I’ll have a try at this, thanks for your help!
I’ll have a try at this, thanks for your help!
Hi again,
I need to temporally store what is clicked in the WebFront (what OnOff button I am trying to switch / what command should be sent to the TV) so that I can pair it up with the reply I get back from RegisterVariable so that I can set the variable that toggles the switch, how do I do this?
I have tried to use global variabels and super GLOBALS[‚variableName‘] but nothing works.
I need to communicate / transfer values between the „if ($_IPS[‚SENDER‘] == „WebFront“) {“ part and the „if ($_IPS[‚SENDER‘] == „RegisterVariable“) {“ part of an action script, do I need to use a IPS tree variable? Or is there an other way?
If you use a script I think it is the easiest way to store the information in an IP-Symcon variable in the object tree and compare this value with your information you get. If this would be not a skript but a PHP module you would use SetBuffer to store the data temporary.
Hi Fonzo,
Thanks for the translation linking and working late! But it’s not needed as i use Chrome to translate the German webpages and it works just fine.
If I learn enough PHP I’ll try to create a IPS module.
When creating a module can IPS components like Client Socket, splitter/cutters etc. be utilized or dose everything need to be created in PHP(from scratch)?
You will find the necessary documentation for PHP module SDK here.
No there is no need to create this from scrath. Every instance in IP-Symcon has a guid as indentifier. If you create a device in a php module you can create the nessesaary Io for example clientsocket automaticly. For help you can use PHP Modul Dataflow Generator for creating a guid and a skeletal structure for a php module.