Onkyo AVR in IPS ?

Hallo an alle!

Habe selbst einen (etwas älteren) OnkyoTX-NR801e mit Netzwerkschnittstelle.
Wird bei der Einbindung die Socket Verbindung permanent offen gelassen?

Stehe nämlich vor dem Problem das die angelegte Socket Verbindung zurückgewiesen wird (Verbindung abgeleht #10061). Kann also nicht mal die Verbindung zu dem Gerät aufbauen. Die IP Adresse ist korrekt das habe ich mehrmals geprüft. IP, Sub und Gateway sind fest eingetragen im Gerät. Anpingen kann ich es auch. Versucht habe ich Port 60128 und mal den den das Gerät angegeben hat (60096).

Hat denn jemand von euch eine Idee woran das liegen könnte?

Vielen Dank.

MFG Alex

was passiert, wenn du den AVR kurz ausschaltest, wieder ein und dann einen Verbindungsversuch startest?

Beim ersten Versuch ein Timeout und dann wieder den alten Fehler :frowning:

Besteht die Möglichkeit, dass der Port falsch ist? Soweit ich gelesen habe ändert Onkyo die Befehle ja ganz gern, ist dabei denn der Port immer gleich geblieben? Was ist mit dem Port der von dem Gerät angegeben und geändert werden kann (60096) ? Ist das der Port der eigentlich der sein sollte auf den zugegriffen werden soll?

MFG Alex

hm, war’n Versuch wert. Belegt evtl. eine andere Aplikation den Port bzw. kann man das ganz sicher ausschließen?

Firewall ?

Hab IPS auf einem Server laufen. Alles was dort drauf ist ist überschaubar, desswegen denke ich nicht das etwas diesen port belegt. Firewall war das erste was abgeschaltet wurde :slight_smile: Trotzdem danke für den Tipp das vergisst man dann doch immer mal ganz gerne :slight_smile:

First of all , sorry for my english…i don’t know german…

I combined and expanded the script from this topic.
and thought i would share it with all of you.

Mostly copy-paste work…so credit is for the writers :slight_smile:

Remeber to set a action script for all variabels pointing to this script , and a register variabel pointing to this script , with client_socket to amp as parent.

Let me know if you need any other help setting it up.

$clientSocket=58648 /*[Onkyo avr]*/;

 // Set action script on variables MasterVolume , MainMute an Power
    if ($IPS_SENDER == "WebFront") {
        switch($IPS_VARIABLE) {
           case 38344 /*[Woonkamer\av\Onkyo AVR\MasterVolume]*/:
              Onkyo_SendData_Socket ($clientSocket, 'MVL', $IPS_VALUE);
				case 15854 /*[Woonkamer\av\Onkyo AVR\MainMute]*/:
				  if ($IPS_VALUE) {
					} else {
				  Onkyo_SendData_Socket ($clientSocket, 'AMT',$send);
				case 52994 /*[Woonkamer\av\Onkyo AVR\Power]*/:
				  if ($IPS_VALUE) {
					} else {
				  Onkyo_SendData_Socket ($clientSocket, 'PWR',$send);
            case 21481 /*[Woonkamer\av\Onkyo AVR\MainInput]*/:
				  if (strlen($send)<2) { $send="0$send";};
              Onkyo_SendData_Socket ($clientSocket, 'SLI', $send);


               IPS_LogMessage(__file__, "Received unknown Command=$IPS_VARIABLE, Value=$IPS_VALUE");

    // Aufruf durch Register Variable (Empfang von Onkyo Daten)
    } elseif($IPS_SENDER == "RegisterVariable") {

	$maincat = substr($data,0,3); //Eventidentifikation
	//$zonecat= substr($data,0,1); //Zoneneventidentifikation

	case "PWR": //MainPower
	     $item = "Power";
	     $vtype = 0;
	     if ($data == "PWR01")
	     $value = true;
		  IPS_SetHidden(38344 /*[Woonkamer\av\Onkyo AVR\MasterVolume]*/,false);
		  IPS_SetHidden(15854 /*[Woonkamer\av\Onkyo AVR\MainMute]*/,false);
		  IPS_SetHidden(21481 /*[Woonkamer\av\Onkyo AVR\MainInput]*/,false);
	     if ($data == "PWR00")
	     $value = false;
	     IPS_SetHidden(38344 /*[Woonkamer\av\Onkyo AVR\MasterVolume]*/,true);
		  IPS_SetHidden(15854 /*[Woonkamer\av\Onkyo AVR\MainMute]*/,true);
		  IPS_SetHidden(21481 /*[Woonkamer\av\Onkyo AVR\MainInput]*/,true);
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "MVL": //Mastervolume
	//     if (substr($data,3) =="MAX")
	//     {
	//     }
	//     else
	//     {
	     $item = "MasterVolume";
	     $vtype = 1;                                // integer
	     $itemdata=substr($data,3);                 // hier kommt hex raus

