = ' . $PropertyName . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Old value') . ' = ' . $PropertyValueX . ' // ' . $this->Translate('New value') . ' = ' . $DeviceDataAR[$PropertyName], 0); } else { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR // Change instance property was not successful') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Eigenschaft') . ' = ' . $PropertyName . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Old value') . ' = ' . $PropertyValueX . ' // ' . $this->Translate('New value') . ' = ' . $DeviceDataAR[$PropertyName], 0); } } } } } } // Apply instance property changes if (IPS_HasChanges($this->InstanceID) === true) { $result_ApplyChanges = @IPS_ApplyChanges($this->InstanceID); if ($DebugActive === true) { if ($result_ApplyChanges === true) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('Changes to instance properties saved successfully'), 0); } else { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR // Changes to instance properties could not be saved'), 0); } } } // Update of the variables $this->FillDeviceVariables($DeviceDataAR); } } return true; } /** * RequestAction (internal SDK function to evaluate action and call corresponding function) * * @param $Ident * @param $Value * @return bool|void */ public function RequestAction($Ident, $Value) { $DebugActive = $this->ReadPropertyBoolean('debug'); if ($DebugActive === true) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, "Ident '" . $Ident . "' // Value '" . $Value . "'", 0); } $this->SetValue($Ident, $Value); switch ($Ident) { case 'FanSpeed': $this->FanSpeed_Set($Value); break; case 'OperationMode': $this->OperationMode_Set($Value); break; case 'PowerState': $this->PowerState_Set($Value); break; case 'Preset': $this->Preset_Set($Value); break; case 'TemperatureSET': $this->Temperature_Set($Value); break; case 'VaneHorizontal': $this->VaneHorizontal_Set($Value); break; case 'VaneVertical': $this->VaneVertical_Set($Value); break; } } /** * SendData (Sending data to the parent module instance) * * @param $dataAR * @return false|array */ private function SendData($dataAR) { $DebugActive = $this->ReadPropertyBoolean('debug'); if ($this->ParentIsActive() === false) { return false; } $buildingid = $this->ReadPropertyString('BuildingID'); $deviceid = $this->ReadPropertyString('DeviceID'); $dataAR['DataID'] = '{AF4E8025-2CFF-4B94-9C43-D68B868F281D}'; $dataAR['buildingid'] = $buildingid; $dataAR['deviceid'] = $deviceid; if ($DebugActive === true) { if (@array_key_exists('action', $dataAR) === true) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('Send command') . '" ' . $dataAR['action'] . '" ' . $this->Translate('with the following data') . ': ' . json_encode($dataAR), 0); } else { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('Send command with following data') . ' = ' . json_encode($dataAR), 0); } } $resultJson = @$this->SendDataToParent(json_encode($dataAR)); if ($resultJson === false) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR when sending data'), 0); } $result = json_decode($resultJson, true); if (@array_key_exists('error', $result) === true) { $error = $result['error']; $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR when sending data') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Error') . ' = ' . $error, 0); return false; } if (@array_key_exists('DataID', $result) === true) { unset($result['DataID']); } if ($DebugActive === true) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('Response to the last command sent') . ' = ' . json_encode($result), 0); } return $result; } /** * SetInstanceStatus_IfDifferent (override of internal SDK function) * * @param int $InstanceID * @param $Status * @return bool */ private function SetInstanceStatus_IfDifferent($InstanceID, $Status) { $result = true; $ParentInstanceInfoAR = IPS_GetInstance($InstanceID); if ($ParentInstanceInfoAR['InstanceStatus'] !