Möhlenhoff Alpha 2

Schade, kann mir keiner helfen?
Bekomme diesen Fehler irgendwie nicht weg…

Was gibt es denn für Fehler?


Hatte ich ja geschrieben oder sieht man den Post nicht?:sweat_smile:
Er nimmt die Werte nicht an, wenn ich diese per web Interface einstelle. Egal ob über die Visualisierung oder direkt aus der Konsole heraus.
Ich Stelle das auf z.b 22 Grad. Es wird für ein paar Sekunden angezeigt, springt dann aber wieder auf den Wert zurück, der am Wandthermometer eingestellt ist.
Die ist Temperatur wird immer korrekt angezeigt und auch die Soll Temperatur wird aktualisiert wenn ich das per Wandthermometer einstelle.

Hi @Paresy,

Could you please add the status variable ‚Boiler‘ to the list of variables? It needs to tell me if the Boiler needs to be switched on or off. Based on this variable I want to switch on or a pump or a heatpump. I don’t want to put a cable between the Alpha 2 unit and the pump or boiler (they are located in the cellar). I like to control the actual switching of the Boiler from IPS.

Adding the ‚Pump‘ variable would also be very nice !


Good morning @paresy,

I tried to find the XML setting about the status of the Pump and Boiler switches myself but sadly I couldn’t find them in your scripts (looked at the github code). I know you are busy therefor hoping I could do it myself :wink:

I found a release note from Mohlenhoff saying they added the ‚Transfer of the pump and boiler status in two new XML tags via the XML interface.‘ As of software/firmware version 2.10 it should be possible to collect the status of the pump and boiler. I have version 2.17. Looking at your code it looks like you programmed it BEFORE the 2.10 release.

Update 9-11-23 : 10:23, I found the variables, YES!

<PUMP_ISACTIVE>1</PUMP_ISACTIVE> //obviously this is the pump :wink:
<RELAIS_ISACTIVE>0</RELAIS_ISACTIVE> //the boiler relais.

Now adding these to your code, thats another thing!



I noticed that a few days ago the code in github has been changed. I can’t find if the two variables that I desperately need are added. It’s not something I will do myself (no idea even if this is possible).

Could these two variables be added ?


Can you try to modify the file yourself?

You will need to add two lines → Probably like this:

'PUMP_ISACTIVE'              => ['Name' => 'Pumpe Aktiv', 'Type' => 0, 'Profile' => '~Switch', 'Action' => true, 'Position' => 50],
'RELAIS_ISACTIVE'              => ['Name' => 'Relais Aktiv', 'Type' => 0, 'Profile' => '~Switch', 'Action' => true, 'Position' => 50],


Du könntest dir diese Zeile einkommentieren und dann im Debug nachsehen, ob die Werte immerhin richtig übermittelt werden.

So ne richtige Idee habe ich nicht, was da sonst schief laufen kann.


Habe mal was anderes getestet,

es gab ja diesen Fehler Möhlenhoff Alpha 2 - #17 von MarekG der mit der Beta behoben wurde. Anscheinend braucht man immer noch die Beta Version, da man mit der anderen noch immer den Fehler bekommt.
Jedenfalls habe ich heute mal eine neue Instanz für die Heizung angelegt und mit der funktioniert es.
Da ist meine Instanz wohl irgendwie defekt und ich muss die neu anlegen was ?
Ist zwar viel Arbeit aber geht wohl nicht anders.


Okay, wow ich bin echt blind.
Aus irgendwelchen Gründen hatte ich bei jeder Variable „Soll Temperatur“ ein Aktionsskript hinterlegt.
Also nicht bestimmtes, sondern wohl einfach nur bei Aktionsskript auf Automatisch erstellen. Warum auch immer. Wurde das für irgendwas benötigt oder kommt das irgendwie noch aus einer alten Version?
Nachdem ich das überall gelöscht habe, scheint es zu funktionieren.



I am not a developer and no intentions to become one. I like to invest and automate things but not on a level that I need to go trough things like github, forks, branches etc. . Developing modules etc is not my cup of tea. This is where I draw a line, sorry.

Given the fact it’s cold and I needed the RELAIS_ISACTIVE value to control the heater I now pulled a cable trough the house. Took me a Sunday to do this but it’s done. Adding these two values may cost maybe 5 to 10 minutes and would have been quicker. That’s live ;).

I forked something in github, good luck with it.


Hi Robert,

i think there is a slight misunderstanding. The idea was to patch the file on your live system to give me a hint if the patch may work. If this is too much - i could have helped. But glad to see you found a workaround for you. I do not own this device and releasing beta versions without testing is not so cool :wink:

On your SymBox you can use WinSCP and you will find the file in den /var/lib/symcon/modules/.store folder (There should be one more folder for the Moehlenhoff, which you need to go into)

If you are still interested - we can work together on this one - or if your workaround is good enough, than i am more than happy to leave it as is.


Ich suche für 3 Heizkörper genau so etwas. Aber es scheint, dass es diese Alpha 2 nicht mehr gibt!?


That’s a big relieve, I was afraid I had to go all the way on github changing your code. Thinking I had to do branches etc. :crazy_face:. Not a good idea!

No problem to be a beta tester. Will be happy to this.

On your SymBox you can use WinSCP and you will find the file in den /var/lib/symcon/modules/.store folder (There should be one more folder for the Moehlenhoff, which you need to go into)

I added the two lines to the file module.php thats located in the directory /var/lib/symcon/modules/.store/de.symcon.moehlenhoff/Alpha2.

Now the next step ;). How do I get these variables to be initialized? How do I reload this module again?

Thanks for the help!


I made a mistake, sorry!!!
As you can see PUMP_ISACTIVE is part of PUMP_OUTPUT and RELAIS_ISACTIVE is part of RELAIS

Looking at the xml-structure I think it should be:

Makes it:

 	"PUMP_OUTPUT/PUMP_ISACTIVE"      => ['Name' => 'Pumpe Aktiv', 'Type' => 0, 'Profile' => '~Switch', 'Action' => true, 'Position' => 50],
	"RELAIS/RELAIS_ISACTIVE"         => ['Name' => 'Relais Aktiv', 'Type' => 0, 'Profile' => '~Switch', 'Action' => true, 'Position' => 50],

When I hit ‚Gerate Auslezen‘ it throws an error.

Object with ident PUMP_OUTPUT_PUMP_ISACTIVE could not be found in /mnt/data/symcon/modules/.store/de.symcon.moehlenhoff/Alpha2/module.php on line 804


Warning: Variable #0 does not exist in /mnt/data/symcon/modules/.store/de.symcon.moehlenhoff/Alpha2/module.php on line 804

For sure I am doing something wrong, hahaha. Hopefully you can help.
I uploaded an XML file for reference.

actual_static.xml (14,9 KB)

Sorry for the delay. I uploaded a new Beta Version into Module Store. Can you check if the variable are now created and if everything works?