	       $value = hexdec ($itemdata);        //hex in dec
	//     $valuetemp = hexdec ($itemdata);        //hex in dec
	//     $valuetemp=str_pad ( $valuetemp, 3, "0" );    // 0 anhängen
	//     $value = (intval($valuetemp)/10) -82;            // in db umrechnen
	//     }
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);
	//     }

	case "AMT": //MainMute
	     $item = "MainMute";
	     $vtype = 0;
	     if ($data == "AMT01")
	     $value = true;
	     if ($data == "AMT00")
	     $value = false;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "IFA":
	     $item = "Display audio";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "IFV":
	     $item = "Display video";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "SLI": //Source Input
	     $item = "MainInput";
	     $vtype = 1;
	     $itemdata=substr($data,3);                 // hier kommt hex raus
	     $value = hexdec ($itemdata);        //hex in dec
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "SV": //Video Select
	     $item = "Video Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "LMD": //Surroound
	     $item = "Surround Mode";
	     $vtype = 3;              //3
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "DC": //Digital Input Mode
	     $item = "Digital Input Mode";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "SD": //Input Mode
	     $item = "Input Mode";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "SR": //Record Selection
	     $item = "Record Selection";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "VS": //Videosignal
	      case "MO": //HDMI Monitor
	      $item = "HDMI Monitor";
		 $vtype = 3;
		 $value = $itemdata;
		 OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

		case "AS": //Aspect
	      $item = "Aspect";
		 $vtype = 3;
		 $value = $itemdata;
		 OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

		case "SC": //Scaler
	      $item = "Scaler";
		 $vtype = 3;
		 $value = $itemdata;
		 OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "LMD": //Sound
	      case "TO": //Tone Defeat
		 $item = "ToneDefeat";
		 $vtype = 0;
		 if ($data == "PSTONE DEFEAT ON")
		 $value = true;
		 if ($data == "PSTONE DEFEAT OFF")
		 $value = false;
		 OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

		case "CI": //Cinema EQ
		 $item = "Cinema EQ";
		 $vtype = 0;
		 if ($data == "PSCINEMA EQ.ON")
		 $value = true;
		 if ($data == "PSCINEMA EQ.OFF")
		 $value = false;
		 OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

		case "SB": //Suround Back Mode
	      $item = "Suround Back Mode";
		 $vtype = 3;
		 $value = $itemdata;
		 OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

		case "RO": //Room EQ Mode
	      $item = "Room EQ Mode";
		 $vtype = 3;
		 $value = $itemdata;
		 OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);


	//Zone 2 Integration
	case "Z": //Source Input

	switch ($zonecat)
	case "PHONO": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone2Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "CD": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone2Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "TUNER": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone2Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "DVD": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone2Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "HDP": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone2Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "TV/CBL": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone2Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "SAT": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone2Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "VCR": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone2Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "DVR": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone2Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "V.AUX": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone2Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "NET/USB": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone2Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "USB": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone2Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "IPOD": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone2Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "ON": //Zone 2 ON
	     $item = "Zone2";
	     $vtype = 0;
	     $value = true;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "OFF": //Zone 2 OFF
	     $item = "Zone2";
	     $vtype = 0;
	     $value = False;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "MUON": //Zone 2 Mute ON
	     $item = "Zone2 Mute";
	     $vtype = 0;
	     $value = true;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "MUOFF": //Zone 2 Mute OFF
	     $item = "Zone2 Mute";
	     $vtype = 0;
	     $value = False;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	if (intval($zonecat) <100 and intval($zonecat) >9){
	    $item = "Zone2Volume";
	     $vtype = 2;
	     if ( $itemdata == "99")
	     $value = "";
	     $itemdata=str_pad ( $itemdata, 3, "0" );
	     $value = (intval($itemdata)/10) -80;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	//Zone 3 Integration
	case "Z3": //Source Input

	switch ($zonecat)
	case "PHONO": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone3Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "CD": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone3Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "TUNER": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone3Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "DVD": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone3Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "HDP": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone3Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "TV/CBL": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone3Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "SAT": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone3Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "VCR": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone3Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "DVR": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone3Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "V.AUX": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone3Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "NET/USB": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone3Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "USB": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone3Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "IPOD": //Source Input Z2
	     $item = "Zone3Input";
	     $vtype = 3;
	     $value = $itemdata;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "ON": //Zone 2 ON
	     $item = "Zone3";
	     $vtype = 0;
	     $value = true;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "OFF": //Zone 2 OFF
	     $item = "Zone3";
	     $vtype = 0;
	     $value = False;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "MUON": //Zone 2 Mute ON
	     $item = "Zone3 Mute";
	     $vtype = 0;
	     $value = true;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	case "MUOFF": //Zone 2 Mute OFF
	     $item = "Zone3 Mute";
	     $vtype = 0;
	     $value = False;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	if (intval($zonecat) <100 and intval($zonecat) >9){
	    $item = "Zone3Volume";
	     $vtype = 2;
	     if ( $itemdata == "99")
	     $value = "";
	     $itemdata=str_pad ( $itemdata, 3, "0" );
	     $value = (intval($itemdata)/10) -80;
	     OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype);