== $Status) { $result = $this->SetStatus($Status); } return $result; } /** * VariablesAndProfiles_Create (create the required variable profiles and variables) * * @param $DeviceAR * @return bool */ private function VariablesAndProfilesAndObjects_Create($DeviceAR) { $DebugActive = $this->ReadPropertyBoolean('debug'); $buildingid = $this->ReadPropertyString('BuildingID'); $deviceid = $this->ReadPropertyString('DeviceID'); // check for necessary data if ((@array_key_exists('Type', $DeviceAR) === false) || (@array_key_exists('Type', $DeviceAR) === NULL)) { if ($DebugActive === true) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('INFO // Device type not available - Data unusable for further use') . ' // DeviceAR = ' . json_encode($DeviceAR), 0); } return false; } // Create variable profiles and variables $result_VarProfileCreate = $this->VariablesProfiles_Create($DeviceAR, true); if ($result_VarProfileCreate === false) { $this->SetInstanceStatus_IfDifferent($this->InstanceID, 203); return false; } if (@array_key_exists('Presets', $DeviceAR) === true) { $this->VariablesProfiles_Update('Presets', $DeviceAR['Presets']); } $result_VarCreate = $this->Variables_Create($DeviceAR); if ($result_VarCreate === false) { $this->SetInstanceStatus_IfDifferent($this->InstanceID, 204); return false; } // Create media object (device image) if ($this->ReadPropertyBoolean('ShowDeviceImage') === true) { if (@array_key_exists('ImageID', $DeviceAR) === true) { if ($DeviceAR['ImageID'] > 0) { $Name = $this->Translate('Device-Image'); $Cached = true; $Filename = 'MELCloud_Device_' . $buildingid . '_' . $deviceid . '.jpg'; $Ident = 'Device_Image'; $result_Image_Create = $this->RegisterObjectMedia($Name, $Ident, 1, $this->InstanceID, $Cached, $Filename, 0); if ($result_Image_Create === false) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR // The device image could not be read. Either there is no image or there was a problem.'), 0); $this->SetInstanceStatus_IfDifferent($this->InstanceID, 206); return false; } } else { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR // The device image could not be read. Either there is no image or there was a problem.'), 0); } } else { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR // The device image could not be read. Either there is no image or there was a problem.'), 0); } } else { $MediaID = @$this->GetIDForIdent('Device_Image'); if (@IPS_MediaExists($MediaID) === true) { @IPS_DeleteMedia($MediaID, true); } } return true; } /** * Variables_Create (create the required variables and set them to the default values) * * @param $DeviceAR * @return bool */ private function Variables_Create($DeviceAR) { $DeviceName = $this->ReadPropertyString('DeviceName'); // get device data if ((@array_key_exists('DeviceID', $DeviceAR) === false) || (@array_key_exists('DeviceID', $DeviceAR) === NULL)) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR // Device variables could not be created. Device could not be found in MELCloud.') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Device-Name') . ' = ' . $DeviceName, 0); return false; } // check if device type is known if ((@array_key_exists('Type', $DeviceAR) === false) || (@array_key_exists('Type', $DeviceAR) === NULL)) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR // Device variables could not be created (Type of device is unknown)') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Device-Name') . ' = ' . $DeviceName, 0); return false; } // create variables - depending on device type if ($DeviceAR['Type'] === 0) { $this->Variable_Register('DeviceCloudState', $this->Translate('Device-Cloud-Sate'), 'MEL.DeviceCloudState', '', 0, false); $this->Variable_Register('TemperatureSET', $this->Translate('Temperature-SET'), 'MEL.RoomTemperatureSET.' . $this->InstanceID, '', 2, true); $this->Variable_Register('OperationMode', $this->Translate('Operation-Mode'), 'MEL.OperationMode.' . $this->InstanceID, '', 1, true); $this->Variable_Register('HasError', $this->Translate('Error'), 'MEL.HasError', '', 0, false); $this->Variable_Register('ErrorCode', $this->Translate('Error-Code'), 'MEL.ErrorCode.' . $this->InstanceID, '', 1, false); $this->Variable_Register('LastCommunicationTimestamp', $this->Translate('Last device communication'), '~UnixTimestamp', 'Calendar', 1, false); // room temperature if ($DeviceAR['HideRoomTemperature'] === false) { $this->Variable_Register('TemperatureRoom', $this->Translate('Temperature-Room'), 'MEL.RoomTemperature', '', 2, false); } // presets /* if (@array_key_exists('NumberDescription', $DeviceAR['Presets'][0]) === true) { $this->Variable_Register('Preset', $this->Translate('Preset'), 'MEL.Presets.' . $this->InstanceID, '', 1, true); $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('Preset', 99); } */ // 20240115 TBU: Improvement isset if (isset($DeviceAR['Presets'][0]) && property_exists($DeviceAR['Presets'][0], 'NumberDescription')) { $this->Variable_Register('Preset', $this->Translate('Preset'), 'MEL.Presets.' . $this->InstanceID, '', 1, true); $this->SetValue_IfDifferent('Preset', 99); } // power $this->Variable_Register('PowerState', $this->Translate('Power-State'), 'MEL.Power', '', 0, true); // fan speed if ($this->Check_Feature($DeviceAR, 'ModelSupportsFanSpeed') === true) { $this->Variable_Register('FanSpeed', $this->Translate('Fan-Speed'), 'MEL.FanSpeed.' . $this->InstanceID, '', 1, true); } // Vane vertical if ($this->Check_Feature($DeviceAR, 'ModelSupportsVaneVertical') === true) { $this->Variable_Register('VaneVertical', $this->Translate('Vane-Vertical'), 'MEL.VaneVertical.' . $this->InstanceID, '', 1, true); } // Vane horizontal if ($this->Check_Feature($DeviceAR, 'ModelSupportsVaneHorizontal') === true) { $this->Variable_Register('VaneHorizontal', $this->Translate('Vane-Horizontal'), 'MEL.VaneHorizontal.' . $this->InstanceID, '', 1, true); } // create extra variables - depending on the selection in the module instance if ($this->ReadPropertyBoolean('VariablesExtra_System') === true) { // device system informations if (@array_key_exists('MacAddress', $DeviceAR) === true) { $this->Variable_Register('MacAddress', $this->Translate('MAC-Address'), '', 'Information', 3, false); } if (@array_key_exists('SerialNumber', $DeviceAR) === true) { $this->Variable_Register('SerialNumber', $this->Translate('Serial-Number'), '', 'Information', 3, false); } // firmware versions if (@array_key_exists('FirmwareAppVersion', $DeviceAR['Device']) === true) { $this->Variable_Register('FirmwareAppVersion', 'Firmware-App-Version', '', 'Information', 3, false); } if (@array_key_exists('FirmwareWebVersion', $DeviceAR['Device']) === true) { $this->Variable_Register('FirmwareWebVersion', 'Firmware-Web-Version', '', 'Information', 3, false); } if (@array_key_exists('FirmwareWlanVersion', $DeviceAR['Device']) === true) { $this->Variable_Register('FirmwareWlanVersion', $this->Translate('Firmware-Wifi-Version'), '', 'Information', 3, false); } // wifi adapter if (@array_key_exists('WifiAdapterStatus', $DeviceAR['Device']) === true) { $this->Variable_Register('WifiAdapterStatus', $this->Translate('Wifi-Adapter-Status'), '', 'Information', 3, false); } if (@array_key_exists('WifiSignalStrength', $DeviceAR['Device']) === true) { $this->Variable_Register('WifiSignalStrength', $this->Translate('Wifi-Signal-Strength'), 'MEL.WifiSignalStrength', '', 1, false); } // installation und service dates if ($DeviceAR['InstallationDate'] !== '') { $this->Variable_Register('InstallationDate', $this->Translate('Installation date'), '', 'Calendar', 3, false); } if ($DeviceAR['LastServiceDate'] !