	    // Manuelles Ausführen des Scripts (Testen)
    } elseif ($IPS_SENDER == "Execute") {
        Onkyo_SendData_Socket ($clientSocket , 'AMT', '00');
    } else {

     function  Onkyo_SendData_Socket  ( $instanceId ,  $command ,  $param )
        if ( $command == 'MVL'  )
            $param  =  str_pad ( strtoupper ( dechex ( $param )),  2 ,  '0 ' ,  STR_PAD_LEFT  );

       $msg_data = '!1';
       $msg_data.= $command;
       $msg_data.= $param;
       $msg_data.= chr(13);

        $msg_header  ='ISCP'; /* Header Prefix*/
       $msg_header.= chr(0).chr(0).chr(0).chr(16); /* Header Length*/
       $msg_header.= chr(0).chr(0).chr(0).chr(strlen($msg_data)); /* Data Length*/
       $msg_header.= chr(1).chr(0).chr(0).chr(0); /* Version, ...*/

       $msg        = $msg_header.$msg_data;
       CSCK_SendText($instanceId , $msg);

 function OnkyoSetValue($item, $value, $vtype) //Function welche Variablen anlegt und updated
   $OnkyoID = 27844 /*[Woonkamer\av\Onkyo AVR]*/;

    $itemID = IPS_GetVariableIDByName($item, $OnkyoID); //Prüft ob Variable vorhanden ist
    if ($itemID ==0)
    $itemID= IPS_CreateVariable($vtype); //Variable neu anlegen
    IPS_SetName($itemID, $item);
    IPS_SetParent($itemID, $OnkyoID);

switch($vtype) //Variable updaten
case 0: //Boolean
SetValueBoolean($itemID, $value);

case 1: //Integer
SetValueInteger($itemID, $value);

case 2: //Float
SetValueFloat($itemID, $value);

case 3: //String
SetValueString($itemID, $value);


muß das Thema mit dem Onkyo Tx-NR509 noch mal aufwärmen.
Bei mir läuft die Entertainmentsteuerung endlich weitestgehend, nur kann ich den Receiver aus IPS werder ein noch ausschalten, sonst laufen alles getesteten Steuerbefehle (Sourcewechsel, Lautstärke, mute …). Kann mir da jemand weiterhelfen?

Wenn ich „manuell“ über NRcontrol (http://avrnet.wordpress.com/) den Befehl !1PWR01 bzw. !1PWR00 sende geht es korrekt nur nicht aus IPS/der Entertainmentsteuerung?!



mit der Senderoutine von @brownson


function Onkyo_SendData_Socket ($instanceId, $command, $param)
        $msg_data = '!1';
        $msg_data.= $command;
        $msg_data.= $param;
        $msg_data.= chr(13);

        $msg_header  ='ISCP'; /* Header Prefix*/
        $msg_header.= chr(0).chr(0).chr(0).chr(16); /* Header Length*/
        $msg_header.= chr(0).chr(0).chr(0).chr(strlen($msg_data)); /* Data Length*/
        $msg_header.= chr(1).chr(0).chr(0).chr(0); /* Version, ...*/

        $msg        = $msg_header.$msg_data;
        CSCK_SendText($instanceId , $msg);
Onkyo_SendData_Socket (13346, 'PWR', '00');



Aber mit der Entertainmentsteuerung nicht. Ich finde meinen Fehler nicht (ist da irgendwo ein bug?).

Gruß hardlog

Poste doch mal Deine Entertainment Konfiguration

HIer meine Entertainment-Konfig.

	/**@addtogroup entertainment
	 * @{
	 * Beispiel Konfigurations File der Entertainment Steuerung.
	 * Hier werden folgende Komponenten definiert:
	 * - Kommunikations Schnittstellen
	 * - Räume
	 * - Geräte
	 * - Geräte Zuordnungen
	 * @file          Entertainment_DemoConfiguration.inc.php
	 * @author        Andreas Brauneis
	 * @version
	 * Version 2.50.1, 31.01.2012<br/>

	IPSUtils_Include ("Entertainment_Constants.inc.php",   "IPSLibrary::app::modules::Entertainment");
	IPSUtils_Include ("NetPlayer_Constants.inc.php",       "IPSLibrary::app::modules::NetPlayer");
	IPSUtils_Include ("NetPlayer_Configuration.inc.php",   "IPSLibrary::config::modules::NetPlayer");

	define ("c_Comm_WinLIRC",							"WinLIRC");
	define ("c_Comm_Onkyo",								"Onkyo");
	define ("c_Comm_NetPlayer",						"NetPlayer");
	define ("c_Comm_AudioMax",							"AudioMax");

	define ("c_Room_Wellness",							"Wellness");
	define ("c_Room_Sauna",								"Sauna");
	define ("c_Room_LivingRoom",						"Wohnzimmer");

	define ("c_Device_NetPlayer",						"NetPlayer");
	define ("c_Device_YamahaMain",					"YamahaMain");
	define ("c_Device_YamahaTuner",					"YamahaTuner");
	define ("c_Device_OnkyoMain",						"OnkyoMain");
	define ("c_Device_OnkyoZone2",					"OnkyoZone2");
	define ("c_Device_OnkyoTuner",					"OnkyoTuner");
	define ("c_Device_PanasonicVCR",					"PanasonicVCR");
	define ("c_Device_PanasonicBD",					"PanasonicBD");
	define ("c_Device_TopfieldSat",					"TopfieldSat");
	define ("c_Device_PhilipsTV",						"PhilipsTV");
	define ("c_Device_SanyoBeamer",					"SanyoBeamer");

	// ========================================================================================================================
	// Defintion of Communication Data
	// ========================================================================================================================
	function get_CommunicationConfiguration () {
	   return array (
			c_Comm_WinLIRC => array (
				c_Property_ScriptSnd 			=> 'Entertainment_InterfaceWinLIRCSnd.inc.php',
				c_Property_ScriptRcv  			=> 'Entertainment_InterfaceWinLIRCRcv.ips.php',
				c_Property_FunctionSnd 			=> 'WinLIRC_SendData',
				c_Property_Instance     		=> null,
				c_Property_MessageTypes       => array(),
				c_Property_InpTranslationList	=> array(),
				c_Property_OutTranslationList => array(),
				c_Property_PowerDelay         => array(),
			c_Comm_Onkyo => array (
				c_Property_ScriptSnd 			=> 'Entertainment_InterfaceOnkyoSnd.inc.php',
				c_Property_ScriptRcv  			=> 'Entertainment_InterfaceOnkyoRcv.ips.php',
				c_Property_FunctionSnd 			=> 'Onkyo_SendData',
				c_Property_Register     		=> 34144,
				c_Property_Instance     		=> 13346,
				c_Property_IPAddress          => '',
				c_Property_Timeout				=> 30,
			c_Comm_NetPlayer => array (
				c_Property_ScriptSnd 			=> 'Entertainment_InterfaceNetPlayerSnd.inc.php',
				c_Property_ScriptRcv 			=> 'Entertainment_InterfaceNetPlayerRcv.ips.php',
				c_Property_FunctionSnd 			=> 'Entertainment_NetPlayer_SendData',
				c_Property_Instance     		=> 'Program.IPSLibrary.data.modules.NetPlayer',
				c_Property_Variables     		=> 'MobileControl,RemoteControl,ControlType,Power',