== '') { $this->Variable_Register('LastServiceDate', $this->Translate('Last service'), '', 'Calendar', 3, false); } if (@array_key_exists('LastReset', $DeviceAR['Device']) === true) { $this->Variable_Register('LastReset', $this->Translate('Last reset'), '~UnixTimestamp', 'Calendar', 1, false); } // diagnostic mode $this->Variable_Register('DiagnosticMode', $this->Translate('Diagnostic mode'), 'MEL.DiagnosticMode', '', 0, false); } else { $this->Variable_Unregister('MacAddress'); $this->Variable_Unregister('SerialNumber'); $this->Variable_Unregister('FirmwareAppVersion'); $this->Variable_Unregister('FirmwareWebVersion'); $this->Variable_Unregister('FirmwareWlanVersion'); $this->Variable_Unregister('WifiAdapterStatus'); $this->Variable_Unregister('WifiSignalStrength'); $this->Variable_Unregister('InstallationDate'); $this->Variable_Unregister('LastServiceDate'); $this->Variable_Unregister('LastReset'); $this->Variable_Unregister('DiagnosticMode'); } $this->FillDeviceVariables($DeviceAR); } else { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR // Device variables could not be created (Type of device is not supported - please contact the module creator!)') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Device-Name') . ' = ' . $DeviceName, 0); return false; } return true; } /** * VariablesProfiles_Create (create the variables profiles required for the module) * * @param $DeviceAR * @param $overwrite * @return bool */ private function VariablesProfiles_Create($DeviceAR, $overwrite = false) { if ((@array_key_exists('Type', $DeviceAR) === false) || (@array_key_exists('Type', $DeviceAR) === NULL)) { if (@array_key_exists('DeviceName', $DeviceAR) === true) { if ($DeviceAR['DeviceName'] !== '') { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR // The following device could not be created (Type of device is unknown)') . ' - ' . $DeviceAR['DeviceName'] . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Device-Type') . ' = ' . $DeviceAR['DeviceType'] . ' // DeviceAR' . json_encode($DeviceAR), 0); } } else { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('ERROR // The following device could not be created (Type of device is unknown). The name of the device is unknown.') . ' // ' . $this->Translate('Device-ID') . ' = ' . $DeviceAR['DeviceID'] . ' // DeviceAR' . json_encode($DeviceAR), 0); } return false; } // create variable profiles for this device type if ($DeviceAR['Type'] === 0) { // remove "old" variable profiles if ($overwrite === true) { $VarProfileAR = array('MEL.DeviceCloudState', 'MEL.Power', 'MEL.RoomTemperature', 'MEL.RoomTemperatureSET.' . $this->InstanceID, 'MEL.OperationMode.' . $this->InstanceID, 'MEL.HasError', 'MEL.Presets.' . $this->InstanceID, 'MEL.FanSpeed.' . $this->InstanceID, 'MEL.VaneVertical.' . $this->InstanceID, 'MEL.VaneHorizontal.' . $this->InstanceID, 'MEL.WifiSignalStrength'); foreach ($VarProfileAR as $VarProfileName) { @IPS_DeleteVariableProfile($VarProfileName); } } $this->RegisterProfileBooleanEx('MEL.Power', 'Power', '', '', Array( Array(0, $this->Translate('Off'), '', -1), Array(1, $this->Translate('On'), '', 0x00FF00) )); $this->RegisterProfileBooleanEx('MEL.DeviceCloudState', 'Network', '', '', Array( Array(false, $this->Translate('Offline'), '', 0xFF0000), Array(true, $this->Translate('Online'), '', 0x00FF00) )); $minTemp = (int)$this->GetBuffer('MinTemp'); $maxTemp = (int)$this->GetBuffer('MaxTemp'); if (($minTemp > 0) && ($maxTemp > 0)) { $SetTemperature_min = $minTemp; $SetTemperature_max = $maxTemp; } else { $SetTemperature_min = $DeviceAR['MinTemperature']; $SetTemperature_max = $DeviceAR['MaxTemperature']; } $SetTemperature_step = $DeviceAR['Device']['TemperatureIncrement']; if ($SetTemperature_step > 0) { $this->RegisterProfileFloat('MEL.RoomTemperatureSET.' . $this->InstanceID, 'Temperature', '', ' °C', $SetTemperature_min, $SetTemperature_max, $SetTemperature_step); } else { $this->RegisterProfileFloat('MEL.RoomTemperatureSET.' . $this->InstanceID, 'Temperature', '', ' °C', $SetTemperature_min, $SetTemperature_max, 0.5); } $this->RegisterProfileBooleanEx('MEL.HasError', '', '', '', Array( Array(false, 'OK', 'Ok', 0x00FF00), Array(true, $this->Translate('ERROR'), 'Cross', 0xFF0000) )); $this->RegisterProfileIntegerEx('MEL.ErrorCode.' . $this->InstanceID, 'Cross', '', '', Array( Array(8000, 'OK', 'Ok', 0x00FF00) )); // fan speed if ($this->Check_Feature($DeviceAR, 'ModelSupportsFanSpeed') === true) { if (@array_key_exists('NumberOfFanSpeeds', $DeviceAR['Device']) === true) { $vp_fanspeed_AR = array(); $vp_fanspeed_AR[] = array(0, 'Auto', '', -1); for ($dfsc = 1; $dfsc <= $DeviceAR['Device']['NumberOfFanSpeeds']; $dfsc++) { $vp_fanspeed_AR[] = array($dfsc, $dfsc, '', -1); } $this->RegisterProfileIntegerEx('MEL.FanSpeed.' . $this->InstanceID, 'Ventilation', '', '', $vp_fanspeed_AR); } else { $this->RegisterProfileIntegerEx('MEL.FanSpeed.' . $this->InstanceID, 'Ventilation', '', '', Array( Array(0, 'Auto', '', -1), Array(1, '1', '', -1), Array(2, '2', '', -1), Array(3, '3', '', -1), Array(4, '4', '', -1), Array(5, '5', '', -1) )); } } $vp_operationmode_AR = array(); // cooling mode if ($this->Check_Feature($DeviceAR, 'CanCool') === true) { $vp_operationmode_AR[] = array(3, $this->Translate('Cooling'), 'Snowflake', -1); } // dry if ($this->Check_Feature($DeviceAR, 'CanDry') === true) { $vp_operationmode_AR[] = array(2, $this->Translate('Drying'), 'Ventilation', -1); } // ventilation if ($this->Check_Feature($DeviceAR, 'CanDry') === true) { $vp_operationmode_AR[] = array(7, $this->Translate('Fan'), 'Ventilation', -1); } // auto mode if ($this->Check_Feature($DeviceAR, 'ModelSupportsAuto') === true) { $vp_operationmode_AR[] = array(8, $this->Translate('Auto'), 'Climate', -1); } // heat if ($this->Check_Feature($DeviceAR, 'CanHeat') === true) { $vp_operationmode_AR[] = array(1, $this->Translate('Heating'), 'Radiator', -1); } // nothing if (count($vp_operationmode_AR) === 0) { $vp_operationmode_AR[] = array(0, $this->Translate('ERROR // No operation modes available'), '', 0xFF0000); } $this->RegisterProfileIntegerEx('MEL.OperationMode.' . $this->InstanceID, 'Climate', '', '', $vp_operationmode_AR); if ($DeviceAR['HideVaneControls'] === false) { // Vane vertical (direction and swing) if ($this->Check_Feature($DeviceAR, 'ModelSupportsVaneVertical') === true) { $vp_vanevertical_AR = array(); $vp_vanevertical_AR[] = array(0, 'Auto', '', -1); if ($this->Check_Feature($DeviceAR, 'AirDirectionFunction') === true) { $vp_vanevertical_AR[] = array(1, '1', '', -1); $vp_vanevertical_AR[] = array(2, '2', '', -1); $vp_vanevertical_AR[] = array(3, '3', '', -1); $vp_vanevertical_AR[] = array(4, '4', '', -1); $vp_vanevertical_AR[] = array(5, '5', '', -1); } if ($this->Check_Feature($DeviceAR, 'SwingFunction') === true) { $vp_vanevertical_AR[] = array(7, $this->Translate('Swing'), '', -1); } $this->RegisterProfileIntegerEx('MEL.VaneVertical.' . $this->InstanceID, 'HollowDoubleArrowDown', '', '', $vp_vanevertical_AR); } // Vane horizontal (direction and swing) if ($this->Check_Feature($DeviceAR, 'ModelSupportsVaneHorizontal') === true) { $vp_vanehorizontal_AR = array(); $vp_vanehorizontal_AR[] = array(0, 'Auto', '', -1); if ($this->Check_Feature($DeviceAR, 'AirDirectionFunction') === true) { $vp_vanehorizontal_AR[] = array(1, '1', '', -1); $vp_vanehorizontal_AR[] = array(2, '2', '', -1); $vp_vanehorizontal_AR[] = array(3, '3', '', -1); $vp_vanehorizontal_AR[] = array(4, '4', '', -1); $vp_vanehorizontal_AR[] = array(5, '5', '', -1); } if ($this->Check_Feature($DeviceAR, 'SwingFunction') === true) { $vp_vanehorizontal_AR[] = array(12, $this->Translate('Swing'), '', -1); } $this->RegisterProfileIntegerEx('MEL.VaneHorizontal.' . $this->InstanceID, 'HollowDoubleArrowRight', '', '', $vp_vanehorizontal_AR); } } if ($DeviceAR['HideRoomTemperature'] === false) { $this->RegisterProfileFloat('MEL.RoomTemperature', 'Temperature', '', ' °C', 0, 50, 0.5); } if ($this->ReadPropertyBoolean('VariablesExtra_System') === true) { $this->RegisterProfileBooleanEx('MEL.DiagnosticMode', 'Gear', '', '', Array( Array(0, $this->Translate('Disabled'), '', -1), Array(1, $this->Translate('Enabled'), '', 0x00FF00) )); $this->RegisterProfileInteger('MEL.WifiSignalStrength', 'Intensity', '', ' dBm', '-100', '-30', 1); } } else { if (@array_key_exists('DeviceName', $DeviceAR) === true) { if ($DeviceAR['DeviceName'] !