	// ========================================================================================================================
	// Defintion of Room Configuration
	// ========================================================================================================================
	function get_RoomConfiguration () {
	   return array (
	      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			c_Room_LivingRoom => array(
				c_Property_Name 			=> 'Wohnzimmer',
				c_Control_RoomPower 		=> array(c_Property_Name 	=> 'Power'),
			   c_Control_Muting 			=> array(c_Property_Name 	=> 'Mute'),
			   c_Control_RemoteVolume 	=> array(c_Property_Name 	=> 'Volume Control'),
			   c_Control_iRemoteVolume => array(c_Property_Name 	=> 'Volume iPhone'),
		      c_Control_Source 			=> array(c_Property_Name 	=> 'Source'),
			   c_Control_RemoteSource 	=> array(c_Property_Name 	=> 'Source Control'),
			   c_Control_iRemoteSource => array(c_Property_Name 	=> 'Remote iPhone'),
	      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			c_Room_Wellness => array(
				c_Property_Name 			=> 'Wellness',
				c_Control_RoomPower 		=> array(c_Property_Name 	=> 'Power'),
		      c_Control_Muting 			=> array(c_Property_Name 	=> 'Mute'),
		      c_Control_Volume 			=> array(c_Property_Name 	=> 'Volume'),
		      c_Control_Source 			=> array(c_Property_Name 	=> 'Source'),
		      c_Control_RemoteSource 	=> array(c_Property_Name 	=> 'Source Control'),
		      c_Control_iRemoteSource => array(c_Property_Name 	=> 'Remote iPhone'),
		      c_Control_Mode 			=> array(c_Property_Name 	=> 'Listening Mode'),
	      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			c_Room_Sauna => array(
				c_Property_Name 			=> 'Sauna',
				c_Control_RoomPower 		=> array(c_Property_Name 	=> 'Power'),
		      c_Control_Muting 			=> array(c_Property_Name 	=> 'Mute'),
		      c_Control_Volume 			=> array(c_Property_Name 	=> 'Volume'),
	         c_Control_Source 			=> array(c_Property_Name 	=> 'Source'),
		      c_Control_RemoteSource 	=> array(c_Property_Name 	=> 'Source Control'),
		      c_Control_iRemoteSource => array(c_Property_Name 	=> 'Remote iPhone'),
	      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	// ========================================================================================================================
	// Defintion of Device Configuration
	// ========================================================================================================================
	function get_DeviceConfiguration () {
		return array (
	      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			c_Device_YamahaMain 	=> array(
				c_Property_Name 			=> 'YamahaMain',
				c_Control_DevicePower 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'Power',
					c_Property_PowerDelay   => 2,
					c_Property_CommPower		=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'yamahareceiver', 'power'),
					c_Property_CommPowerOff	=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'yamahareceiver', 'poweroff'),
					c_Property_CommPowerOn	=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'yamahareceiver', 'poweron'),
				c_Control_RemoteVolume 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name    		=> 'Volume Control',
					c_Property_Names       	=> array('src="../user/Entertainment/Remote_YamahaVolume.php"  height=38px'),
				c_Control_Muting 			=> array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'Mute',
					c_Property_CommMuteOn 		=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'yamahareceiver', 'muteon'),
					c_Property_CommMuteOff 		=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'yamahareceiver', 'muteoff'),
	      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			c_Device_YamahaTuner 	=> array(
				c_Property_Name 			=> 'YamahaTuner',
				c_Property_PowerDelay   => c_Device_YamahaMain,
				c_Control_RemoteSource 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'Source Control',
					c_Property_Names       	=> array('src="../user/Entertainment/Remote_YamahaTuner.php"  height=110px'),
				c_Control_iRemoteSource 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'iPhone Source Control',
					c_Property_Names       	=> array('src="../user/Entertainment/iRemote_YamahaTuner.php"'),
				c_Control_Program 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'Program',
					c_Property_CommPrg		=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'yamahareceiver', c_Template_Code),
					c_Property_CommPrgPrev	=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'yamahareceiver', 'presetlast'),
					c_Property_CommPrgNext	=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'yamahareceiver', 'presetnext'),
					c_Property_Codes			=> array('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'),
					c_Property_Names			=> array('Arabella','Antenne','Kronehit Radio','Radio Wien','Radio Noe','OE 3','88.6','Hit FM'),
	      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			c_Device_PhilipsTV 		=> array(
				c_Property_Name 			=> 'PhilipsTV',
				c_Control_DevicePower 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'Power',
					c_Property_CommPower		=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'philipstv', 'power'),
					c_Property_CommPower2	=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'philipstv2', 'power'),
					c_Property_CommPowerOn	=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'philipstv', 'poweron'),
					c_Property_CommPowerOff	=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'philipstv', 'poweroff'),
				c_Control_Muting 			=> array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'Mute',
					c_Property_CommMute 		=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'philipstv', 'mute'),
					c_Property_CommMute2 	=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'philipstv2', 'mute'),
				c_Control_RemoteVolume 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'Volume Control',
					c_Property_Names       	=> array('src="../user/Entertainment/Remote_PhilipsTVVolume.php"  height=38px'),
				c_Control_RemoteSource 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'Source Control',
					c_Property_CommRemSrc	=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'philipstvtype', c_Template_Value),
					c_Property_Names       	=> array('src="../user/Entertainment/Remote_PhilipsTVProgram_Simple.php"  height=182px',
					                                 'src="../user/Entertainment/Remote_PhilipsTVProgram_Advanced.php"  height=208px'),
				c_Control_RemoteSourceType => array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'Source ControlType',
				c_Control_iRemoteSource 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'iPhone Source Control',
					c_Property_Names       	=> array('src="../user/Entertainment/iRemote_PhilipsTV.php"'),
	      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			c_Device_SanyoBeamer 		=> array(
				c_Property_Name 			=> 'SanyoBeamer',
				c_Control_DevicePower 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'Power',
					c_Property_CommPower		=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'sanyobeamer', 'power'),
	      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			c_Device_PanasonicVCR 	=> array(
				c_Property_Name 			=> 'PanasonicVCR',
				c_Control_DevicePower 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'Power',
					c_Property_CommPower		=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'panasonicrc2', 'power'),
				c_Control_RemoteSource 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'Source Control',
					c_Property_CommRemSrc	=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'panasonicrc2type', c_Template_Value),
					c_Property_Names       	=> array('src="../user/Entertainment/Remote_PanasonicVCR_Simple.php"  height=170px',
					                                 'src="../user/Entertainment/Remote_PanasonicVCR_Watch.php"   height=170px',
					                                 'src="../user/Entertainment/Remote_PanasonicVCR_Guide.php"   height=170px'),
				c_Control_RemoteSourceType => array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'Source Control Type',
				c_Control_iRemoteSource 		=> array(
					c_Property_Name 				=> 'iPhone Source Control',
					c_Property_Names       		=> array('src="../user/Entertainment/iRemote_PanasonicVCR.php"'),
	      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			c_Device_PanasonicBD 	=> array(
				c_Property_Name 			=> 'PanasonicBD',
				c_Control_DevicePower 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'Power',
					c_Property_CommPower		=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'panasonicrc', 'power'),
				c_Control_RemoteSource 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'Source Control',
					c_Property_Names       	=> array('src="../user/Entertainment/Remote_PanasonicBD.php"  height=170px'),
				c_Control_iRemoteSource 		=> array(
					c_Property_Name 				=> 'iPhone Source Control',
					c_Property_Names       		=> array('src="../user/Entertainment/iRemote_PanasonicBD.php"'),
	      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			c_Device_TopfieldSat 	=> array(
				c_Property_Name 			=> 'TopfieldSat',
				c_Control_DevicePower 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'Power',
					c_Property_CommPower		=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'topfieldsat', 'power'),
				c_Control_RemoteSource 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'Source Control',
					c_Property_CommRemSrc	=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'topfieldsattype', c_Template_Value),
					c_Property_Names       	=> array('src="../user/Entertainment/Remote_TopfieldSat_Simple.php" height=148px',
					                                 'src="../user/Entertainment/Remote_TopfieldSat_Advanced.php" height=185px'),
				c_Control_RemoteSourceType => array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'Source Control Type',
				c_Control_iRemoteSource 		=> array(
					c_Property_Name 				=> 'iPhone Source Control',
					c_Property_Names       		=> array('src="../user/Entertainment/iRemote_TopfieldSat.php"'),
				c_Control_Program 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'Program',
					c_Property_CommPrg		=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'topfieldsat', c_Template_Code),
					c_Property_CommPrg2		=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'topfieldsat', c_Template_Code2),
					c_Property_CommPrgPrev	=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'topfieldsat', 'programprev'),
					c_Property_CommPrgNext	=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'topfieldsat', 'programnext'),
					c_Property_Codes			=> array('p1','p2','p3','p4','p5','p6','p7','p8','p9','p10','p11','p12'),
					c_Property_Names			=> array('ORF 1','ORF 2','ARD','ZDF','RTL','Sat 1','Pro 7','RTL 2','Kabel 1','VOX','N24','Sat 1'),
	      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			c_Device_OnkyoMain 		=> array(
				c_Property_Name 			=> 'OnkyoMain',
				c_Control_DevicePower 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 				=> 'Power',
					c_Property_CommPowerOn		=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'onkyoreceiver', 'mainpoweron'),
					c_Property_CommPowerOff		=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'onkyoreceiver', 'mainpoweroff'),
					c_Property_ConnectSocket	=> c_Comm_Onkyo,
					c_Property_CommPowerOn2		=> array(c_Comm_Onkyo, 'PWR', '01'),
					c_Property_CommPowerOff2	=> array(c_Comm_Onkyo, 'PWR', '00'),
				c_Control_Muting => array(
					c_Property_Name 				=> 'Mute',
					c_Property_CommMute 			=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'onkyoreceiver', 'mute'),
					c_Property_CommMuteOn 		=> array(c_Comm_Onkyo, 'AMT', '01'),
					c_Property_CommMuteOff 		=> array(c_Comm_Onkyo, 'AMT', '00'),
				c_Control_Volume => array(
					c_Property_Name 				=> 'Volume',
					c_Property_MinValue        => 0,
					c_Property_MaxValue        => 100,
					c_Property_Limit        	=> 60,
					c_Property_CommVol			=> array(c_Comm_Onkyo, 'MVL', c_Template_Value),
				c_Control_Mode => array(
					c_Property_Name 				=> 'Listening Mode',
					c_Property_CommMode			=> array(c_Comm_Onkyo, 'LMD', c_Template_Code),
					c_Property_Names				=> array(
						"Pure Audio","Surround","Film","THX", "Action", "Musical", "Orchestra", "Unplugged", "Studio-Mix",
						"All Ch Stereo","Theater-Dimensional", "Enhanced 7/Enhance","Mono","Full Mono","DTS Surround Sens",
						"Audyssey DSX","Straight Decode*1","Dolby EX*2","Dolby EX+DSX","THX Cinema","THX Surround EX","THX Music",
						"PLIIx Movie","PLIIx Music","PLIIx Game",
					c_Property_Codes				=> array(
					   "00", "01",
						 "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "08", "09", "0A",
						"0B", "0C", "0D", "0E", "0F", "13", "15",
						"16", "40", "41", "A7", "42", "43", "44",
					   "80", "81", "86",
	      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			c_Device_OnkyoZone2 => array(
				c_Property_Name 				=> 'OnkyoZone2',
				c_Control_DevicePower 		=> array(
					c_Property_Name 				=> 'Power',
					c_Property_CommPower			=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'onkyoreceiver', 'zone2power'),
					c_Property_CommPowerOn		=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'onkyoreceiver', 'zone2poweron'),
					c_Property_CommPowerOff		=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'onkyoreceiver', 'zone2poweroff'),
					c_Property_ConnectSocket	=> c_Comm_Onkyo,
					c_Property_CommPowerOn2		=> array(c_Comm_Onkyo, 'ZPW', '01'),
					c_Property_CommPowerOff2	=> array(c_Comm_Onkyo, 'ZPW', '00'),
				c_Control_Muting 				=> array(
					c_Property_Name 				=> 'Mute',
					c_Property_CommMuteOn 		=> array(c_Comm_Onkyo, 'ZMT', '01'),
					c_Property_CommMuteOff 		=> array(c_Comm_Onkyo, 'ZMT', '00'),
					c_Property_CommMute        => array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'onkyoreceiver', 'mutez2'),
				c_Control_Volume 				=> array(
					c_Property_Name 				=> 'Volume',
					c_Property_MinValue        => 0,
					c_Property_MaxValue        => 100,
					c_Property_Limit        	=> 75,
					c_Property_CommVol 			=> array(c_Comm_Onkyo, 'ZVL', c_Template_Value),
	      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			c_Device_OnkyoTuner 			=> array(
				c_Property_Name 				=> 'OnkyoTuner',
				c_Control_RemoteSource 		=> array(
					c_Property_Name 				=> 'Source Control',
					c_Property_Names       		=> array('src="../user/Entertainment/Remote_OnkyoTuner.php"  height=110px'),
				c_Control_iRemoteSource 		=> array(
					c_Property_Name 				=> 'iPhone Source Control',
					c_Property_Names       		=> array('src="../user/Entertainment/iRemote_OnkyoTuner.php"'),
				c_Control_Program 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'Program',
					c_Property_CommPrg		=> array(c_Comm_Onkyo, 'PRS', c_Template_Code),
					c_Property_CommPrg2		=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'onkyotuner', c_Template_Code2),
					c_Property_CommPrgPrev	=> array(c_Comm_Onkyo, 'PRS', 'DOWN'),
					c_Property_CommPrgPrev2	=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'onkyotuner', 'up'),
					c_Property_CommPrgNext	=> array(c_Comm_Onkyo, 'PRS', 'UP'),
					c_Property_CommPrgNext2	=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'onkyotuner', 'down'),
					c_Property_Codes			=> array('01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08'),
					c_Property_Codes2			=> array('p1','p2','p3','p4','p5','p6','p7','p8'),
					c_Property_Names			=> array('Arabella','Antenne','Kronehit Radio','Radio Wien','Radio Noe','OE 3','88.6','Hit FM'),
	      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			c_Device_NetPlayer 		=> array(
				c_Property_Name 			=> 'NetPlayer',
				c_Control_DevicePower 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'Power',
					c_Property_CommPowerOn		=> array(c_Comm_NetPlayer, 'netplayer', 'poweron'),
					c_Property_CommPowerOff		=> array(c_Comm_NetPlayer, 'netplayer', 'poweroff'),
				c_Control_RemoteSource 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'Source Control',
					c_Property_CommRemSrc	=> array(c_Comm_NetPlayer, 'netplayertype', c_Template_Value),
					c_Property_Names       	=> array(NP_RC_MP3CONTROL,
				c_Control_iRemoteSource 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'Mobile Control',
					c_Property_Names       	=> array(NP_RC_MOBILE),
				c_Control_RemoteSourceType => array(
					c_Property_Name 			=> 'Source Control Type',
	      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