== '') { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('The following device could not be created (Type of device is not supported - please contact the module creator!)') . ' - ' . $DeviceAR['DeviceName'] . ' // ' . $DeviceAR['Type'], 0); } } else { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('The following device could not be created (Type of device is not supported - please contact the module creator!). The name of the device is unknown.') . ' // ' . $DeviceAR['Type'], 0); } return false; } $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('Variable profiles were created'), 0); return true; } /** * VariablesProfiles_Update (update variable profiles) * * @param $Selection * @param $DataAR * @return bool */ private function VariablesProfiles_Update($Selection, $DataAR) { $DebugActive = $this->ReadPropertyBoolean('debug'); if ($Selection === 'Presets') { $create = false; $VarProfileDiffAR = array(); $VarProfileEntrysAR = array(); $VarProfileName = 'MEL.Presets.' . $this->InstanceID; if ($DebugActive === true) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('Variable profile') . " '" . $VarProfileName . "' " . $this->Translate('is created/updated with the following data') . ': ' . json_encode($DataAR), 0); } $this->SetBufferX('MultiBuffer_PresetsAR', $DataAR); // 20240115 TBU: Error handling isset if (isset($DataAR[0]) && property_exists($DataAR[0], 'NumberDescription')) { foreach ($DataAR as $PresetIndex => $PresetsEntry) { if (property_exists($PresetsEntry, 'NumberDescription')) { $VarProfileEntrysAR[] = array($PresetIndex, $PresetsEntry->NumberDescription, '', -1); $VarProfileDiffAR[] = array('Value' => $PresetIndex, 'Name' => $PresetsEntry->NumberDescription, 'Icon' => '', 'Color' => -1); } } } if (count($VarProfileEntrysAR) > 0) { $VarProfileEntrysAR[] = array(99, ' ', '', -1); $VarProfileDiffAR[] = array('Value' => 99, ' ', 'Icon' => '', 'Color' => -1); } if (IPS_VariableProfileExists($VarProfileName) === true) { $VarProfileX = IPS_GetVariableProfile($VarProfileName); if ($VarProfileX['Associations'] != $VarProfileDiffAR) { $create = true; } } else { $create = true; } if ($create === true) { @IPS_DeleteVariableProfile($VarProfileName); $this->RegisterProfileIntegerEx($VarProfileName, 'Execute', '', '', $VarProfileEntrysAR); } } } /* private function VariablesProfiles_Update($Selection, $DataAR) { $DebugActive = $this->ReadPropertyBoolean('debug'); if ($Selection === 'Presets') { $create = false; $VarProfileDiffAR = array(); $VarProfileEntrysAR = array(); $VarProfileName = 'MEL.Presets.' . $this->InstanceID; if ($DebugActive === true) { $this->SendDebug(__FUNCTION__, $this->Translate('Variable profile') . " '" . $VarProfileName . "' " . $this->Translate('is created/updated with the following data') . ': ' . json_encode($DataAR), 0); } $this->SetBufferX('MultiBuffer_PresetsAR', $DataAR); if (@array_key_exists('NumberDescription', $DataAR[0]) === true) { foreach ($DataAR as $PresetIndex => $PresetsEntry) { if (@array_key_exists('NumberDescription', $PresetsEntry) === true) { $VarProfileEntrysAR[] = array($PresetIndex, $PresetsEntry['NumberDescription'], '', -1); $VarProfileDiffAR[] = array('Value' => $PresetIndex, 'Name' => $PresetsEntry['NumberDescription'], 'Icon' => '', 'Color' => -1); } } } if (count($VarProfileEntrysAR) > 0) { $VarProfileEntrysAR[] = array(99, ' ', '', -1); $VarProfileDiffAR[] = array('Value' => 99, ' ', 'Icon' => '', 'Color' => -1); } if (IPS_VariableProfileExists($VarProfileName) === true) { $VarProfileX = IPS_GetVariableProfile($VarProfileName); if ($VarProfileX['Associations'] != $VarProfileDiffAR) { $create = true; } } else { $create = true; } } else { $VarProfileEntrysAR[] = array(0, $this->Translate('No presets available'), '', -1); $create = true; } if ($create === true) { @IPS_DeleteVariableProfile($VarProfileName); $this->RegisterProfileIntegerEx($VarProfileName, 'Execute', '', '', $VarProfileEntrysAR); } } return true; }*/ } ?>