	// ========================================================================================================================
	// Defintion of Source Configuration
	// ========================================================================================================================
	function get_SourceConfiguration() {
	   return array (
	      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			c_Room_LivingRoom => array(
				0 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 	=> 'TV',
					c_Property_Output => 	array(c_Property_Device 	=> c_Device_PhilipsTV,
														 	c_Property_CommSrc	=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'philipstv', 'tv'),
														 	c_Property_CommSrc2	=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'philipstv2', 'tv')),
				1 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 	=> 'VCR',
					c_Property_Input => 		array(c_Property_Device 	=> c_Device_PanasonicVCR),
					c_Property_Output => 	array(c_Property_Device 	=> c_Device_PhilipsTV,
														 	c_Property_CommSrc	=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'philipstv', 'hdmiside'),
														 	c_Property_CommSrc2	=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'philipstv2', 'hdmiside')),
				2 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 	=> 'Tuner',
					c_Property_Input => 		array(c_Property_Device 	=> c_Device_YamahaTuner),
		 			c_Property_Output => 	array(c_Property_Device 	=> c_Device_YamahaMain,
															c_Property_CommSrc	=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'yamahareceiver', 'tuner')),
				3 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 	=> 'Net Player',
					c_Property_Input => 		array(c_Property_Device 	=> c_Device_NetPlayer),
		 			c_Property_Output => 	array(c_Property_Device 	=> c_Device_YamahaMain,
															c_Property_CommSrc	=> array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'yamahareceiver', 'cd')),
	      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			c_Room_Wellness => array(
				0 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 	=> 'Kabel',
					c_Property_Input => 		array(c_Property_Device 	=> c_Device_TopfieldSat),
		 			c_Property_Switch => 	array(c_Property_Device 	=> c_Device_OnkyoMain,
															c_Property_CommSrc	=> array(c_Comm_Onkyo, 'SLI', '01')),
					c_Property_Output => 	array(c_Property_Device 	=> c_Device_SanyoBeamer)
				1 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 	=> 'Bluray',
					c_Property_Input => 		array(c_Property_Device 	=> c_Device_PanasonicBD),
		 			c_Property_Switch => 	array(c_Property_Device 	=> c_Device_OnkyoMain,
															c_Property_CommSrc	=> array(c_Comm_Onkyo, 'SLI', '10')),
					c_Property_Output => 	array(c_Property_Device 	=> c_Device_SanyoBeamer)
				2 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 	=> 'VCR',
					c_Property_Input => 		array(c_Property_Device 	=> c_Device_PanasonicVCR),
		 			c_Property_Switch => 	array(c_Property_Device 	=> c_Device_OnkyoMain,
															c_Property_CommSrc	=> array(c_Comm_Onkyo, 'SLI', '00')),
					c_Property_Output => 	array(c_Property_Device 	=> c_Device_SanyoBeamer)
				3 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 	=> 'OnkyoTuner',
					c_Property_Input => 		array(c_Property_Device 	=> c_Device_OnkyoTuner),
		 			c_Property_Output => 	array(c_Property_Device 	=> c_Device_OnkyoMain,
															c_Property_CommSrc	=> array(c_Comm_Onkyo, 'SLI', '24')),
				4 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 	=> 'Net Player',
					c_Property_Input => 		array(c_Property_Device 	=> c_Device_NetPlayer),
		 			c_Property_Output => 	array(c_Property_Device 	=> c_Device_OnkyoMain,
															c_Property_CommSrc	=> array(c_Comm_Onkyo, 'SLI', '23')),
	      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			c_Room_Sauna => array(
				0 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 	=> 'OnkyoTuner',
					c_Property_Input => 		array(c_Property_Device 	=> c_Device_OnkyoTuner),
		 			c_Property_Output => 	array(c_Property_Device 	=> c_Device_OnkyoZone2,
															c_Property_CommSrc	=> array(c_Comm_Onkyo, 'SLZ', '24')),
				1 	=> array(
					c_Property_Name 	=> 'Net Player',
					c_Property_Input => 		array(c_Property_Device 	=> c_Device_NetPlayer),
		 			c_Property_Output => 	array(c_Property_Device 	=> c_Device_OnkyoZone2,
															c_Property_CommSrc	=> array(c_Comm_Onkyo, 'SLZ', '23')),
	      // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  /** @}*/

OK, alles klar, Du hast meine Konfiguration übernommen, ich schalte aber meinen Onkyo per IRTrans Ein und Aus, da er das über LAN aus dem Standby nicht unterstützt:

                c_Control_DevicePower     => array(
                    c_Property_Name                 => 'Power',
                    c_Property_CommPowerOn        => array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'onkyoreceiver', 'mainpoweron'),
                    c_Property_CommPowerOff        => array(c_Comm_WinLIRC, 'onkyoreceiver', 'mainpoweroff'),
                    c_Property_ConnectSocket    => c_Comm_Onkyo,
                    c_Property_CommPowerOn2        => array(c_Comm_Onkyo, 'PWR', '01'),
                    c_Property_CommPowerOff2    => array(c_Comm_Onkyo, 'PWR', '00'),

→ Du mußt also die „primären“ Kommandos direkt mit dem Onkyo Interface belegen, dann sollte es klappen:

                c_Control_DevicePower     => array(
                    c_Property_Name                 => 'Power',
                    c_Property_ConnectSocket    => c_Comm_Onkyo,
                    c_Property_CommPowerOn       => array(c_Comm_Onkyo, 'PWR', '01'),
                    c_Property_CommPowerOff    => array(c_Comm_Onkyo, 'PWR', '00'),

logisch! Hab ich übersehen. Jetzt gehts!!

Danke brownos


kann ich den aktuellen Status des Receivers (Onyko NR509) abfragen?
Also ob er momentan an ist? Wie die aktuelle Lautstärkeeinstellung ist? Welche Quelle gewählt ist? …


Für die Rückmeldung musst Du als Zielskript das …OnkyoRcv Skript angeben. Wenn Du dann die Lautstärke änderst z.B. sollte IPS das „mitbekommen“.

Für den 509 haben de Codes allerdings nicht alle gestimmt. Die kann ich bei Bedarf gerne posten.

Gesendet von meinem Transformer Prime TF201 mit Tapatalk 2

der tn-rx818 kann ja auch im standby über lan angesteuert werden

allerdings ging das nicht per entertainment script.

bzw eher noch interessanter die rückmeldung. geht das mit den codes aus dem script? oder braucht der wieder andere?


ich möchte an dieser Stelle mal auf diesen Thread hinweisen:


Wäre schön wenn wir da eine nette Sammlung aller bis jetzt eingebundenen Reciever hinkriegen. :slight_smile:

Gruß soundman33


hatte schon vor einigern Jahren mal mit dem 509er geliebäugelt. Nun ist mein Samsung Komplettsystem anscheinend defekt. Also evtl. neue Chance für Onkyo - diesmal den TX-NR535.

Gibt es damit Erfahrungen bzw. IPS-Anbindung? Könnte das immer noch nach dem „alten“ Prinzip (CDMS) gehen?